Building a Community with a Shared Future of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization -- President Xi Jinping's important speech at the 23rd meeting of the Council of Heads of State of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization will gather strength for the development and growth of the SCO and keep in mind the original mission of the SCO Heads of State Summit

Release time:Apr 14, 2024 01:48 AM

Xinhua News Agency, Beijing, July 4th. Title: Keep in mind the original mission and build a community with a shared future for the Shanghai Cooperation Organization -- President Xi Jinping's important speech at the 23rd meeting of the Council of Heads of State of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization will gather strength for the development and growth of the SCO

Xinhua News Agency reporter

"The great road is not isolated, and everyone strives to go far. The Shanghai Cooperation Organization conforms to the current trend of the times and the direction of human progress, and will definitely continue to develop and grow with our joint efforts."

This is an important multilateral diplomatic action taken by China towards the Asia Europe region this year.

In his speech, President Xi Jinping emphasized the need to shoulder the important tasks entrusted by the times, keep in mind the original mission, adhere to unity and cooperation, put forward five suggestions on the future development of the SCO, and announced a series of pragmatic measures to build consensus for the development of the SCO. Regional peace, development and prosperity inject more certainty and stability, and inject new and powerful impetus into the construction of a closer SCO community with a shared future.

Promoting the "Shanghai Spirit" and continuously injecting new vitality into the development of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization

Over the past 10 years, the concept of a community with a shared future for mankind has been widely recognized and supported by the international community, and is being transformed from a concept into action and from a vision into reality.

"In this process, the Shanghai Cooperation Organization is at the forefront of the times, upholds the concept of a community with a shared future for mankind, promotes the'Shanghai Spirit', and builds a community with a shared future for the Shanghai Cooperation Organization." In his speech, President Xi Jinping reviewed this course from five aspects and summed up the development experience of the SCO--

"We uphold the fine tradition of mutual assistance and solidarity," "we practice a common, comprehensive, cooperative, and sustainable security concept," "we uphold the development concept of innovation, coordination, green, openness, and sharing," "we inherit the spirit of good neighborliness and friendship," "we uphold international fairness and justice, and oppose hegemonic and hegemonic practices.".

Ding Xiaoxing, Director of the Eurasian Institute of the China Institute of Modern International Relations, stated that from a bilateral perspective, China and multiple member states of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization have reached an agreement on building a bilateral community with a shared future, playing a leading role in demonstration; From a regional perspective, the Shanghai Cooperation Organization plays a positive role in promoting peace, stability, development, and prosperity in the region and even the world, becoming a united and progressive force on a global scale. This is exactly what it should be to build a community with a shared future for mankind.

Looking back at the past is to better face the future. In the current complex and changing international situation, the Shanghai Cooperation Organization should bear in mind its original intention of working together, promote the "Shanghai Spirit", strengthen unity and cooperation, and contribute to world peace and development.

This summit officially accepted Iran as a member state of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization and approved the signing of a memorandum of understanding on Belarus' obligations to join the organization. Since then, the number of SCO member states has increased to 9. More and more countries are applying to join the SCO family, fully demonstrating that the concept of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization is deeply rooted in people's hearts and its development prospects are widely optimistic.

Li Yongquan, President of the China Russia East Europe Central Asia Society, believes that since the establishment of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization, it has established a new model of international relations that emphasizes mutual respect, fairness and justice, and win-win cooperation. More and more countries are realizing that the Shanghai Cooperation Organization is not a closed and exclusive "small circle", but an open and inclusive "big family", and is a new type of international organization with vitality and vitality. I believe that the addition of new members will help the Shanghai Cooperation Organization to exert a positive impact on a larger scale.

Leading the Way and Promoting the Shanghai Cooperation Organization to Achieve New Development

The current world is intertwined with turmoil, and the century long changes are accelerating. Human society is facing unprecedented challenges. Unity or division? Peace or conflict? Cooperation or confrontation?

Facing the question of the times, President Xi Jinping firmly answered--

"The aspiration of people from all countries for a better life is our pursuit, and the trend of peace, development, cooperation, and win-win is unstoppable."

Sun Zhuangzhi, Director of the Russian Institute for Eastern European and Central Asian Studies at the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, stated that the more turbulent the situation is, the more it is necessary to have a clear judgment of the historical development trend, so as not to be disturbed by fog or hindered by difficulties, and to lead a country or an international organization in the right direction.

In recent years, the Shanghai Cooperation Organization has been growing and expanding, facing both rare development opportunities and unprecedented risks and challenges.

"We must shoulder the important tasks entrusted by the times, keep in mind our original mission, persist in unity and cooperation, and inject more certainty and positive energy into the maintenance of world peace and development." President Xi Jinping put forward five suggestions in this regard--

"Grasp the correct direction, enhance unity and mutual trust, maintain regional peace, ensure common security, focus on practical cooperation, accelerate economic recovery, strengthen exchanges and mutual learning, promote people to people communication, practice multilateralism, and improve global governance.".

Li Yongquan stated that unity and mutual trust are important prerequisites and foundations for the development of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization. Common security is a universal expectation of people of all countries and a necessary condition for promoting economic development and personnel exchanges among SCO member states. At the same time, the prosperity and development of the economy, as well as the exchange and mutual learning of civilizations, also contribute to enhancing unity and mutual trust among member states, achieving common security, promoting the continuous development and growth of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization, and better safeguarding international fairness and justice.

Sun Zhuangzhi stated that the three major initiatives are important public goods provided by China to the world, with rich connotations and significant significance. The Chinese side expresses a positive willingness to work with all parties to implement the three major initiatives, which not only has a significant positive impact on the Shanghai Cooperation Organization, but also helps to further enrich the profound connotations of China's proposals and initiatives.

Focusing on action and pragmatic cooperation, continuously achieving new results

This year marks the 10th anniversary of the "the Belt and Road" initiative. China will hold the third "the Belt and Road" International Cooperation Summit Forum.

A number of SCO member states started early, cooperated deeply and achieved many results in the joint construction of the "the Belt and Road".

"We should jointly build the the Belt and Road, which will play a huge role in tapping our development potential." "The China Pakistan Economic Corridor is the flagship project of the the Belt and Road, the road to connectivity, peace, prosperity and cooperation." "We should promote the construction of the China Kyrgyzstan Uzbekistan railway, and on this basis, study multi line intermodal transport." Many leaders at the meeting expressed their positive will to jointly build the "the Belt and Road" with China in high quality.

Deng Hao stated that a series of solid and profound cooperation achievements have stimulated strong willingness from all parties to further strengthen cooperation, and also activated the broad development space of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization. From the "dual wheel drive" of security and economic cooperation to the multi track progress of the "four communities", the Shanghai Cooperation Organization has embarked on a path of mutual benefit and common prosperity, in which China has played a unique role.

At this summit, President Xi Jinping further put forward a series of cooperation initiatives and announced a series of practical measures--

"Expanding the local currency settlement share of our organization's countries", "Promoting the establishment of our organization's development bank", "Implementing the Youth Professional Farmers Empowerment Action", "In the next three years, China will provide 1000 international Chinese teacher scholarships and 3000" Chinese Bridge "summer camps to our organization's countries, inviting 100 young scientists to participate in scientific research exchanges", "China will also hold theme activities such as rural revitalization and addressing climate change"... "

Ding Xiaoxing said that these initiatives and measures cover multiple fields such as security, economy and trade, and humanities. They are both long-term oriented and practical, and meet the development needs of various countries, demonstrating China's leading role as a founding member state.

At this summit, leaders of member states signed and issued the New Delhi Declaration of the Council of Heads of State of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization, jointly issuing a statement on combating extreme cooperation, a statement on cooperation in the field of digital transformation, approving a series of resolutions on granting Iran status as a member of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization, signing a memorandum of obligations for Belarus to join the Shanghai Cooperation Organization, and discussing the economic development strategy of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization until 2030.

Experts said that with the joint efforts of President Xi Jinping and leaders of various countries, the summit has achieved a series of important cooperation results, which will further promote the continuous development and growth of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization, strengthen exchanges with observer countries, dialogue partners, and international and regional organizations such as the United Nations. Be a builder of world peace, a contributor to global development, and a defender of the international order.

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