Be cautious and always do a good job in flood prevention, fighting floods, and disaster relief work - Relevant departments in various regions will deeply implement the spirit of the Standing Committee Meeting of the Political Bureau of the Communist Party of China Central Committee. Political Bureau | Beijing | Relevant departments

Release time:Apr 15, 2024 00:57 AM

Beijing, August 18th (Xinhua News Agency) - Be cautious and consistent in all aspects of flood prevention, fighting floods, and disaster relief work - Relevant departments in various regions will deeply implement the spirit of the Standing Committee of the Political Bureau of the Communist Party of China Central Committee meeting

Xinhua News Agency reporter

The Standing Committee of the Political Bureau of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China held a meeting on August 17th to discuss and deploy flood control, disaster relief, and post disaster recovery and reconstruction work.The meeting emphasized that all relevant regions, departments, and units should always tighten the string of flood prevention and disaster relief, always prioritize the safety of people's lives and property, and carry out flood prevention and disaster relief work with a sense of responsibility that is always at ease.

At present, China is still in the main flood season, rainstorm, flood, typhoon and other disasters are still high in many parts of the country, and some basins still have flood disaster risks. To implement the spirit of the meeting of the Standing Committee of the Political Bureau of the Communist Party of China Central Committee, relevant departments in various regions will fulfill their responsibilities and cooperate with each other through practical actions, and implement various measures in detail.

The General Office of the People's Republic of China and the Ministry of Emergency Management continue to consult and deploy flood control and disaster relief work, jointly with the China Meteorological Administration, the Ministry of Water Resources, and the Ministry of Natural Resources to assess the development trend of rain and flood situations, and arrange and deploy flood control and disaster relief work in key areas. It is required to effectively leverage the coordinating role of flood control and drought relief command centers at all levels and the professional advantages of various departments, and make good use of various flood control and disaster relief forces. We will implement precise measures to prevent mountain floods and geological disasters, increase efforts to investigate hidden dangers such as mountain floods and mudslides, implement a disaster warning and response mechanism that directly reaches grassroots responsible persons, decisively transfer personnel from high-risk areas such as mountain flood gullies, low-lying areas along rivers, and geological hazard points, ensuring the safety of people's lives and property.

Accurate warning is an important prerequisite for responding to disaster weather.

On the 18th, the China Meteorological Administration held a party committee meeting, calling for further strengthening the linkage between meteorological warning and disaster forecasting, doing a good job in point-to-point accurate forecasting and rolling updates, strengthening the warning reminder and directionality, and striving for more early warning.

Wang Yawei, Deputy Director of the Emergency Disaster Reduction and Public Services Department of the China Meteorological Administration, stated that the meteorological department will further improve progressive services, provide forecast and early warning service products according to different needs at different stages of meteorological disaster evolution, and finely mobilize and deploy them at different levels and regions in this process.

Fully prepare for the deployment of contingency plans, teams, materials, and flood storage and detention areas, and eliminate all types of risks and hidden dangers before disasters occur.

Although the typhoon has passed, it does not mean that the warning is lifted. China Railway Shenyang Bureau Group Co., Ltd. conducts centralized maintenance on various lines, timely shuts down some passenger trains, implements pre rain, mid rain, and post rain inspection systems, and emergency repair personnel arrive at their posts in advance. Flood control equipment and materials are adequately prepared to ensure railway safety and stability.

The Tianjin water department collaborates to discuss water and rain conditions, communicate meteorological and scheduling measures, and issue flood forecasts for each river system. Tianjin Municipal Flood Control Bureau coordinated and implemented a total of 145600 emergency rescue teams at the city and district levels. Department heads rushed to the front line of flood prevention and control, waking up level by level, responding to all requests, and updating daily.

It is urgent to repair damaged infrastructure such as transportation, communication, and electricity, dredge waterways, and restore damaged farmland and agricultural facilities.

On the 18th, the Standing Committee of the Heilongjiang Provincial Party Committee held a request to accelerate the restoration and reconstruction of public facilities such as schools and health centers, to ensure convenient medical treatment for the affected population and timely return of affected students to school; Do a good job in environmental disinfection and sterilization and epidemic prevention, strengthen the market to ensure supply and price stability, and ensure social order and stability.

The Jilin Provincial Department of Transportation requires that 58 key bridges, 4 key tunnels, 217 sections prone to water damage, and 73 emergency material reserves be highlighted and maps of key areas be produced. At present, various emergency rescue and post disaster reconstruction work is progressing in an orderly manner.

Under the Gantao River railway bridge in Jingxing County, Hebei Province, the river water is turbulent, and more than 30 large machinery such as excavators, loaders, cranes, rotary drills, and rollers are under intense construction.

In the rainstorm a few days ago, two piers and a bridge over 100 meters long of the Gangtao River railway bridge on the Shijiazhuang Taiyuan railway freight line were washed down by the flood, and the freight artery was forced to be interrupted. In recent days, more than 400 construction workers from China Railway Third Bureau, Sixth Bureau, and Electrification Bureau have been working day and night, racing against time to restore traffic in the shortest possible time.

The Yongding River basin in Beijing was hit by a extremely heavy rainstorm this time. There were a lot of dead trees and garbage in the river, which seriously polluted the river and lake environment and hindered the flood discharge of the river. China Railway Construction Corporation organized China Railway 16th Bureau, 22nd Bureau and other units to carry out cleaning work on construction waste, household waste, trees, and other debris in the Yongding River basin, about 13 kilometers from Chenjiazhuang Grand Bridge to Mayu Village.

The State owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission of the State Council has organized central enterprises in key areas such as electricity, communication, and construction to actively participate in emergency rescue and relief efforts in severely affected areas such as Beijing, Tianjin, Hebei, and Heilongjiang. A total of 420000 people and 140000 vehicles have been invested, participating in road reconstruction, railway repair, mass relocation and resettlement, power and communication facility repair and restoration, and emergency support. The relevant person in charge of the State owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission of the State Council stated that it will further fully mobilize the strength of central enterprises to do a good job in flood prevention and control, disaster relief, recovery and reconstruction, and other related work.

Affected by Typhoon Du Suri, some farmland in Gaoguanzhuang Town, Zhuozhou, Hebei Province has been flooded and damaged. After the flood receded, 10 agricultural science and technology special envoys from the entire town promptly entered the village to provide land appraisal, evaluation, and advice.

"For undamaged greenhouses, you can put down the cotton quilts on the top of the greenhouse and use high temperature to sterilize and disinfect the inside of the greenhouse." Zhang Siyuan, an expert at the Vegetable and Flower Research Institute of the Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences, told the villagers that after the flood recedes, the first step is to increase the application of organic fertilizer and microbial seedlings, deeply plow the land, and accelerate land recovery.

Gaoguanzhuang Town has 32 administrative villages under its jurisdiction, of which 11 villages have suffered more than 7000 people, making it one of the more severely affected areas in this disaster. "Our town is a major agricultural town, mainly producing crops such as wheat and corn. Currently, we are organizing farmers to actively carry out post disaster re cultivation, replanting and replanting crops, and striving to minimize losses," said Zhang Gaojing, the mayor of Gaoguanzhuang Town.

This flood disaster has exposed some shortcomings in the emergency response system, capacity building, and other aspects in some areas. It is necessary to make up for the shortcomings and strengths, and further enhance the disaster prevention, reduction, and relief capabilities.

Disaster prevention, reduction, and relief work cannot be separated from technological support. Recently, China successfully launched the Land Exploration 4-01 satellite into its designated orbit using the Long March 3B carrier rocket at the Xichang Satellite Launch Center. As the world's first high orbit synthetic aperture radar satellite to enter the engineering implementation stage, it will further improve China's space-based disaster monitoring system, which is of great significance for comprehensively enhancing China's comprehensive level of disaster prevention, reduction, and relief.

Zhang Qingjun, Commander in Chief and Chief Designer of the Land Exploration 4-01 Satellite at the Fifth Academy of Aerospace Science and Technology Group, said that in order to better serve disaster prevention and reduction work, the team has closely focused on the characteristics of disaster occurrence and observation needs, designed four application modes for the satellite, and will provide more accurate and professional services for disaster prevention and reduction in the future.

Disaster information officers are the first responders at the grassroots level. Since the main flood season, the workload of Meng Qinghuang, a county level disaster information officer in the Taihu Lake County, Anhui Province, has increased significantly: checking the disaster information in the daytime, conducting disaster statistics, verification and reporting in the evening, and establishing a detailed account of disaster losses to ensure that the disaster data is comprehensive and accurate.

"Through training disaster information officers, creating comprehensive disaster reduction demonstration communities, and purchasing disaster relief materials, we will strengthen the grassroots foundation of disaster prevention and reduction, improve our disaster resistance and relief capabilities, and effectively respond to natural disasters." Meng Qinghuang said that they will continue to organize training for township disaster information officers, further improve their professional level, and lay a solid foundation for timely, accurate, and standardized reporting of disaster information.

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