Chinese Modernization | Solves Difficult and Worries to Create High Quality Life Xi Jinping | Community | Life

Release time:Apr 14, 2024 11:18 AM

The happy life of the people is the "greatest of the country" in the hearts of General Secretary. The report of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China emphasizes: "We will take more measures that benefit people's livelihoods and warm their hearts, focus on solving the urgent and difficult problems that the people are looking forward to, improve the basic public service system, improve the level of public services, enhance balance and accessibility, and solidly promote common prosperity."

Through high-quality development and efficient governance, enabling people to live a high-quality life is the ultimate ideal vision of common prosperity. How to enable people to enjoy a higher quality of happy life? Let's take a look at Zhejiang's exploration in this area.

Building a modern basic unit for common prosperity is an innovative measure for Zhejiang to build a high-quality life. At present, Zhejiang is focusing on creating three types of basic unit samples that cover different regions: urban basic unit - future community, rural basic unit - future countryside, and urban-rural integration basic unit - urban-rural style model area.

Today we will go to the Future Community to take a look. What is a future community? It is a new urban functional unit that revolves around the service needs of the entire community life chain, with a value orientation of humanization, ecology, and digitization, and constructs nine future scenarios: neighborhood, education, health, entrepreneurship, architecture, transportation, energy, property, and governance. Among them, Zhejiang's Future Community has specially created innovative service scenarios around issues of special concern, such as "one elderly and one young".

Chinese Modernization | Solves Difficult and Worries to Create High Quality Life Xi Jinping | Community | Life

How to integrate old residential areas with the "future", and how to solve problems such as "difficulty in seeking medical treatment" and "difficulty in eating" for the elderly? Follow the reporter's camera to take a look.

Revitalizing the New Life of Elderly People in Old Residential Areas

The Doutan community in Kecheng District, Quzhou, Zhejiang used to be a typical old residential area, with over 80% of the population aged 60 and above. The infrastructure was outdated and there was a lack of elderly friendly facilities. In 2019, Doutan Community, which was in the stage of renovating dangerous old houses, joined the creation of Future Community in Zhejiang Province.

In addition to demolishing dangerous buildings and carrying out hardening and greening projects, the community has also built various elderly friendly facilities and nursing homes. Now, the old community has taken on a new look, and residents have also started a new life.

Chinese Modernization | Solves Difficult and Worries to Create High Quality Life Xi Jinping | Community | Life

66 year old Wei Ganmei is an old resident of Doutan Community. Now, she only walks five minutes from home to the community's health station. Inquiring, purchasing medication, and processing reimbursement can be completed at the doorstep for minor illnesses like this. In the "smart medical room" introduced in the community, intelligent terminal devices such as remote diagnosis and treatment all-in-one machines, intelligent medication purchasing machines, and medical insurance self-service have greatly improved the medical efficiency of residents and can meet their long-term health management needs.

During lunchtime, the elderly shared cafeteria in the community is very lively, and 81 year old Qiu Kongsong is a regular here. Because the child has been living in another city for a long time, the shared cafeteria for the elderly has solved his daily eating problem.

Qiu Kongsong, a resident of Doutan Community in Kecheng District, Quzhou, Zhejiang: It will be here in three to four minutes. As elderly people, especially those who live alone, eating here saves a lot of trouble.

Intelligent terminals and community volunteers have been specially designed for the convenience of elderly people's lives both online and offline in the future community. The shared cafeteria supports dine in customers to pay through facial recognition through information input, and some elderly people with limited mobility can also place orders through mobile phones. Volunteers will provide meal assistance services.

Chinese Modernization | Solves Difficult and Worries to Create High Quality Life Xi Jinping | Community | Life

In addition to making every effort to solve the living difficulties of elderly people such as difficulty in seeking medical treatment and eating, there will also be places such as senior universities in the future community to meet the spiritual and cultural needs of elderly residents.

Yan Leshan, a resident of Doutan Community in Kecheng District, Quzhou, Zhejiang: I think the elderly should be like me. Why do you always look down and discouraged like this? We just want to live each day happily. I will be 80 years old next year, but I still want to maintain this mentality and live on.

Wang Wenying, a resident of Doutan Community in Kecheng District, Quzhou, Zhejiang: It seems that we haven't retired yet because we have a good place to go and care about us every day. My family's affairs should be done quickly, and we need to go to the elderly activity center to be happy and joyful.

In the future community, we see the wisdom, convenience, and comfortable life of the elderly. What will the children gain in the future community? What sense of future will children have in their growth space beyond inclusive childcare?

Chinese Modernization | Solves Difficult and Worries to Create High Quality Life Xi Jinping | Community | Life

Reviving youthful vitality in young communities

In 2021, Yangliujun Community was established as a future community. The affiliated street will provide idle land and places in the community to childcare institutions for free, and develop inclusive services through public and private construction. In addition, the future community has also introduced kindergartens and primary schools, allowing children to enjoy professional educational service resources at their doorstep.

Residents of Yangliujun Community in Shangcheng District, Hangzhou, Zhejiang: It is very convenient, and this is still the most practical. Otherwise, if the distance is too far, picking up and dropping off can be quite troublesome.

This children's exploration route in the community is designed from the perspective of children and has a dedicated "children's skateboard parking space". The nature art education classroom set up here regularly invites children to come outdoors and experience nature.

Chinese Modernization | Solves Difficult and Worries to Create High Quality Life Xi Jinping | Community | Life

Sharing, co building, and co governance. In the future community, children also have a voice in building their own growth space. On the weekend, an observation group activity titled "How to make the community environment more beautiful" was held on the public lawn of the community. The children living in the future community became the protagonists of this activity.

Zhang Qinyu, a resident of Yangliujun Community in Shangcheng District, Hangzhou, Zhejiang: I think this activity is actually quite meaningful. It can protect the community and make it better.

In the Yangliujun community, in addition to children's growth receiving much attention, the cultural life and social needs of young people can also be met. The community has established 21 interest communities, inviting residents to serve as community leaders and regularly organizing activities. Gao Dongxin is the organizer of the music community. He has organized 18 concerts and has also created a unique "community music hall" in public spaces.

Gao Dongxin, a resident of Yangliujun Community in Shangcheng District, Hangzhou, Zhejiang: Our community is a community with a particularly large number of young people. Therefore, we want to use our hobbies to encourage more young people to step out of their homes, make friends together, and strengthen our neighborhood relationships.

Chinese Modernization | Solves Difficult and Worries to Create High Quality Life Xi Jinping | Community | Life

Ma Yaping, Secretary of the Party Committee of Yangliujun Community in Shangcheng District, Hangzhou, Zhejiang: Through more than 400 activities held in our community every year, we meet the needs of residents of different age groups. At the same time, we also tap into the diverse young people in the community to encourage more young people and children to participate in our community, making our community more youthful and vibrant.

What is the central concept for building future communities in Zhejiang? It is to solve the problem of imbalanced and unreasonable allocation of public service resources, and to gather public service resources around residents through the creation of physical space, so as to promote community construction from building houses to "building life". Starting this year, Zhejiang Province has been promoting the construction of future communities across the entire region, with clear goals: to create around 1500 future communities by 2025, covering about 30% of urban communities in Zhejiang Province; By 2035, we aim to achieve comprehensive coverage of future communities.

Common prosperity carries the people's longing and expectation for a better life, and 2035 also carries people's infinite imagination of the vision of common prosperity. The report of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China proposes that by 2035, more significant substantial progress will be made in achieving common prosperity for all people. For Zhejiang, which has taken the lead in achieving common prosperity, it will basically achieve common prosperity by 2035.

What does common prosperity look like in everyone's eyes? What are everyone's aspirations and expectations for the future? Multiple reporters from the headquarters took to the streets for interviews, and let's listen to everyone's thoughts on common prosperity.

Chinese Modernization | Solves Difficult and Worries to Create High Quality Life Xi Jinping | Community | Life

Hai Cai: 2035 in Your Eyes

Sheng Junkai, a student at Chongwen Experimental School in Hangzhou, Zhejiang: I believe that common prosperity refers to the cooperation, hand in hand, and development of urban and rural people towards the future.

Chen Ying, a teacher at Chongwen Experimental School in Hangzhou, Zhejiang: In my eyes, common prosperity may be that rural children have the same learning platform as urban children.

Xu Jingmei, the person in charge of Yangmei Professional Cooperative in Shangyu District, Shaoxing, Zhejiang: Common prosperity means that our cooperative gets rich, sells this Yangmei, drives farmers, and sells their Yangmei.

Chinese Modernization | Solves Difficult and Worries to Create High Quality Life Xi Jinping | Community | Life

Li Qiaoling, a citizen of Hangzhou, Zhejiang: In Zhejiang, there are beautiful countryside. Through unified planning and transformation, the countryside has become a new countryside like a garden.

Shen Lingmei, a villager from Xinlian Village, Puyuan Town, Tongxiang, Zhejiang: We have built small western-style houses and villas in our rural areas. The environment in the village is also particularly beautiful, and even the people in the city envy our rural life now.

Zhejiang University students: Many volunteer teaching activities are conducted online, breaking down distance or spatial barriers and allowing more educational opportunities to reach rural children.

Ding Zhuyi, a villager from Zijing Village, Yuhang District, Hangzhou, Zhejiang: Do the current thing, do your current job well, and do what you need to do beautifully.

Chinese Modernization | Solves Difficult and Worries to Create High Quality Life Xi Jinping | Community | Life

Zhang Liping, the person in charge of a Gongfu workshop in Qingtian County, Zhejiang Province: After years of working in clothing processing, she wants to bring her own skills back and let the women around us increase their income and become rich through her own labor.

Zhejiang University student Wang Xiao: After graduation, I will also be an elective student stationed in the village for two years. I really hope that in my future work, I can truly do some practical things related to people's livelihoods and also serve the people of a certain area.

Pan Lianjuan, a resident of Jinchan Community in Wenzhou, Zhejiang: It's unimaginable, it's getting better and better.

Tourists: Regardless of the economy and people's livelihoods, they are getting better and better. The people will live a happier life, right.

Chinese Modernization | Solves Difficult and Worries to Create High Quality Life Xi Jinping | Community | Life

Zhejiang Leqing Youth Returning Home Maker Ye Smiles: At that time of common prosperity, I believe that the people who stayed here had different spirits and appearances, and everyone's wallets were also different, bulging. I believe that by 2035, more local people will return to their hometowns to start businesses and attract more makers from all over the country to come to us. After all, we have such good natural resources, and green mountains and clear waters are like mountains of gold and silver. I believe that the scene in 2035 will be even more different.

Tourists: In terms of technology, they will definitely be among the forefront of the world.

Dr. Shen Xiaoming from the First People's Hospital of Pinghu City, Zhejiang Province: I hope that by 2035, our local people can enjoy better medical services without leaving their towns or counties.

Wang Dan, a resident of Changxing County, Zhejiang Province: The combination of having a rich head and a rich pocket is unified because I believe that with a rich head, we have poetry and distant places in our hearts. After having a rich pocket, I believe we will have more happiness, security, and sense of achievement.

Chinese Modernization | Solves Difficult and Worries to Create High Quality Life Xi Jinping | Community | Life

Exploring the Road to Common Prosperity at the Foot

We have seen that Zhejiang prioritizes high-quality development and lays out a development strategy for common prosperity; Promote coordinated regional development and cherish the concept of "mountains and seas" for common prosperity; Guide the reform of distribution to expand and lower, and allocate resources for common prosperity to increase revenue; Create a harmonious coexistence between natural and social ecology, and create an ecological circle for mutual prosperity; Build a high-quality life and create a harmonious and beautiful scroll for mutual prosperity.

Exploring the path of common prosperity in Zhejiang, the road is at our feet. We see grassroots cadres taking the initiative to become "matchmakers" and deepening their awareness and actions in serving the development of enterprises and industries; We have seen the exploration of using market methods to make ecology "valuable", which has awakened a deeper understanding of the "priceless" nature of ecology; We also see exploring ways to guide and ensure the sustainable development of skilled talents through legislation.

Of course, exploring the path of common prosperity in Zhejiang is not the only path to common prosperity, nor is it an insurmountable ceiling. We want to achieve common prosperity for 1.4 billion people, not all people are prosperous at the same time, nor are all regions reaching the same level at the same time. The path of common prosperity in different regions lies at their own feet. The only constant is the responsibility of taking initiative and daring innovation; A strategy of adapting to local conditions and times; Enable the promising government and efficient market to exert a 1+1>2 effect; Let the fruits of high-quality development be truly transformed into a high-quality life for the people.

Chinese Modernization | Solves Difficult and Worries to Create High Quality Life Xi Jinping | Community | Life

Common prosperity lies beneath our feet. Let's relay and set off!

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