Birds chirping in countless valleys! Not to disappoint the green mountains, try to see the thousand layered green of southern Guangdong, with the fragrance of flowers in four seasons. Guangdong | Total area | Southern Guangdong

Release time:Apr 14, 2024 21:37 PM

In August, the the Pearl River estuary is full of ripples. Chinese white dolphins in groups of three or two occasionally jump out of the water, foraging and playing. This water area with a total area of about 460 square kilometers is the the Pearl River Estuary Chinese White Dolphin National Nature Reserve in Guangdong. Not far away, the Hong Kong Zhuhai Macao Bridge stretches across the Lingding Ocean, like a giant dragon. On the bridge deck, traffic flows through, and on the sea surface, cargo ships shuttle like a shuttle. The picture of Chinese white dolphins "in the same frame" with the Hong Kong Zhuhai Macao Bridge is not uncommon in the busy the Pearl River Estuary. At present, Guangdong has 6 Chinese white dolphin nature reserves, which have become the most densely distributed area of Chinese white dolphins in the country.

Every step in the development process of Ecological China is shouldered by Guangdong's "green beauty".

As the largest province in China's economy, Guangdong is facing the South China Sea with its back to the Nanling Mountain Mountains. The the Pearl River flows with dense water network, abundant rainfall and heat, lush plants, and blooming all the year round. The forest coverage rate of the province reaches 53.03%. The quality of the ecological environment continues to improve. Green has increasingly become the bright background and surging momentum of high-quality development in Guangdong.

Last year, the surface water quality in Guangdong reached its best level in recent years, with an excellent water quality rate of 92.6% in the national examination section, completely eliminating the inferior Class V section. The atmospheric environment quality continues to improve at a high level, and the average concentration of PM2.5 in the province has dropped to 20 micrograms/cubic meter. The average concentration of PM2.5 in the Pearl River Delta has taken the lead in entering the "first letter" among the "three major economic circles".

On February 28th of this year, the Decision of the Guangdong Provincial Committee of the Communist Party of China on Deepening the Ecological Construction of Green and Beautiful Guangdong was officially released, outlining the "roadmap" for creating a green and beautiful Guangdong model of harmonious coexistence between humans and nature, and walking out of the new era where green mountains and clear waters are invaluable assets.

"Green and beautiful Guangdong", with such a strong family background, can be said to be not thick. However, in the face of the expectation of being at the forefront, Guangdong firmly anchored "Green Beauty" to higher goals from a higher starting point.

——By the end of 2027, the province will complete the optimization and improvement of forest stands by 10 million mu, and the forest nurturing by 10 million mu; Build a national forest city throughout the region; Leading the way in building a "dual garden" province of national parks and national botanical gardens

——By 2035, the province will complete the optimization of 15 million mu of forest stands; The proportion of mixed forests reaches over 60%, making it a green and beautiful Guangdong model that harmoniously coexists with nature.

Green and Beautiful as Bright: From "Dare Not Think" to "Unexpectedly"

Birds chirping in countless valleys! Not to disappoint the green mountains, try to see the thousand layered green of southern Guangdong, with the fragrance of flowers in four seasons. Guangdong | Total area | Southern Guangdong

Green mountains and clear waters can bring gold and silver, but gold and silver cannot be bought. Regarding pollution, Guangdong, which has once taken a detour, also has a deeper feeling.

Chaoshan, Guangdong. Lianjiang, named after its clear and winding river water, originates from Puning, Guangdong and flows into the sea in Chaoyang District, Shantou. In the 1990s, densely populated coastal areas, high water consumption, and high pollution textile printing and dyeing enterprises were rampant. The emphasis on development over pollution control led to severe pollution in Lianjiang. Accumulation is difficult to turn back, and in the eyes of many people at that time, it was almost impossible to treat this polluted river that had been polluted for more than ten years. A Chinese teacher from a local elementary school said, "When faced with essay questions like 'My Hometown', I really don't know how to teach children how to write."

Remembering pain after a painful experience. After the inspection report, with the high attention and support of the province, Shantou and Jieyang vigorously renovated Lianjiang. The 15 important tributaries in the Shantou section of the Lianjiang River Basin will be contracted in sections to force the implementation of the target tasks.

Starting from July 18, 2018, in just 5 days, the demolition work of 71 illegal buildings covering an area of 13000 square meters along the Gurao River was completed. After the demolition of illegal buildings was completed, Gurao Town accelerated the construction of the sewage pipe network. Starting from January 1, 2019, Shantou City will accelerate the construction of textile printing and dyeing parks, promote centralized enterprise entry, production, pollution control, and accelerate transformation and upgrading.

By the end of 2020, the national examination section of Lianjiang Haimen Bridge will eliminate Class V deterioration, and the overall water quality will reach the best level since 2004. The local traditional pillar industries are also moving towards clustered and high-quality development.

This year's Dragon Boat Festival, 13 teams from Xiazhai Haotan Bay in Heping Town, Chaoyang District competed in dragon boat races in the Lianjiang River Basin. Villager Mr. Ma told reporters, "I really can't think of a dragon soaring through the Lianjiang River and competing in the Dragon Boat Festival!"

In 2022, the excellent water quality rate of 149 surface water national control sections in Guangdong Province reached 92.6%, setting the best level since the assessment. The clear water and green banks, as well as the extension of green roads, have become a wonderful "green beauty" footnote in Guangdong with a dense water network.

Green Beauty as usual: From "the first time" to "every year so"

Zhanjiang, Guangdong. Zhanjiang Mangrove National Nature Reserve is the largest and most concentrated nature reserve for mangroves in China. In April this year, General Secretary visited Jinniu Island in Zhanjiang to inspect the growth of mangroves and the surrounding ecological environment on site. He emphasized that this mangrove forest is a "national treasure" and should be protected as well as the eyes.

Birds chirping in countless valleys! Not to disappoint the green mountains, try to see the thousand layered green of southern Guangdong, with the fragrance of flowers in four seasons. Guangdong | Total area | Southern Guangdong

Zhang Wei, Deputy Director of the Zhanjiang Mangrove National Nature Reserve Management Bureau, has a deep understanding of this. She told the CCTV reporter that since 2002, the number of bird species we have observed has increased from 194 to 312, and has continued to show a stable trend. What is even more valuable is that some rare species, such as the Chinese crested tern, the black billed crested tern, the black faced spoonbill, and the black billed gull, have gradually appeared in the reserve, for the first and second time, year after year.

He Tao, a young bird investigator in Zhanjiang Mangrove National Nature Reserve, still remembers the excitement of seeing the "bird of myth" Chinese crested tern in the reserve for the first time in 2018. "There are only about a hundred birds in the world! The moment I saw it with a telescope, I almost shouted out, but I could not restrain myself." He Tao kept his eyes close to the camera viewfinder, crawled on the mudflat, moved forward a little to adjust the angle, and pressed the shutter.

Due to its rarity, it is precious. As a critically endangered species in the world and also a nationally protected animal, the Chinese Crested Tern is known as the "mythical bird", demonstrating its rarity.

As one of the important bird areas in Guangdong Province, the mangrove forests in Zhanjiang are located on the East Asia Australia migration route, which is an important passage for migratory birds to overwinter and settle. He Tao said that whether the ecology is good or not is up to us. The rare migratory birds that are extremely sensitive to the environment are the final say. One visit doesn't count, it only counts every year.

In recent years, the global mangrove forest area has been decreasing as a whole, but China is one of the few countries in the world with a net increase in mangrove forest area. One decrease and one increase, indicating the difficulty of protection; Growing against the trend is truly precious. From east to west and from north to south, the mangroves growing against the trend in Fujian, Guangdong, Guangxi, Hainan... form a "green breakwater" to resist waves and protect the coast.

Green and picturesque: from "drawing blueprints" to "people in paintings"

A good ecological environment is the most equitable public good and the most inclusive welfare for people's livelihoods. The most fair and inclusive means co construction, co governance, and sharing. Being in it, everyone has responsibilities, experiences, and gains.

Guangdong follows the spatial layout of "nine cores, multiple points, two screens, and three networks", expands the service radius of parks, builds ecological barriers and green ecological water networks, and creates a diverse and interconnected ecological corridor network through the construction of a multi type park system

Ten years of trees, a hundred years of people. As is well known, the annual rings on every ancient tree record a long history. Nowadays, overlooking the land of Guangdong, the "green map" of harmonious coexistence between humans and nature is slowly unfolding on the land of southern Guangdong, and green is becoming the "background color" of high-quality development in Guangdong.

Birds chirping in countless valleys! Not to disappoint the green mountains, try to see the thousand layered green of southern Guangdong, with the fragrance of flowers in four seasons. Guangdong | Total area | Southern Guangdong

On the land of Lingnan, when you go out, you see green, and when you push the window, you see the scenery. In the evening, at the foot of Baiyun Mountain, a pair of young people are taking wedding photos in Yuntai Garden. Blue sky and clear water, red flowers and greenways. People laugh in the flowers, and the flowers are beautiful beside them, just like the people in a painting. The prospective groom told the front desk reporter, "I hope this blue sky and white clouds can witness their love."

Guangdong Province has a forest area of 143 million acres, with a forest coverage rate of 53.03%. There are 1361 nature reserves at or above the county level, with a recorded distribution of 1052 species of terrestrial vertebrate wildlife and 6658 species of wild higher plants. 14 prefecture level cities have been awarded the title of "National Forest City", and the Pearl River Delta Forest City Cluster has been basically completed.

Since the beginning of this year, Guangdong has created 193 demonstration sites for different types of green and beautiful ecological construction in Guangdong. Forest parks, wetland parks, scenic spots, and various planned parks have jointly formed a rich variety of point shaped ecological spaces. Through forest trails, greenways, green paths, ecological seawalls, and other facilities, a belt shaped ecological space is formed, forming a green and beautiful ecological network that connects mountains, seas, and harmoniously coexists.

The green mountains are endless, and the green waters are long gone.

Green Beauty Like Mine: From "Green Content" to "Gold Content"

Green mountains and clear waters are like mountains of gold and silver. The word "is" is of great weight. Only by making the green mountains and clear waters more beautiful can we make the mountains of gold and silver bigger.

People will not betray the green mountains, and the green mountains will not betray them. A villager said that with good ecology, there can be good air, good water sources, good soil, and the cultivation of good fruits, good rice, good tea, and good products. Moisturizing things silently. The concept of "ecology" has deeply rooted in people's hearts, and "environmental protection" has long been a concerted action.

Ecological products have become popular. Products nurtured based on ecology in various regions are flexibly switching between primary, secondary, and tertiary industries, complementing each other.

Maoming has lychee, longan, agarwood, orange red, and Sanhua plum. These "five trees" have enabled Maoming to upgrade its "small specialty" to a "big industry", and a modern agricultural industry cluster worth over 10 billion yuan is about to emerge. There is a "Wanlv Lake" at the source of the river. This lake area, with a total area of 1600 square kilometers, is known as the most precious "soft gold" in South China.

Birds chirping in countless valleys! Not to disappoint the green mountains, try to see the thousand layered green of southern Guangdong, with the fragrance of flowers in four seasons. Guangdong | Total area | Southern Guangdong

With a forest coverage rate of 53.03%, Guangdong has lived up to its "green" status, and the forestry industry has ranked first in the country for 13 consecutive years, accounting for about one tenth of the country's total. The role of forests as reservoirs, money banks, grain depots, and carbon reservoirs is becoming increasingly prominent with the construction of a green and beautiful Guangdong.

Good winds rely on borrowed strength. China's cumulative installed capacity of offshore wind power has ranked first in the world for two consecutive years. China's wind power looks at Guangdong. On August 11th, another large capacity 12 MW offshore wind turbine completed grid connection testing at the Guangdong Provincial Wind Power Offshore Test Base and is about to be officially put into use in Guangdong offshore wind farms.

Not only is it about exchanging wind and electricity, but also the development of hydropower, photovoltaics, and other energy sources is moving towards "clean and low-carbon". Not long ago, the National Energy Administration released data showing that as of the end of June, China's installed capacity of renewable energy reached 1.322 billion kilowatts, historically surpassing coal-fired power, accounting for approximately 48.8% of China's total installed capacity.

Anchoring the future, projects gather "energy", and industries move towards "new". Looking around, projects are rushing towards the "new" direction, forming a chain of beads, and the new energy industry system is beginning to take shape. In the first half of this year, Guangdong's production of new energy vehicles accounted for 28.74% of the country's total, ranking first in scale. One out of every four new energy vehicles in the country is made in Guangdong.

Green mountains and clear waters are like mountains of gold and silver. The word "is" is even more certain.

Every mountain is not green, every water is clear, with the fragrance of flowers and the chirping of birds in all seasons. They decorate the rivers and mountains with splendor and paint the land as a picturesque landscape.

The green journey never stops. Now looking at southern Guangdong, it's even more lush!

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