What you care about is all here! Multiple regions have announced the 2023 college entrance examination score line. Ten questions and ten answers for filling out college entrance examination preferences have arrived at universities | enrollment | preferences

Release time:Apr 13, 2024 23:11 PM

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Recently, various provinces are gradually releasing their 2023 college entrance examination results and are about to start the work of filling out college entrance examination preferences. In order to better assist candidates and parents in understanding the matters related to filling out college entrance examination preferences, the Ministry of Education has compiled some common questions for reference by candidates and parents.


Where can I learn about the college entrance examination results

The time and method of filling out voluntary applications

Enrollment plans of various universities

Authoritative information on previous years' admission references and other voluntary applications?

Candidates can timely query the college entrance examination results through the official website of the provincial education administrative department or enrollment and examination institutions, WeChat official account and other authoritative channels according to the release time of the college entrance examination results announced by the province. At the same time as releasing the results of the college entrance examination, each province generally announces the time, method, and method of filling out their preferences, and provides authoritative information such as the enrollment plans of various universities this year and references to previous years.

The college entrance examination preferences of candidates are an important basis for university admissions. Candidates must complete their preferences on time in accordance with the relevant requirements of provincial enrollment and examination institutions. In the early stage, the Ministry of Education, together with relevant departments, has coordinated the Internet platform to carry out authoritative identification on the official websites and WeChat official account of provincial recruitment and examination institutions and universities. Please recognize the official authoritative channels when inquiring information, and do not trust false information on the Internet.


What are the public services available for consultation on filling out college entrance examination preferences?

The Ministry of Education attaches great importance to the consultation services for college entrance examination voluntary application, and has guided various regions to establish a public service system for voluntary application consultation in enrollment and examination institutions, universities, and secondary schools.

At the level of the Ministry of Education, the "National College Entrance Examination Online Consultation Week" is held annually on the "Sunshine College Entrance Examination Information Platform", with participation from various provincial enrollment and examination institutions and universities. Through text Q&A and video live streaming, we provide guidance and services for national candidates and parents in filling out voluntary applications. The consultation week for 2023 will be from June 22nd to 28th.

At the local level, local enrollment and examination institutions will carefully prepare various forms of volunteer application service materials for candidates, including inquiries about university enrollment plans, recent admission situations of universities, volunteer application methods and policies, and instructions for candidates. They will also provide special lectures, live video broadcasts, and open consultation phone numbers to help candidates clarify their doubts.

At the school level, recruiting universities will organize on-site consultation, online consultation, telephone consultation, online live streaming and other activities to interpret the school's enrollment regulations, enrollment methods, and previous admission reference information, and provide various volunteer filling consultation services; The high school association provides volunteer application training for candidates and parents, timely provides authoritative propaganda and interpretation materials, release channels, and release arrangements from relevant departments and universities, and organizes teachers to provide targeted guidance services for candidates and parents.

Candidates can inquire about the required reference information through the local provincial recruitment and examination institutions and the official websites of colleges and universities, the official WeChat official account or the compiled and distributed information related to volunteer filling, and can also learn about the relevant policies and information by calling the local recruitment and examination institutions, colleges and middle schools to open a consultation phone or online consultation.


What is the role of university enrollment regulations and how can they be queried?

The enrollment regulations of universities are formulated by the school in accordance with relevant laws and regulations and national enrollment policies, and are the basis for the school to carry out enrollment work. Before filling out their application preferences, candidates should carefully review the enrollment regulations of the intended university, fully understand the university's enrollment methods and relevant enrollment requirements.

The main search channels include: the "Sunshine College Entrance Examination" information platform of China Higher Education Student Information Network; Official enrollment websites of various universities, etc.


What are the admission modes for the college entrance examination?

The admission mode for the college entrance examination is determined by the provincial admission committees, and there are generally two modes: parallel voluntary admission and sequential voluntary admission.

The parallel voluntary admission model adopts the principle of "score priority and following preferences". First, sort the candidates in descending order of their scores in the college entrance examination, and then search based on the order of parallel preferences filled out by the candidates, combined with the university enrollment plan and enrollment ratio. When there are vacancies in the searched preferences, they will be applied. After successful application, subsequent parallel preferences will not be searched. In a complete parallel volunteer search process, each candidate has a maximum of one chance to be admitted.

The sequential voluntary admission model, also known as the gradient voluntary admission model, adopts the principle of "voluntary priority, following scores". Within the same batch, candidates are allowed to fill out several choices arranged in order, usually referred to as the first choice, second choice, third choice, etc. When applying for the first choice, candidates who fill in the same first choice will be eligible for admission based on the number of vacancies, from high to low scores; After the completion of the first choice admission, if there is a vacancy in the application, proceed to the second choice admission. And so on.

The submission work is the responsibility of the provincial enrollment committee. After the electronic files of candidates are submitted to relevant universities, the universities will admit them according to the admission rules published in the enrollment regulations to the society.


Do candidates face the risk of being rejected after being admitted,

What factors can cause downshifting,

Will being rejected by a university affect subsequent admission batches?

The enrollment and admission of universities shall implement a mechanism of "school responsibility and provincial recruitment supervision". Whether it is parallel voluntary admission or sequential voluntary admission, there are two main risks for candidates to withdraw. One is that the candidate's college entrance examination score did not reach the admission score of the major they reported and did not comply with major adjustments; The second is that the candidates do not meet other requirements stipulated in the university's enrollment regulations. Therefore, when filling out their preferences, candidates must carefully read the enrollment regulations of the intended university to prevent being rejected due to false reporting.

What you care about is all here! Multiple regions have announced the 2023 college entrance examination score line. Ten questions and ten answers for filling out college entrance examination preferences have arrived at universities | enrollment | preferences

Candidates who are rejected by universities will not affect their subsequent admission batches. Candidates can also participate in this batch of voluntary enrollment or subsequent batches of enrollment. Admitted candidates cannot participate in subsequent voluntary admission.


What preparations should be made before filling out the application form?

Candidates should have four understandings before filling out their preferences, and strive to understand themselves and their opponents.

One is to understand the needs of the country. Personal growth is closely related to the development of the country and society. The selection of schools and majors to be applied for should fully consider the needs of the country and society, and aim to reflect personal growth value in serving the development of the country and society.

The second is to understand personal situations. Suitable education is the best education. Candidates should comprehensively consider their college entrance examination scores, interests and strengths, future aspirations, and other factors, and rationally consider their intended schools.

The third is to understand the situation of universities. Understand the recent admission scores of intended universities, the content of the university's enrollment regulations, and the training and employment prospects of various professional talents recruited by the university in the province. Candidates from provinces with new college entrance examinations should also pay attention to the requirements for the selection of majors in the university's enrollment.

The fourth is to understand the enrollment policy. Understand the province's volunteer application methods, admission rules, and other information. If there are any unclear areas, timely consultation should be sought from relevant enrollment and examination institutions, universities, and high schools.


What is the overall idea when filling out a volunteer application?

It is necessary to combine the actual situation of the candidate, comprehensively analyze various information, make scientific choices, and fill out the application independently.

One is a reasonable positioning. Knowing points, lines, and positions. The level of grades is the fundamental factor for candidates to fill out their preferences, determining the range of universities and majors they can choose from. Candidates should have a reasonable positioning, choose their preferences rationally, and not blindly climb higher or underestimate themselves.

The second is to consider overall planning. Candidates should consider various factors such as personal aspirations, interests, strengths, career planning, etc., focusing on national and social needs, and comprehensively considering them. There is no such thing as "hot or cold" in college majors. What suits oneself is the best. Candidates and parents should not blindly follow, nor should they pursue the extreme idea of "not wasting scores".

The third is the preliminary selection plan. According to the idea of "rushing, stabilizing, and ensuring", combined with the number of voluntary applications available in this province, and referring to the recent admission situation of intended universities, select corresponding universities in three intervals: sprinting, stabilizing, and guaranteeing. Several universities within the same interval should appropriately widen their distance and maintain a certain gradient based on past admission rankings. Pay attention to choosing a guaranteed choice to prevent all choices from being too high and out of gear.

The fourth is to optimize and improve. Comprehensively optimize the initial selection of preferences, sort them according to their preferences, and avoid the risks caused by unreasonable arrangement of preferences. Although parallel preferences are equivalent to the same preference, there is a sequential order when searching for applications. On the basis of fully understanding the admission rankings and changes in rankings of relevant universities in recent years, candidates can reasonably arrange the order of their choices according to their own preferences.

The fifth is to formally fill out the application. According to the order of determining the intended application preferences, strictly follow the volunteer filling process and operational requirements stipulated by the provincial enrollment and examination institutions, and fill in personal volunteer information.


What are the precautions when filling out a volunteer application?

One is to remember the filling time and fill it out as early as possible. Candidates must fill out their preferences within the specified time. The application system will be closed according to the specified time, and once closed, candidates will no longer be able to fill out their preferences. It is recommended that candidates fill out their applications as early as possible and avoid concentrating on filling out applications before the deadline.

The second is to enhance prevention awareness and manage personal information well. Candidates should properly keep their personal information such as ID number number and candidate number, and login information such as volunteer filling system password, and should not disclose it to others to prevent volunteers from being tampered with by others.

Thirdly, do not believe in petty information and beware of being deceived. Some institutions or individuals in society carry out various volunteer application consultation activities, which have problems such as inaccurate policy interpretation, untrue information provision, non-standard fee collection, and even fraud. We remind candidates and parents not to trust them lightly. In addition, there are also institutions or individuals who engage in false fraud activities under the guise of so-called "authoritative experts" and "internal information", reminding candidates and parents to be vigilant and strictly prevent being deceived.


What method is used for admission work and when does it usually start?

College admissions are implemented through computer remote online admission, and the admission process in each province generally starts in early July and ends before the end of August.


When can I receive the admission letter?

Universities usually send admission notices to newly admitted students about a week after the end of admission. If a candidate finds the admission results on the provincial admission examination institution or the official website of a university but has not received the admission notice, they can contact the admission consultation hotline published by the admitting university in a timely manner to inquire about the mailing status of their admission notice.

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