A New Chapter in the Struggle of Passionate Youth -- A Side Note on the 19th National Congress of the Communist Youth League of China | Socialism | Youth | National Congress

Release time:Apr 13, 2024 22:46 PM

Xinhua News Agency, Beijing, June 22 (Xinhua) - New chapter on the passionate struggle of youth - Side notes on the 19th National Congress of the Communist Youth League of China

Xinhua News Agency reporters Huang Yue, Gao Lei, and Dong Boting

Youth, like the sprouting of a hundred flowers under the bright sun; Youth, like sparks, gathers into hope and strength.

The 19th National Congress of the Communist Youth League of China was held in Beijing from June 19th to 22nd. Nearly 1500 representatives from the 19th National Congress of the Communist Youth League of China shoulder the heavy responsibility of the members of the Communist Youth League of China and the vast number of young people, and together go to the promise of youth to discuss the responsibility and future of youth.

Full of vigor and enthusiasm. Chinese youth in the new era stride forward from here, moving towards the future and soaring towards rejuvenation.

open the stage curtain

At around 8:30 am on the 19th, representatives of the 19th National Congress of the Communist Party of China arrived at the Great Hall of the People one after another.

Climbing the wide steps, they walked briskly. Young smiling faces are filled with vitality and passionate passion.

In the historical coordinates of national rejuvenation, this conference is of great significance——

In October 2022, the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China was held, sounding the horn for a new journey of progress. In May of the same year, the Communist Youth League of China was established for a hundred years, opening a new chapter in continuing history.

Embarking on a new journey of comprehensively building a socialist modernized country, the Communist Youth League has entered a new starting point of the century long journey of youth. The 19th National Congress of the Communist Youth League carries on the past and opens up the future, consolidates youth consensus, and gathers youth energy, which will surely inspire young people to devote themselves to the magnificent cause of national rejuvenation.

The atmosphere of the People's Congress Hall is warm and youthful. On the podium, flags flickered like fire, and the emblem of the regiment shone brightly.

Amid warm applause, Xi Jinping and other party and state leaders stepped into the venue. The applause is the young generation's heartfelt support for the Party Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping at the core.

Since the 18th CPC National Congress, General Secretary Xi Jinping has stood at the strategic height of successors in the development of the cause of the party and the state, concerned about the growth and progress of young people, and promoted the cause of youth development to achieve all-round progress and made historic achievements.

On April 25, 2022, General Secretary walked into Renmin University of China to encourage students.

At 10 o'clock sharp, the conference opened. The magnificent national anthem and the stirring group anthem were played one after another, and the whole audience stood up and sang in unison.

The singing is loud and clear, and thoughts are flying. Throughout the century, generations of young people have remained loyal to the Party, their love for the country has always been fervent, and their dreams of the nation have always been persistent.

Eight Young Pioneers gave heartfelt speeches, expressing their happiness of advancing with the times. "Joining the team, joining the Youth League, joining the Party... is the direction of our life's progress." "We have aspirations, dreams, and are always ready." The young man's oath is strong, the red blood continues, and the ideal is passed down through the relay.

Cai Qibu, member of the Standing Committee of the Political Bureau of the Communist Party of China Central Committee and Secretary of the Central Secretariat, stepped onto the podium and delivered a speech on behalf of the Party Central Committee.

The power of youth is immeasurable——

"The fact has proven that the Chinese youth of the new era are a trustworthy and capable new generation, and the Communist Youth League of China in the new era is worthy of being the Party's loyal assistant and reliable reserve army."

The mission of youth cannot be shirked——

"It is the central task of the Party and the distinctive theme of China's youth movement and youth work in the new era to comprehensively build a strong socialist modernization country, achieve the second centennial goal, and comprehensively promote the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation with Chinese path to modernization."

On and off stage, applause lingered endlessly; Both inside and outside the venue, youthful and ambitious.

"Dreams are great because of hard work, and history is immortal because of struggle." Participating in the grand event, the passion and boldness of the young people resonated deeply with Zhou Suhong, former Olympic champion of the women's volleyball team and Secretary of the Communist Youth League of Zhejiang Province. From dominating the Olympic arena to deepening youth work, she is determined to melt the spirit of putting the motherland first, teamwork, tenacious struggle, and never giving up in her future work. Together with the vast number of young people, she writes loyalty in the cause of the Party and the people, and spreads her youth on the journey of national rejuvenation.


After the opening meeting, representatives were divided into 38 small groups to discuss the speeches of the Party Central Committee and the report of the 18th Central Committee of the Communist Youth League.

At the two locations of Beijing Jingxi Hotel and Friendship Hotel, representatives discussed their experiences, shared their understanding, raised questions, and proposed measures based on their respective work practices. The discussion often lasts until late at night.

In the process of intensive learning, in-depth research, and exchange and discussion, one's beliefs become increasingly firm——

"The speech reviewed the great achievements of the past five years and the ten years of the new era. The achievement of these achievements lies in the leadership of General Secretary Xi Jinping and the scientific guidance of Xi Jinping's new era of socialism with Chinese characteristics." In the speech of the Guangxi delegation, Liu Aiping, secretary-general of the All-China Youth Federation, said that Chinese youth in the new era must strengthen their ideals and beliefs and keep their youth in the course of studying and implementing Xi Jinping's new era of socialism with Chinese characteristics.

Sailing high with theoretical knowledge is essential for youth to embark on a long journey.

In various discussion groups, the delegates almost carried Comrade Xi Jinping's "On the Party's Youth Work" and other works, read them from time to time, and carefully sketched the records.

The understanding of thoughts deepens through contemplation, and the recognition of truth enhances through communication.

In the group discussion, everyone unanimously expressed that young people should read the original work, learn the original text, and understand the principles. They should achieve the unity of learning, thinking, and practice, so that youth is full of the power of truth, and truth can burst out with even stronger power in the struggle of youth.

In the process of applying what is learned and learning from each other, the direction becomes increasingly clear——

From the fields to the frontline of scientific research, from grassroots communities to elite campuses, representatives from all over the country and various industries. Everyone shares work experience, shares insights and insights, and seeks common development strategies.

"I hope to use the platform of the 'Three Visits to the Countryside' social practice activity to drive more college students to enter the countryside and help young people in the village broaden their horizons and broaden their horizons." Lu Guowei, Secretary of the Youth League Branch of Lianzhang Village, Yingde City, Guangdong Province, stated the demand.

Zhu Yongmei, Secretary of the Youth League Committee of South China University of Technology, responded on site, "What major do you want? What kind of knowledge do you want to learn? Just place an 'order' directly!"

As soon as the words fell, warm applause rang out on the scene.

Helping young people solve urgent and difficult problems is a requirement of the Party Central Committee's speech and a consensus among the attending representatives.

"Where are the difficulties in youth marriage and love?" "How to effectively protect the legitimate rights and interests of young people"... Through group discussions, specific problems have emerged one by one, and "clever strategies" can be shared and used for reference.

"The speech pointed out that league cadres' shoulder the important responsibility of winning the hearts of young people and gathering the strength of young people for the Party. 'Pi Huilan, the Secretary of the Wuhan Municipal Committee of the Communist Youth League, stated that we should find the right entry point, combination point, and focus point in our work, leverage organizational advantages, mobilize social resources, and better solve problems for young people.".

In the process of thinking resonance and emotional resonance, consensus becomes increasingly cohesive——

The speech of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China made clear the distinctive theme of China's youth movement and youth work in the new era, and the report also made clear requirements on how to "organize youth to become the new force of Chinese path to modernization".

Through learning and discussion, Yu Jiajia, Secretary of the Youth League Committee of Chongqing University, realized that "University Youth League organizations should focus on their main responsibilities and work, and strive to cultivate a 'strong generation' that can withstand the baton of history and remain unshakable in the face of storms."

"I want to deeply rooted in the rural hot land, be at the forefront and do my job first." After listening to everyone's speeches, Zhang Enshuo, Secretary of the Youth League Committee of Genghuang Town, Fengquan District, Xinxiang City, Henan Province, has become even more motivated to work hard and start a business. "Everyone is running hard on their respective tracks and making their own contributions to the rejuvenation of a strong country."

Through in-depth thinking, extensive discussion, concentration, and brainstorming... During several consecutive days of discussion, each venue has always been filled with a candid and warm atmosphere, stirring up the heroic spirit of young people in the new era to forge ahead with determination and determination.


On the morning of the 22nd, the closing ceremony of the 19th National Congress of the Communist Youth League was held at the Great Hall of the People.

The congress elected the 19th Central Committee of the Communist Youth League.

Starting from this, the new Central Committee of the Communist Youth League shoulders the historical responsibility of being down-to-earth and striving for success.

The conference unanimously passed the resolution on the report of the 18th Central Committee of the Youth League.

Starting from this, the current and future work of the Communist Youth League has clearer guidance.

The conference passed a resolution on the Constitution of the Communist Youth League of China.

Starting from this, the action plan will be more scientific and perfect, and a Communist Youth League that is loyal to the Party, advanced in ideology, rooted in youth, and striving forward will stride forward.

Applause resounded time and time again. In accordance with the new situation, new tasks, and new requirements, the Communist Youth League has once again kept pace with the times and will unite and lead the vast number of young people to write a new chapter in the Chinese youth movement.

Li Di, Deputy Minister of the Youth Rights Protection Department of the Central Committee of the Communist Youth League, who participated in the drafting of the report, was filled with excitement: "On the new journey, we will carry forward the spirit of revolution and hard work, take practical and hard work actions, fully implement the spirit of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, strive to implement the goals and tasks set in the report, and promote the work of the Communist Youth League in the new era to a new level and create new achievements."

At around 11:20, the conference closed with the majestic sound of the Internationale. The red melody lingers for a long time, interweaving and intersecting the past, present, and future at this moment.

At this moment, Li Yanyan, a counselor of the Young Pioneers from Beijing Bayi School, felt the heavy responsibility on her shoulders.

"The Party named us after communism and entrusted us with the strategic task of educating the Party. This is the greatest trust in the Communist Youth League and the supreme honor of its cadres." Li Yanyan said that in future work, she will devote her youth to cultivating socialist builders and successors, and ensure that the red river never changes color.

Stepping out of the Great Hall of the People, the representatives had a firm gaze and high aspirations.

Looking at Tiananmen not far away, Zhao Jianming, a student of the Central University of Finance and Economics, couldn't help recalling the moment when he, on behalf of the Communist Youth League members, shouted the oath "Please rest assured that the party is strong and I am strong" at the celebration of the 100th anniversary of the founding of the CPC.

"We are not only witnesses of history, but also creators of the second century of history in the future." Zhao Jianming said that the vast number of young people will keep up with the pace of the times, take responsibility for the construction of a strong country and the rejuvenation of the nation, and practice the solemn oath made to the Party with practical actions.

The declaration of youth is full of power, and the struggle of youth is passionate and passionate.

"We must bear in mind the earnest teachings of General Secretary Xi Jinping and let the flowers of youth bloom where the motherland needs it most";

We must convey the expectations of the Party Central Committee to more young people and gather the magnificent power to forge ahead on a new journey;

To strive for excellence on the track of achieving national rejuvenation and run the baton that belongs to our generation well on the new journey;


Looking at the land of China, the grass and trees are lush and vibrant, and the songs of youth are singing loudly and passionately.

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