Building a bridge for people-to-people exchanges and mutual understanding - President Xi Jinping’s letter to the opening of the 14th China-U.S. High-Level Tourism Dialogue triggered a warm response

Release time:May 23, 2024 05:25 AM

Xi'an, May 22: Building a bridge for people-to-people exchanges and mutual understanding - President Xi Jinping's letter to the opening of the 14th China-US Tourism High-Level Dialogue triggered a warm response

On May 22, President Xi Jinping sent a letter to the opening of the 14th China-U.S. High-Level Tourism Dialogue. Guests from China and the United States who participated in the high-level dialogue and people interviewed at home and abroad said that the letter fully reflects President Xi Jinping’s great emphasis on promoting personnel exchanges through tourism cooperation and continuing China-U.S. friendship through people-to-people and cultural exchanges, and serves as a basis for further bringing together the people of the two countries. to inject strong impetus into the cause of Sino-US friendship.

President Xi Jinping pointed out in his letter: "This year marks the 45th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between China and the United States. The foundation of China-US relations was laid by the people, the door of China-US relations was opened by the people, the story of China-US relations was written by the people, and the future of China-US relations will also be written by the people. It will be created jointly by the two peoples.”

Listening to President Xi Jinping's letter live, Ke Rulong, Chairman of Visa Asia Pacific Region, said that he listened to President Xi Jinping's important speech in San Francisco last November and today once again felt that President Xi attaches great importance to the friendship between the Chinese and American people. Feel inspired.

Adam Foster, chairman of the Helen Foster Snow Foundation in the United States, said in an interview with reporters that Sino-US relations are one of the most important bilateral relations in the world. Building a bridge of friendship between the two peoples through tourism and other means not only plays an important role in the stable and healthy development of Sino-US relations, but also helps build a better world.

"It's great to come to China again!" "Besides my hometown, what I love most is China." "Forty years ago, when I was young, I participated in an exchange program in Xi'an. I am very happy to come here again. "When the two peoples meet face to face, they can begin to understand each other." At the high-level dialogue, many American guests sincerely expressed their expectations for China and the United States to promote tourism cooperation.

Last November, the heads of state of China and the United States reached an important consensus on facilitating personnel exchanges and promoting people-to-people and cultural exchanges during their meeting in San Francisco. In this letter, President Xi Jinping said: "Tourism is an important bridge for exchanges and mutual understanding between the people of China and the United States. We warmly welcome American tourists to travel to China, make friends with China, experience Chinese culture, visit beautiful mountains and rivers, and experience it for themselves The real China.”

Yi Yongping, chairman of Jiangxi Pingxiang Cultural Tourism Development Group Co., Ltd., who attended the event, said that the people of China and the United States have a strong desire to strengthen mutual exchanges and enhance mutual understanding. President Xi Jinping’s letter is encouraging to tourism practitioners.

"Since the beginning of this year, Pingxiang City has received nearly 20,000 inbound tourists, including nearly 100 American tourists. We look forward to taking this China-U.S. High-Level Tourism Dialogue as an opportunity to see more and more American tourists come to China to appreciate China's great rivers and mountains and experience The charm of Chinese culture," said Yi Yongping.

Robert Lawrence Kuhn, chairman of the Kuhn Foundation, said that President Xi Jinping has maintained extensive exchanges with people from all walks of life in the United States over the years. President Xi Jinping warmly invited American tourists to come to China and encouraged the two peoples to strengthen exchanges and exchanges. This is exactly what the two countries need at the moment. It is expected that China and the United States will introduce more convenient measures to promote a new upsurge in people-to-people and cultural exchanges between the two countries.

Dai Bin, President of the China Tourism Academy, listened to President Xi Jinping’s letter on the spot and was confident that China and the United States would promote people-to-people friendship through tourism cooperation: “Looking back at the past, it was under the guidance of heads of state diplomacy that the two countries carried out high-quality tourism Cooperation and people-to-people exchanges. Looking into the future, following the guidance of President Xi Jinping’s letter, the two countries will surely achieve steady improvement in the quality of tourism services and continued growth in the scale of tourist exchanges.”

Zhang Kexiong, assistant general manager of China Tourism Group Travel Service Co., Ltd., said: "We will use the spirit of President Xi Jinping's letter as a guide to implement the national inbound tourism promotion plan and open up payment, customs clearance, reservations, and services for foreign tourists, including American tourists. Communication, language, Internet and other inbound travel congestion points will build more bridges of friendship between people of different countries.”

Han Decai, executive director of A&K International Travel Company Greater China, said that the resumption of the China-US high-level tourism dialogue is a concrete action to promote the transformation of the "San Francisco Vision" into reality. We look forward to strengthening exchanges and interactions with the Chinese business community.

Liang Xuecheng, director of the Department of Tourism Management at Northwest University, said that the holding of this China-U.S. High-Level Tourism Dialogue has allowed the people of China and the United States to see that the door to "two-way travel" tourism is open. This is a positive and important signal for the development of tourism in both countries and the world. It is of great significance for promoting the recovery and development of the tourism economy, promoting cultural exchanges between China and the United States, and deepening mutual understanding between the people.

Zhou Bing, chairman of Shaanxi Tourism Group, said that "helping the 'San Francisco Vision' turn into reality" is both an opportunity and a responsibility for Chinese tourism companies. As a tourism enterprise, we will actively implement the spirit of President Xi Jinping’s letter, further develop the Sino-US tourism market with practical actions, promote exchanges and exchanges between the two peoples with more and better tourism cooperation products, and contribute to the stable, healthy and sustainable development of Sino-US relations. .

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Tan Thi Huan Rong
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