Beautiful China | Thick Plant Green Development Background Tourists | Scenery. Producer | Background color

Release time:Apr 14, 2024 22:28 PM

In August in Anji, Zhejiang, the greenery is strong and there are many tourists, creating a beautiful scenery in Jiangnan.

In just ten words, it is a profound insight into the laws of economic and social development, and also the theoretical basis for leading China towards the path of green development.

Plants and trees make a country rich. Since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, China has pressed the fast forward button for green development - becoming the country with the largest and fastest growth in forest resources, the largest area of artificial afforestation, and one of the countries with the fastest reduction in global energy consumption intensity; The scale of renewable energy development and utilization, as well as the production and sales of new energy vehicles, rank first in the world... High level ecological environment protection is adding new momentum to economic development.

From urban to rural areas, from production to daily life, China is increasing the "gold content" of growth with the "green content" of development.

The path of green transformation is constantly expanding

To practice that "green mountains and clear waters are like mountains of gold and silver", transformation is the key. How to turn, where to turn? This is a practical problem that must be solved.

Beautiful China | Thick Plant Green Development Background Tourists | Scenery. Producer | Background color

The article reads, "If these ecological advantages can be transformed into ecological and economic advantages such as ecological agriculture, ecological industry, and ecological tourism, then green mountains and clear waters will become golden mountains and silver mountains."

△ Anji Bamboo Sea

In Anji, Zhejiang, the lush bamboo sways in the wind. Nearly a million mu of bamboo forest is not only an ecological barrier in Anji, but also an important resource storage for enriching the people and increasing income.

As the birthplace of the concept of "green mountains and clear waters are as valuable as gold and silver", Anji creates 10% of the national bamboo industry output value with 1.8% of the country's bamboo production. Moreover, Anji's bamboo industry is achieving integrated development across the entire industry chain. It is expected that by the end of 2026, the total output value of the bamboo industry will exceed 25 billion yuan.

A bamboo pole supports the county's economy, a leaf enriches the local people, and a fruit supports an industry... The active exploration in various regions has proven that relying on a green family background, ecological, economic, and social benefits can be simultaneously improved.

△ Sichuan Yalong River Kela Photovoltaic Power Station

If green mountains and clear waters are visible green development, the "invisible" green is also being transformed into mountains of gold and silver.

Beautiful China | Thick Plant Green Development Background Tourists | Scenery. Producer | Background color

Sichuan is the largest clean energy production base and a national demonstration province for clean energy in China. In June of this year, the world's largest and highest altitude water solar complementary project, the Kola Phase I photovoltaic power station, was officially put into operation in Sichuan for power generation. Every year, it can save over 600000 tons of standard coal and reduce carbon dioxide emissions by over 1.6 million tons.

At the same time, the project construction combines the needs of local economic and social development, and through a series of measures such as "photovoltaic+employment" and "photovoltaic+infrastructure improvement", has brought comprehensive benefits of "photovoltaic+N" to the local area.

Nowadays, China's annual energy consumption growth rate of 3% supports an annual economic growth rate of 6.2%; The energy structure continues to be optimized, with non fossil energy generation capacity accounting for over 50% of China's installed capacity, historically surpassing fossil energy; The production and sales of new energy vehicles have ranked first in the world for 8 consecutive years

China is shifting towards a stage of high-quality development, and the supporting role of the ecological environment is becoming increasingly evident. The path of transforming green mountains and clear waters into valuable assets is also constantly expanding.

Green transformation shapes new driving forces for development

Taking the path of green development is not a smooth path. Faced with a severe ecological crisis and a series of global problems, we have gone through countless mountains and rivers, but still need to cross mountains and rivers.

Beautiful China | Thick Plant Green Development Background Tourists | Scenery. Producer | Background color

△ Guizhou Bijie Baili Rhododendron National Forest Park

At present, the "four beams and eight pillars" that promote new driving forces for green and low-carbon development are gradually being improved - by effectively combining the rule of law, market, technology, and policy; Strengthen financial support, tax policy support, financial support, and price policy support; Integrating resource and environmental factors such as carbon emission rights and energy use rights into the overall framework of factor market-oriented allocation reform.

The endogenous driving force for green transformation and development is also constantly strengthening. Technological innovation is the driving force and guarantee for adjusting industrial structure and promoting green and low-carbon transformation of the economy and society.

From 2016 to 2022, the cumulative number of green and low-carbon technology invention patents authorized worldwide reached 558000. Among them, Chinese patent holders have been granted 178000 patents, accounting for 31.9%, with an average annual growth rate of 12.5%, significantly higher than the overall global level of 2.5%. The acceleration of technological breakthroughs in China's new energy vehicle industry has become an important force in stabilizing industry.

Beautiful China | Thick Plant Green Development Background Tourists | Scenery. Producer | Background color

Implementing the innovation driven development strategy, using technological innovation as the driving force and guarantee for adjusting industrial structure and promoting green and low-carbon transformation of the economy and society, will significantly enhance the "gold content" and "green content" of economic development.

Protecting in development and developing in protection, continuously shaping new driving forces for green transformation, China's strategic determination to promote green development has been consistent.

Green development "raises golden chickens and lays golden eggs"

Changting County in Fujian Province experienced severe soil erosion.The comprehensive management of soil erosion and ecological restoration in Changting has been continuously promoted, and long-term achievements have been made.

Green transformation is not only a powerful means of energy conservation, cost reduction, and efficiency increase, but also will give the industry broader development space.

The development of new energy vehicles is just one microcosm of it. Not long ago, China's 20th millionth new energy vehicle was taken offline in Guangzhou. From 0 to 10 million new energy vehicles, it took China 15 years to reach the second 10 million vehicles in less than a year and a half, with a rapid increase in production. Not only in terms of production, but also in terms of sales volume, market share, and ownership, all have reached historic highs.

Beautiful China | Thick Plant Green Development Background Tourists | Scenery. Producer | Background color

Ningbo Zhoushan Port. In the first half of this year, China's new three types of foreign trade, electric vehicles, lithium batteries, and solar cells, became popular overseas, and their export performance was very impressive.

In the first half of this year, the synergy between China's green economic transformation and economic growth has increased. Under the guidance of green transformation in the energy industry, the production of photovoltaic cells, wind turbines and other products increased by 54.5% and 48.1% year-on-year, respectively. The supply of green materials related to the industry increased, with the production of ultra white glass and polycrystalline silicon for solar energy industry increasing by 89.1% and 86.4% respectively.

Green, circular, and low-carbon development is the direction of technological revolution and industrial transformation in today's era, and it is the most promising development field. China has considerable potential in this area and will inevitably form more and more new economic growth points.

Shaanxi Pingli has embarked on the path of industrial prosperity, which is to become rich and prosperous through tea.

Ecological beauty, industrial prosperity, and people's prosperity intertwine into beautiful landscapes on the land of China, and green has increasingly become a distinct background for China's high-quality development.

We will firmly pursue the path of green development, focus on building a green, low-carbon, and circular economy system, and continuously broaden the path of transforming green mountains and rivers into gold and silver mountains. The sustained recovery of China's economy will undoubtedly accumulate surging green energy.

Beautiful China | Thick Plant Green Development Background Tourists | Scenery. Producer | Background color

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