A Promise for the Future, Xinhua Review: A Graduation Song in the Heart | Forever | Time | Graduates | Song Voice

Release time:Apr 14, 2024 00:31 AM

Xinhua News Agency reporter Wang Zhiyan

The graduation season of 2023 has arrived as scheduled.

If you want to sing a graduation song, what is the melody that rings in your heart?

Recently, Xinhua News Agency collaborated with graduates from various universities to launch a series of music videos titled "Give Me Time for a Song", which has attracted attention. In September of that year, they met on campus; This June, we will bid farewell again at the intersection where the phoenix flowers bloom. Saying goodbye with a song is the romance of youth.

There is reluctance in the song. I will firmly remember your face/I will cherish the longing you give. As the parting approaches, campus time will become a thing of the past. On this road called university, they once accompanied each other: taking seats in the library for self-study, queuing up in the cafeteria for meals, sleeping in the dormitory late at night, and exploring the truth in the laboratory. Those times will never be erased in their hearts.

There is gratitude in the song. A three foot podium, sunny and rainy all year round, the teacher's kindness in teaching and resolving doubts is unforgettable. At the graduation ceremony of Xiamen University, graduates collectively bowed three times to express their gratitude to the teachers; "Although we don't know what tomorrow will be like, our alma mater and teachers have given us confidence." Dong Lina, the first visually impaired master's graduate from Communication University of China, expressed her heartfelt gratitude... This scene has touched many netizens.

A Promise for the Future, Xinhua Review: A Graduation Song in the Heart | Forever | Time | Graduates | Song Voice

There is still anticipation in the song. It's not a separation, but a new era. As we head towards the next stop in life, whether to choose our desired job and step into the workplace, or continue to pursue further education and climb the academic hall, the choice question of life leads to a vast world.

Beijing Jiaotong University holds its 2023 graduation ceremony and degree awarding ceremony. Photo by Xinhua News Agency reporter Ren Chao

"To be a fighter in the same direction as the country," "to devote oneself to the country's economic development with professional knowledge," "May we have the rivers and mountains of our motherland, the great social responsibility, and the world pattern in our hearts." The vibrant words in our graduation speech are the responsibility and courage of the new generation of young people.

Jump into the sea of people together/be a surging wave, the future path is only about bravely moving forward. Academician Zhong Nanshan sent a message during his graduation "last lesson", "Don't be dissatisfied when you arrive at a place. You should work hard and create new horizons through your own and everyone's efforts."

Renmin University of China held its graduation ceremony and degree awarding ceremony in 2023. Shen Jizhong

A graduation song, no matter how well it is sung, that sincerity is the most touching confession of this summer. Xinhua Weibo topic # Using a Song to Say Goodbye to Graduation #, netizens gave full blessings, "Always light, always hot, don't forget why you started", "Don't say goodbye, may there be a future to go, and may time look back together.".

A Promise for the Future, Xinhua Review: A Graduation Song in the Heart | Forever | Time | Graduates | Song Voice

The song sings, "Today's parting is to bring a more beautiful story/to reunite with you again.".

Wishing every graduate the best of luck, the flowers will bloom here and we will continue to meet as before.

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