Call the people's soldiers!, There is a sense of security in walking | old. Chen Hongjun | Sense of Security

Release time:Apr 14, 2024 12:25 PM

Seeing the first act, I feel safe!


Live to the fullest——

"For you, countless times",

Call the people's soldiers!, There is a sense of security in walking | old. Chen Hongjun | Sense of Security

Instantly, there was a sense of visuals.

Just these two days, right now,

Some people have been steadily caught because of them ↓↓


Call the people's soldiers!, There is a sense of security in walking | old. Chen Hongjun | Sense of Security

Thrilling to the point of danger——

Seeing this picture, I feel scared ↓↓

Behind the dam lies a village,

Once the landslide breaks the embankment, I can't imagine

Call the people's soldiers!, There is a sense of security in walking | old. Chen Hongjun | Sense of Security

Urgent action taken overnight,

Those who run to the collapsed area regardless of safety,

It's them,

More than 8000 sandbags were used to reinforce the dam for over 30 meters.

Call the people's soldiers!, There is a sense of security in walking | old. Chen Hongjun | Sense of Security

Perhaps many villagers under the dam have not yet realized this dangerous situation,

I was firmly protected first.

The typhoon passed through, and it was they who rushed towards the rescue line.

Lifting, supporting, pulling, salvaging, pushing, lifting, carrying

Call the people's soldiers!, There is a sense of security in walking | old. Chen Hongjun | Sense of Security

Scratch, carry, support, block

Following their desperate movements,

You can see clearly who they are for ↓↓


Call the people's soldiers!, There is a sense of security in walking | old. Chen Hongjun | Sense of Security

Seemingly familiar——

Every time a dangerous current surges,

We know they will definitely come.

25 years ago, during the 1998 flood control,

Call the people's soldiers!, There is a sense of security in walking | old. Chen Hongjun | Sense of Security

These are the hands,

It's this fearless lift,

It's like this young and dark face——


Call the people's soldiers!, There is a sense of security in walking | old. Chen Hongjun | Sense of Security

Day after day——

Yesterday, despite the heavy rainstorm,

The flag raising ceremony at Tiananmen Square remains unchanged,

The resounding steps of Chinese soldiers are still the same!

Call the people's soldiers!, There is a sense of security in walking | old. Chen Hongjun | Sense of Security

In 365 days of perseverance,

We see something called faith,

Always consistent, always hot.


Call the people's soldiers!, There is a sense of security in walking | old. Chen Hongjun | Sense of Security

Scorching hot——

The moment he bent down to pick up the national flag,

You just know,

This blush will never be absent. 🇨🇳

Call the people's soldiers!, There is a sense of security in walking | old. Chen Hongjun | Sense of Security


Silent and unheard of——

The soldier picking up the national flag,

Later on, when he scrolled through the screen, everyone found out that his name was Yuan Jinshuang,

Call the people's soldiers!, There is a sense of security in walking | old. Chen Hongjun | Sense of Security

During the 70th anniversary of the National Day parade,

It's the flag bearer standing in the middle!

At Tiananmen Square and on the mountaintop of the horizon,

The lights of every household, along with the mountains and rivers of our motherland,

Call the people's soldiers!, There is a sense of security in walking | old. Chen Hongjun | Sense of Security

Being guarded by them steadily,

Most of the time, we don't know their names.

It has the hardest scales

Karakoram Border Defense Warriors ↓↓

Call the people's soldiers!, There is a sense of security in walking | old. Chen Hongjun | Sense of Security

He laughed and said, "The greatest swordsman is for the country and the people.",

I am also a "Great Xia" frontier guard of Xizang Military Region ↓↓


Tearful eyes——

Call the people's soldiers!, There is a sense of security in walking | old. Chen Hongjun | Sense of Security

Some people,

The first time you know their names,

It was when he was the youngest,

When he sacrificed himself in the last battle for his country and people.

Call the people's soldiers!, There is a sense of security in walking | old. Chen Hongjun | Sense of Security

Chen Hongjun, Chen Xiangrong, Xiao Siyuan, Wang Zhuoran,

We are no longer unfamiliar with the names of the four martyrs guarding the border.

They bring their youth, blood, and even life,

I stayed on the Karakoram Plateau and built an impregnable boundary monument.

Call the people's soldiers!, There is a sense of security in walking | old. Chen Hongjun | Sense of Security

When looking back on their deeds,

The most heart wrenching ones are still those that could have been:

Chen Hongjun,

I couldn't wait until my son was born. He could have taught him to shout "Dad" while holding onto the "Little Red Army"

Call the people's soldiers!, There is a sense of security in walking | old. Chen Hongjun | Sense of Security

Xiao Siyuan,

There was a beautiful photo of a beautiful girl in his wallet, and he could have, as he longed for it, said, "Marry her, make her a lifelong dish..."

Wang Zhuoran,

He could have survived, but when he saw his comrade slip and be rushed downstream, he rushed forward and pushed four of his comrades ashore one after another. However, his legs were tightly stuck by rocks at the bottom of the river

Call the people's soldiers!, There is a sense of security in walking | old. Chen Hongjun | Sense of Security

Chen Xiangrong,

There are two unfinished letters in the relic, and every time he writes "Dear Mom", he stops writing. He could have saved up his missing words for the next reunion.

They are not neglecting their family,

But what needs to be protected behind is the entire country. 😭

Call the people's soldiers!, There is a sense of security in walking | old. Chen Hongjun | Sense of Security


Fearless to——

Border hero, open your arms, unforgettable to this day!

They were once fearless,

Call the people's soldiers!, There is a sense of security in walking | old. Chen Hongjun | Sense of Security

Now we live fearlessly.



The Wenchuan earthquake was a shock, tears welled up in my eyes!

Call the people's soldiers!, There is a sense of security in walking | old. Chen Hongjun | Sense of Security

If a group of people are willing to break their bones for you,

The faith of this group of people,

It must be worthy of your respect.


Call the people's soldiers!, There is a sense of security in walking | old. Chen Hongjun | Sense of Security

Surprised to the point of——

Soldiers, with a single "arrival", a lifetime of arrival!

It was only later that I found out:

Chengdu War on Epidemic,

Call the people's soldiers!, There is a sense of security in walking | old. Chen Hongjun | Sense of Security

Nearly 30000 retired soldiers rushed forward and became volunteers.

When the epidemic prevention situation in Xi'an is severe,

Tens of thousands of retired soldiers stepped forward at critical moments

At that time, the person who scanned the entire network,

Call the people's soldiers!, There is a sense of security in walking | old. Chen Hongjun | Sense of Security

Volunteers carrying 8 bags of vegetables to deliver to residents,

It's veteran Yu Zheming!

He served in the Air Force for 16 years and talked about taking the initiative to volunteer,

It's just a sentence like "brush off your clothes after the incident",

Call the people's soldiers!, There is a sense of security in walking | old. Chen Hongjun | Sense of Security

"It is said that veterans' if there is war, they will be called back '..."


Feeling emotional——

We don't live in a peaceful world,

Call the people's soldiers!, There is a sense of security in walking | old. Chen Hongjun | Sense of Security

But it's fortunate to have a peaceful motherland.

At the end of April this year,

While gunshots were still ringing in the capital of Sudan,

The Chinese military dispatched naval vessels to rush for rescue,

Call the people's soldiers!, There is a sense of security in walking | old. Chen Hongjun | Sense of Security

More than 1500 compatriots safely withdrew from the war-torn areas.

When boarding the ship, a compatriot couldn't help but burst into tears:

"I was so moved to see the People's Liberation Army of China!"

The 2015 Yemen War,

Call the people's soldiers!, There is a sense of security in walking | old. Chen Hongjun | Sense of Security

The Chinese Navy escort fleet will proceed immediately,

The evacuation of 571 Chinese citizens took only 2 days!

In 2011, Libya was plagued by gunpowder,

When Chinese employees are trapped and extremely fearful,

Call the people's soldiers!, There is a sense of security in walking | old. Chen Hongjun | Sense of Security

On the third day of the war, our country's warships arrived!

There is a sense of security,

It's called "ends of the earth and corners of the sea.",

The soldiers of the people will safely take you home.

Call the people's soldiers!, There is a sense of security in walking | old. Chen Hongjun | Sense of Security


Warm heart to——

"We won't leave you behind."

At the dock,

Call the people's soldiers!, There is a sense of security in walking | old. Chen Hongjun | Sense of Security

The soldiers who evacuated overseas have told our compatriots.

On the streets,

When a soldier comforted a lost grandmother, he also said,

"Soldiers won't leave you behind!"

Call the people's soldiers!, There is a sense of security in walking | old. Chen Hongjun | Sense of Security

And as you know, in many cases,

Even if they don't have time to say much,

The warmth is all in the gentle and firm actions.

When rushing to save someone ↓↓

Call the people's soldiers!, There is a sense of security in walking | old. Chen Hongjun | Sense of Security

When reminding parents to cover their children's ears ↓↓

When cautiously pushing the old man across the road ↓↓

Understand that they are both ordinary people like us,

After understanding that they were wearing military uniforms,

Call the people's soldiers!, There is a sense of security in walking | old. Chen Hongjun | Sense of Security

What was abandoned, what was provoked,

What have you sworn to protect to the death,

I understood their cuteness

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