Building a Better Rural Life, the Beauty of Countryside | One of the "Ten Million Project" Revelations: Human Settlement Environment | Rural | Revelation

Release time:Apr 13, 2024 22:23 PM

Xianju is a beautiful countryside with clear mountains and clear waters, clean and tidy. Photo provided by the Propaganda Department of Xianju County Committee

Summarizing the experience of promoting the "Ten Million Project" and continuing to deepen the "Ten Million Project" in the new era is of great significance for promoting Chinese path to modernization in Zhejiang Province. Today, Tide News launched a series of reports, "The Revelation of Ten Million Project", which aims to observe the profound changes in various fields of rural areas in Zhejiang, take the experience of rural development in Zhejiang as the blueprint, find the micro password of Chinese path to modernization, and help build a model for rural revitalization in an all-round way.

Leaving the entrance of Shenxianju Expressway, after a 20 minute drive, Yangzhuang Village in Hengxi Town of Xianju leaps into view. On the mountainside is a Yangmei greenhouse, and at the foot of the mountain are scattered farmhouses. Intangible cultural heritage workshops, rural art museums, and others are distributed among them.

The village party branch secretary Lou Jianjun likes to tell the story of a slipper. "In the past, when children played around and dropped their slippers on the road, it was like getting into a garbage dump. They couldn't find them for a long time and didn't want them back." He sighed, relying entirely on the improvement of the living environment. The mountain village, which was filled with outdoor manure pits and garbage, became a beautiful home.

The report of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China pointed out that "Chinese path to modernization is a modernization in which people and nature coexist in harmony." Zhejiang has implemented the "Ten Million Project" for 20 years, expanding the connotation and extension of building a livable, professional and beautiful countryside from promoting the modernization of "things" to promoting the modernization of "people".

From one village to the entire area. For the past 20 years, with the "Ten Million Project" as the overall driving force, Zhejiang has taken the rectification of the "dirty, disorderly and poor" environment as the first move, comprehensively promoted the "Three Revolutions" of rural living environment, and painted a rural background of blue sky, clean land, and clear water. At present, the province plans to retain a 100% coverage rate of village domestic sewage treatment, achieve basic "zero growth" and "zero landfill" of rural domestic waste, fully cover rural sanitary toilets, and the quality of rural living environment ranks among the top in the country.

Why can the "Ten Million Project" profoundly reshape the rural residential environment, and how can it provide rural samples for Chinese path to modernization? In recent days, journalists have been squatting in Xianju to gaze at the entire province and capture the path of change.

No one size fits all approach

By squatting in Xianju, we can feel that from Yangzhuang Village to Xiaye Village in the well-known Danzhu Township, the investment in environmental improvement and the refinement of rural houses and landscapes are not as good as those in famous villages in northern Zhejiang. However, fortunately, the mountains and waters are beautiful, clean and tidy, and the countryside has a rural flavor.

"The foundation of mountainous counties is weak, and the rural foundation is poor. From pollution control, toilet improvement to garbage classification, we encourage everyone to do as much as they have money, not to do neat and uniform planning, and not to carry out a 'gust of wind' rectification." Ying Weizhong, Deputy Director of the Agriculture and Rural Bureau of Xianju County, admitted.

Yangzhuang Village, located at the junction of Hengxi Town and Butou Town, was originally part of the "dual neglect" area and is known for its dirty and disorderly appearance. A few years ago, Xianju launched a pilot project for garbage classification. The two committees of the new village volunteered to obtain a budget of 500000 yuan to clean up old garbage and debris, fill dry toilets and stagnant water pools, and mobilize villagers to convert open spaces into "shared vegetable gardens". Lou Jianjun smiled and said, "Now the ground in the village is clean enough to roll."

Building a Better Rural Life, the Beauty of Countryside | One of the "Ten Million Project" Revelations: Human Settlement Environment | Rural | Revelation

Not only does it cost a small amount of money to accomplish great things, but the local government also fully respects the laws of rural development. To control non-point source pollution of livestock and poultry, Gande Village has not implemented a "one size fits all" ban on pig farming, but instead has allowed pigs to be centralized and chickens and ducks to be released for a limited period of time, which not only protects the environment but also opens up channels for increasing income.

There are significant regional differences and uneven economic and social development in rural areas of Zhejiang province. The principle of promoting the "Ten Million Project" has always been to tailor measures to local conditions, scientifically plan, and implement classified policies based on local development level, fiscal capacity, and farmers' acceptance level.

Currently, Zhejiang is building a new picture of "Ten Million Projects" with "Thousand Villages Leading, Ten Thousand Villages Revitalizing, Global Prosperity, and Urban Rural Harmony". The improvement of living environment is a fundamental project that lays the foundation for rural areas, and it is also a continuous evolution process that accompanies the optimization of urban and rural spatial layout and population agglomeration.

At present, Xianju is promoting "micro renovation and fine upgrading", customizing plans for 21 key villages surrounding the Shenxianju scenic area to enhance the appearance of the villages.

Anji, the birthplace of beautiful rural areas, benchmarks the future goals of rural construction by eliminating blind spots between villages and building a new rural pattern that showcases natural and cultural characteristics through village clusters, regional cooperation, and other forms

There is no standard answer to the organic renewal of rural living environment. How to coordinate with counties as a unit, starting from the stages of rural development and the differences in rural areas, grasp the direction and find the focus, this is the inspiration brought by the "Ten Million Project" and also a topic left for the present.

Activate human energy

The "Ten Million Project" originates from the sentiment of benefiting the people. Over the past 20 years, each stage of work has its own focus, but the original intention of putting the people at the center remains unchanged.

It has been proven that by thinking about the needs of farmers and addressing the most urgent issues in the development of agriculture, rural areas, and farmers, we can continuously strengthen the mass foundation of rural construction.

Yangzhuang Village is an example. Witnessing the effectiveness of environmental improvement, in the past two years, the village has built "beautiful courtyards" and renovated the exterior facades of houses. Before the village cadres were mobilized, villagers actively signed up and started working... With everyone working together, the village was successfully promoted to a 3A level scenic village. In March this year, the village held a Rhododendron Festival, which attracted nearly 10000 tourists. And this in turn stimulates the endogenous motivation of villagers to improve the environment.

This also enlightens us that in the new era and new journey, we must not only focus on the "key small things" that the people are most concerned about, polish the rural background, but also make every effort to transform "beautiful achievements" into "beautiful economy", broaden the channels for farmers to increase their income and wealth, in order to promote more significant and substantial progress in the common prosperity of agriculture and rural areas.

Building a Better Rural Life, the Beauty of Countryside | One of the "Ten Million Project" Revelations: Human Settlement Environment | Rural | Revelation

The rural areas of Zhejiang are a bit different from other places. Due to the early start of rural tourism, e-commerce and other industries, rural areas have become a new living space for tourists, local elites, young people, and others. How can these groups activate their energy, with both new needs and a new perspective on urban-rural development?

Xiaye Village has created a "green coin" - green behaviors such as garbage classification and non use of disposable toiletries. A certain amount of "green coin" can be calculated, which can be used to offset room fees, exchange items, etc. Tourists participate in environmental protection actions, and also alleviate the contradiction between tourism development and ecological carrying capacity.

Qingshan Village in Yuhang District, Hangzhou has innovated an organization that attracts more than 70 new and old villagers, including designers, architects, and craftsmen, and named it "Qingshan Tongxin Hui". They came up with plans and strategies to protect the reservoir, using bamboo and tile stones to build walls and chairs, making Xiaoshan Village a model for future living in rural areas.

From this perspective, the improvement of living environment has also brought about changes in rural governance methods.

The implementation of the "Ten Million Project" is becoming increasingly difficult, and improving the living environment faces new requirements such as exploring individual characteristics and enhancing cultural charm. How to mobilize and mobilize the masses, stimulate the enthusiasm of diverse subjects to participate in public affairs, and build a new pattern of co construction, co governance, and sharing, or the key to writing the second half of the article well.

After all, rural development ultimately depends on people.

The key to rectification lies in long-term effectiveness

Regular maintenance of the house is essential for long-term living, as is the living environment.

During the squatting period, Ye Fangjun, the secretary of the Party branch of Shangye Village in Baita Town, Xianju, was somewhat worried. Seizing the opportunity to expand the Shenxianju Tourist Resort, Shangye Village transformed from a poor village with dilapidated houses to a new village with luxurious buildings. Nowadays, 45 homestays have opened one after another, and markets and restaurants have been put into use. How to maintain the environment has become a headache. "The collective economy of the village is relatively weak, and the cost of hiring people to clean is not small. There are still rural customs in the countryside, and it is difficult to manage the stacking of miscellaneous items in the courtyard."

During the renovation of the living environment, the phenomenon of building but difficult to manage and neglecting often occurs. Some rural public toilets have been built and not used, forming spider webs; In some places, garbage classification follows a new pattern in one year, an old pattern in two years, and a failure in three years, resulting in dust accumulation in the trash cans.

Improving the environment is not a one-time effort. One important reason for the success of the "Ten Million Project" is also due to the continuous efforts made over the past 20 years.

Building a Better Rural Life, the Beauty of Countryside | One of the "Ten Million Project" Revelations: Human Settlement Environment | Rural | Revelation

"We need to turn short-term tasks into long-term mechanisms." Wang Mingqi, Secretary of the Party Committee of Gande Village in Baita Town, said that the implementation of garbage classification is supported by the villagers, but people may have laziness, and over time, they may "fish in troubled waters." Therefore, the village has set a "rule" - cleaners come to collect garbage at regular times, inspect according to standards, and deduct 20 yuan for each failure; Villagers also supervise cleaners, and collect and transport non compliant items, deducting 50 yuan at a time; Deductions should be recorded first and settled uniformly when the village collective economy dividends are distributed at the end of the year.

This measure has stimulated the self-awareness of villagers and helped Gande Village to be awarded the titles of Provincial Forest Village and Provincial Ecological Civilization Education Base.

In the Pujiang River, water and green protection are included in village regulations and agreements, providing a standardized basis for every aspect of environmental governance; Anji has formulated 45 long-term management standards, including rural hygiene and cleaning, landscaping, etc. In addition, grassroots initiatives such as the "barrel length system", "pond length system", and "river length system" have been introduced from Zhejiang to the whole country.

These institutional innovations, while balancing positive incentives and reverse constraints, are in line with the work orientation of "Ten Million Project" to focus on grassroots, strengthen foundation, and consolidate basic work. They have played a fundamental and long-term role in the governance of rural living environment.

Currently, future rural construction is becoming increasingly popular. The use of modern technology to improve the normalized management system of living environment has also become a new trend. For example, in Wucheng District of Jinhua, a rural digital supervision platform covering the entire area was built, and the three-level management departments of "village township district" were connected. The average rectification rate of facility maintenance and other issues increased from 41% to 91.5%.

It is worth mentioning that rural affairs such as hygiene and cleaning, greening and maintenance are usually believed to be the responsibility of the government or village collective. However, various regions in Zhejiang province have innovated their ideas, introduced market mechanisms, and created a new model of long-term management and protection for beautiful rural areas. For example, in Anji, 90% of villages use urban property, with county financial incentives, township subsidies, village fundraising, and village contributions, which reduces financial burden and allows professionals to do professional work, transforming rural management concepts.

The reshaping of rural living environment not only makes the mountains greener and the water more beautiful, but also fundamentally changes the production and lifestyle of rural areas.

Reshaping, for the "desired life". Accelerate the integration of rules, mechanisms, standards with the new era, new trends, and new requirements, and continuously promote the modernization of harmonious coexistence between humans and nature. We believe that Zhejiang can make more examples.

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