Achieve Dreams, Share Excitement (Universiade Focus) Opening Ceremony | Universiade | Universiade

Release time:Apr 14, 2024 11:34 AM

Figure 1: Torchbearer and astronaut Ye Guangfu pays tribute to the on-site audience.

Photo by our reporter Yi Xiao

Figure 2: At the opening ceremony of the Chengdu Universiade, college students sang the theme song "Achieving Dreams".

Photo by our reporter Yi Xiao

Figure 3: The Chinese university sports delegation entered the opening ceremony of the Chengdu Universiade.

Photo by our reporter Jiang Yushi

Under the night, the main stadium of Dong'an Lake Sports Park is brightly lit with flowing lights.

On the evening of July 28th, the opening ceremony of the 31st Chengdu Summer Universiade was held here, where stories about struggle and transcendence, chasing dreams and realizing them began.

Over 4 years of careful preparation, over 1000 days of day and night journey, filled with confidence and dreams, dedicated to youth and enthusiasm, the answer sheet is written to respond to the world's expectations, and to build a stage that showcases sports vitality, promotes cultural exchange, gathers youth strength, and achieves common dreams.

Praise the sunshine

99% of the actors and volunteers at the opening ceremony were college students, with no famous singers or actors participating - this was a gathering of world college athletes.

At around 8 pm, the sound inside the stadium gradually faded and the lights gradually dimmed.

In an instant, flames rose. In the middle of the field, four "Sun God Birds" are outlined by lasers, as if they have traveled through more than 3000 years of history and gracefully arrived. The Sun God Bird flies around the rotating sun, with 12 golden rays gradually illuminating the earth, illuminating the night sky and igniting dreams.

The pattern of "Sun God Bird" originates from the Jinsha Site in Chengdu and is a concentrated reflection of the rich imagination and extraordinary artistic creativity of ancient Chinese people. The Sun God Bird rotates agilely, shining with 12 golden rays. Fireworks burst into the air with countdown numbers, and the entire audience shouted in unison along with the numbers. Amidst the cheers, splendid fireworks bloomed in the night sky. The countdown to the opening ceremony with the theme of "Praising the Sunshine" is breathtaking.

Number jumps, hibiscus blooms, "Rongcheng" opens its arms, welcoming guests from all over the world. "I am very confident that Chengdu is ready to host a grand event," said Reno Ed, Acting President of the International Federation of Sports Federations

The concept expressed at the opening ceremony is that young people are constantly running and daring to surpass on the road of pursuing their dreams. Chen Weiya, the chief director of the opening ceremony, said that the Universiade is a fusion and gathering of youth, where the pursuit of dreams and hard work are organically integrated into the entire ceremony and cultural performances.

The Road of Splendor

Achieve Dreams, Share Excitement (Universiade Focus) Opening Ceremony | Universiade | Universiade

"The national flag is so beautiful, with Venus and Venus shining on the earth. I wish to become a small red cloud and fly up to the blue sky to kiss you." Yi girl Jihao Youguo and her companions' singing from Daliangshan, Sichuan, clear and ethereal; The song "Singing of the Motherland" sung by young people from 56 ethnic groups is resounding and powerful.

The opening ceremony of the Chengdu Universiade features participating athletes as the main characters. On the runway, light and shadow weave a beautiful path.

Accompanied by the mascot "Rongbao" of the Chengdu Universiade, 113 university sports delegations from around the world entered one after another. Starting from the Universiade, moving towards a higher stage and a better future, this is the sincere blessing of the Chinese people to all participating athletes.

Amidst the cheerful music, members of the Indonesian delegation cheered and waved towards the camera, singing and dancing, causing a burst of excitement among the audience. When the Türkiye delegation entered the stadium, the members shouted "Hello" and "Hello" and warmly interacted with the audience.

The background music for the delegation's entrance ceremony is composed of classic music from five continents. In the presentation of the integration of college percussion bands and folk music performances, respect and love for multicultural arts flow in a joyful atmosphere, and everyone present can feel the exchange of friendship and resonance.

The host Chinese university sports delegation entered last. A female tennis player, Guo Hanyu from Southwest University, and a male volleyball player, Hu Zhenzhuo from Tsinghua University, jointly raised the five-star red flag and marched at the forefront of the team. They walked with their heads held high, showcasing the charm of Chinese university athletes. "We not only need to demonstrate the spirit of hard work, but also showcase the confident, open, sunny, and friendly side of Chinese youth through the stage of the Universiade," said Hu Zhenzhuo.

Chasing dreams in youth

We are all striving to run, we are all dream chasers. Inside the venue, two college athletes are running hard, paving the way for the entry of the flag of the International University Sports Federation with their youthful footsteps.

Eight young people holding the flag of the International Federation of Trade Unions entered the venue. Su Yiming, Ren Qian, Shi Tingmao, Zou Jingyuan, Mai Jiajie, Ma Yuefei, Sun Yimin, and Pu Shuying showcased the fighting spirit of the younger generation in China, inspiring their youth and living up to the times.

The emblem of the previous Universiade since 1959 has been rotating in the venue, paying tribute to the contributions made by the World University Games in actively promoting the development of sports and promoting cultural exchange.

Under the spotlight, the golden sand and stone chimes from over 3000 years ago were struck, and the performers gazed far and wide, as if crossing thousands of years. The stars and stars flowed day and night without stopping. On stage, the 18 competition events of the Chengdu Universiade are presented in artistic forms, with college students running vigorously and full of vitality in the sunlight. The joy and passion brought by sports spread throughout the venue. The adorable giant pandas and college actors dance happily in the chapter of "Youth Friendship", while hibiscus flowers slowly bloom.

A short 15 minute artistic performance, simple and exciting yet not simple.

At 21:40, the main torch lighting ceremony began. In the venue, the sacred flame disk with the "Sun God Bird" pattern slowly rises, and 31 torchbearers, including astronaut Ye Guangfu, hold the torch high and enter the venue. Amidst the attention of the crowd, torchbearers formed a circle and lit the "Sun Bird" sacred flame tray together with their torches in their hands. The holy flame disk shines brightly and spirals upwards. The fireworks spread and ultimately ignited the main torch tower outside the venue.

The power of youth spans across land and oceans. Chengdu achieves dreams, and the world shares brilliance!

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