Building a better world, uniting and cooperating with the Shanghai Cooperation Organization | Destiny | Construction

Release time:Apr 14, 2024 02:01 AM

Guided by the Shanghai Spirit, the Shanghai Cooperation Organization will create a brighter and better future, making greater contributions to promoting world peace and development, and maintaining international fairness and justice.

Leaving the forefront of the times

Cohesive development force

The concept of a community with a shared future for mankind has been widely recognized and supported by the international community for the past 10 years, and is being transformed from a concept to action and from a vision to reality.

In 2018, President Xi Jinping proposed to build a community with a shared future of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization at the Qingdao Summit of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization. "Establishing the common concept of building a community with a shared future for mankind" was written into the Qingdao Declaration and became an important political consensus and goal of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization.

Deng Hao, Secretary General of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization Research Center in China, stated that the concept of a community with a shared future for mankind has become a common concept among the Shanghai Cooperation Organization countries, winning broad consensus and consolidating strong development forces.From the "dual wheel drive" of security and economic cooperation to the multi track progress of the "four communities", the Shanghai Cooperation Organization has embarked on a path of mutual benefit and common prosperity, in which China has played a unique role.

Ding Xiaoxing, Director of the Eurasian Institute of the Chinese Academy of Modern International Relations, stated that the Shanghai Cooperation Organization is at the forefront of the times in promoting the construction of a community with a shared future for mankind due to its profound reasons. For over 20 years, member states of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization have adhered to the "Shanghai Spirit" of mutual trust, mutual benefit, equality, consultation, respect for diverse civilizations, and pursuit of common development, successfully exploring a new path for the growth and growth of international organizations. Building a community with a shared future for mankind is also a consensus among the member states of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization, which is in line with the Shanghai spirit. Through pragmatic cooperation to seek common development, maintain regional security, and promote cultural exchanges, the Shanghai Cooperation Organization has achieved many achievements in focusing on peace and development, in which China has made tremendous contributions.

Su Xiaohui, associate researcher of the Chinese Academy of International Studies, said that this year marks the 10th anniversary of the concept of a community with a shared future for mankind and the initiative of jointly building the "the Belt and Road". The series of international public goods proposed by China are highly in line with the development needs of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization countries. From safety and development to health and hygiene, China is committed to building platforms, bridging differences, consolidating consensus, and deepening cooperation to help the Shanghai Cooperation Organization achieve stable and far-reaching development, and fruitful cooperation in various fields. The diplomatic practice of a major country with Chinese characteristics has demonstrated China's positive contribution to improving global governance.

Raise the banner of cooperation high

Jointly facing risks and challenges

In recent years, the Shanghai Cooperation Organization has been growing and expanding, facing both rare development opportunities and unprecedented risks and challenges.Experts believe that the five suggestions are in line with the development needs of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization countries, should bear in mind their original aspirations and missions, adhere to unity and cooperation, and inject more certainty and positive energy into maintaining world peace and development.

Against the backdrop of the severe and complex international situation and increasingly intensified geopolitical competition, the Shanghai Cooperation Organization firmly practices the "Shanghai Spirit", always holds high the banner of cooperation, firmly upholds the international system centered on the United Nations and the international order based on international law, and promotes the development of global governance towards a more just and reasonable direction.

It is worth noting that China is willing to work with all parties to implement the Global Development Initiative, Global Security Initiative, and Global Civilization Initiative, and has committed to conducting digital technology talent training, hosting green development forums, and thematic activities such as rural revitalization and addressing climate change. "The Chinese side has not only provided conceptual guidance, but also promised specific action plans, which will inject new vitality into the future development of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization."

Sun Zhuangzhi, Director of the Russian Institute for Eastern European and Central Asian Studies at the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, stated that the more turbulent the situation is, the more it is necessary to have a clear judgment of the historical development trend, so as not to be disturbed by fog or hindered by difficulties, and to lead a country or an international organization in the right direction. The Global Development Initiative, Global Security Initiative, and Global Civilization Initiative are important public goods provided by China to the world, with rich connotations and significant significance. The Chinese side expresses a positive willingness to work with all parties to implement these initiatives, which not only has a significant positive impact on the Shanghai Cooperation Organization, but also helps to further enrich the profound connotations of China's proposals and initiatives.

Showcasing vitality and vitality

Make greater contributions

The Shanghai Cooperation Organization conforms to the current trend of the times and aligns with the direction of human progress, and will definitely continue to develop and grow with our joint efforts. The resounding words demonstrate firm confidence. This summit officially accepted Iran as a member state of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization and approved the signing of a memorandum of obligations for Belarus to join the organization. Since then, the number of Shanghai Cooperation Organization member states has increased to 9. Experts unanimously believe that the SCO family showcases vitality and will make greater contributions to world peace and development in the future.

The Shanghai Cooperation Organization does not engage in selecting sides and standing in line, but rather expands cooperation extensively. The accession of new member states will effectively enhance cooperation capabilities in various fields, and also contribute to maintaining regional security and stability, promoting development and prosperity.

Li Ziguo, Director of the Eurasian Research Institute of the China Academy of International Studies, stated that after years of development, the Shanghai Cooperation Organization has expanded its geographical coverage and membership, indicating that the "Shanghai Spirit" has been widely recognized and once again showcasing its vitality, cohesion, and attractiveness. In today's world, with intertwined changes and accelerated evolution over the past century, developing countries have a stronger desire for peace and development. They generally hope to solve security issues through development and create a stronger development environment by maintaining common security. The attractiveness of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization is even more prominent.

Deng Hao stated that an increasing number of countries are applying to join the "SCO family", which fully demonstrates that the concept of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization is deeply rooted in people's hearts and its development prospects are widely optimistic. Member countries vigorously promote the "Shanghai Spirit", advocate dialogue and cooperation, firmly uphold true multilateralism, call for enhancing the voice of developing countries, and provide a new path for global governance.

Ding Xiaoxing believes that the Shanghai Cooperation Organization is an important force that cannot be ignored in promoting world peace and development, and maintaining international fairness and justice. The Shanghai Cooperation Organization, which conforms to the trend of the times and the direction of human progress, will undoubtedly make new and greater contributions to the noble cause of human peace and development.

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