Authoritative Interview | How will employment stabilize in the second half of the year? How to promote fast employment for college graduates—— The person in charge of the Employment Promotion Department of the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security talks about the current happy employment situation. Various | Policies | Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security

Release time:Apr 14, 2024 07:44 AM

Employment is related to the rights of every worker and the happiness of every family. The latest statistical data shows that in the first half of the year, the average urban survey unemployment rate in China was 5.3%, which is 0.2 percentage points lower than the first quarter, but the youth unemployment rate is still at a high level.

How to view the current employment situation? How to stabilize employment in the second half of the year? How to promote fast employment for college graduates? On July 20th, the head of the Employment Promotion Department of the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security gave an exclusive interview to Xinhua News Agency reporters.

The overall employment situation is stable, but the employment of young people still faces significant pressure

Q: How do you view the current employment situation? What are the next steps to stabilize employment in?

Answer: Since the beginning of this year, relevant departments in various regions have conscientiously implemented the decisions and deployments of the Party Central Committee and the State Council, taken a series of effective measures, and promoted the recovery of the economy and employment.

In the first half of the year, 6.78 million new urban jobs were added nationwide, an increase of 240000 compared to the same period last year, and the overall unemployment rate showed a downward trend. As of the end of June, the number of poverty alleviation workers reached 32.59 million, exceeding the annual target of 30 million. The employment situation has improved and remained basically stable.

On July 18, 2023, residents of Jiadian Village in Difeng Street, Wudi County, Shandong Province were busy inside a micro factory. At present, Difeng Street has developed 9 micro factories, driving employment for more than 400 people. Photo by Xinhua News Agency reporter Zhu Zheng

But at the same time, it should also be noted that the current international environment is still complex and severe, the foundation for domestic economic recovery and development is not solid, some business entities face more difficulties, and some workers, especially young people such as college graduates, are still facing significant employment pressure. Implementing employment priority policies and helping key groups find employment is still an urgent task that needs to be done well in the next step.

Authoritative Interview | How will employment stabilize in the second half of the year? How to promote fast employment for college graduates—— The person in charge of the Employment Promotion Department of the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security talks about the current happy employment situation. Various | Policies | Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security

One is to strengthen job exploration, strengthen the implementation of optimized and adjusted stable employment policies, continue to promote the "direct compensation and fast processing" model, increase support for job expansion in industries and enterprises with strong employment capacity, and accelerate the release of policy dividends.

The second is to strengthen entrepreneurship and innovation, relax market access, implement entrepreneurship guarantee loans and interest subsidy policies, and strengthen services such as venue support, entrepreneurship training, and resource docking.

The third is to strengthen the matching of supply and demand, continue to carry out activities such as the Golden Autumn Recruitment Month, open up industry enterprise special sessions, guide all parties to participate, and strengthen the standardization construction of the gig market.

The fourth is to strengthen youth support, actively expand market-oriented employment channels, stabilize the recruitment of policy positions, accelerate the recruitment of public institutions and grassroots projects such as "three supports and one assistance"; Continuously promote the action of providing employment services and strengthen employment assistance for graduates in need; Deeply implement the recruitment plan for millions of internship positions to enhance the employability of graduates.

The fifth is to strengthen bottom line assistance, implement action to prevent poverty and employment, and stabilize the scale of migrant workers, especially those who have lifted themselves out of poverty. Strengthen employment assistance for unemployed and disadvantaged individuals, timely and fully distribute unemployment insurance benefits, and ensure the basic livelihood of disadvantaged groups.

On July 18, 2023, the largest relocation and resettlement site in Guizhou, Baiyanglin Street, Qixingguan District, Bijie City, relocated residents worked in the employment assistance workshop. Photo by Xinhua News Agency reporter Liu Xu

The continuous release of various policy dividends provides important support for stabilizing employment

Q: Recently, a series of measures to stabilize employment have been introduced. How is the current implementation status?

Authoritative Interview | How will employment stabilize in the second half of the year? How to promote fast employment for college graduates—— The person in charge of the Employment Promotion Department of the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security talks about the current happy employment situation. Various | Policies | Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security

Answer: Since the beginning of this year, based on changes in the external environment and the needs of the employment situation, the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security, in conjunction with relevant departments, has comprehensively evaluated the implementation effect of the previous policy of reducing burdens, stabilizing jobs and expanding employment, timely optimized and adjusted the stable employment policy, and made every effort to promote development and benefit people's livelihoods.

Various stable employment policies and measures have continued to show effectiveness. From January to May, the national unemployment insurance fund stabilized employment expenses by 54.7 billion yuan, reduced the burden of enterprise unemployment insurance and work-related injury insurance premiums by 71.7 billion yuan, and issued employment subsidies by 42.9 billion yuan. At the end of the first quarter, the balance of entrepreneurial guaranteed loans was 292.9 billion yuan, a year-on-year increase of 16.5%.

Employment services are constantly improving in quality and efficiency. From January to May, public employment service activities continued to be carried out, providing a total of over 57 million job information. Further optimization of employment services for key enterprises, providing employment needs of 872000 people for 44000 key enterprises.

Next, the human resources and social security departments will resolutely shoulder the political responsibility of stabilizing employment, implement the employment priority strategy, implement detailed and stable employment policies, continuously release policy dividends, optimize employment public services, promote supply-demand matching, strengthen employment assistance for disadvantaged groups, and secure the bottom line of people's livelihoods.

Always prioritize the promotion of employment for young people, especially college graduates

Q: What measures will be taken next to help college graduates who have left school but are not employed and unemployed young people quickly find employment and choose good jobs?

Answer: Currently, it is the season for college graduates to leave school, and there are still some graduates who have not yet implemented their jobs. To this end, the human resources and social security department launched a campaign to provide employment services for college graduates and other young people from July to December, focusing on unemployed graduates and registered unemployed youth who have left school, and making every effort to promote their employment and entrepreneurship.

On July 15, 2023, job seekers learned about job information at the Summer Talent Recruitment Fair and Employment Negotiation Conference for College Graduates held in Tengzhou City, Shandong Province. Shen Jizhong

Authoritative Interview | How will employment stabilize in the second half of the year? How to promote fast employment for college graduates—— The person in charge of the Employment Promotion Department of the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security talks about the current happy employment situation. Various | Policies | Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security

Publish a batch of guidelines. Coordinate the use of various channels by human resources and social security departments in various regions, and centrally release online and offline channels for seeking help, various recruitment platforms, service organization directories, and policy service lists. At present, the job registration mini program for college graduates in the human resources and social security department has been fully opened, and graduates with employment needs can register for employment.

Carry out two types of assistance. The human resources and social security department has established and improved a real name assistance ledger. On the one hand, real name services are provided for registered unemployed youth and 2023 graduates who have left school but are not employed. On the other hand, paired assistance is organized for graduates who are facing difficulties in finding employment and long-term unemployed youth.

Provide three services. Accurately identify policy support targets, classify and push subsidies for grassroots employment, enterprise absorption, independent entrepreneurship, flexible employment, training and internships, and other types of subsidies. Frequently organize recruitment activities for graduates and other young people, ensuring weekly recruitment and constant job opportunities. Vigorously carry out skill training for new professions, advanced manufacturing, modern service industries, and encourage enterprises to provide apprenticeship training for newly recruited unemployed graduates and other young people, to help achieve employment as soon as possible.

Ensure triple protection. Promote a 15 minute employment service circle, build "doorstep" employment service stations, and provide convenient and accessible service guarantees. Rectify illegal activities such as false recruitment and employment discrimination, regulate recruitment behavior of enterprises, and strengthen the protection of the rights and interests of workers. Create a positive and upward environment, stimulate the enthusiasm of young people for employment and entrepreneurship, and achieve employment as soon as possible.

The Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security always puts the promotion of employment for young people, especially college graduates, in a prominent position, and makes every effort to support young people to showcase their talents and make contributions in various industries.

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