Release time:Apr 16, 2024 05:04 AM

Looking back at the past, paying tribute to history; Sending a message to the youth, looking forward to the future.

"The Chinese people will never forget their friends"

Stilwell was a four-star general in the United States Army. After the outbreak of the Pacific War in 1941, he served as the Chief of Staff of the Allied Powers in the Chinese Theater of War and the Supreme Commander of the US Forces in the China Burma India Theater of War. In the hard years of the War of Resistance against Japan, Stilwell and the Chinese Expeditionary Force entered Myanmar to fight against Japanese aggression and forged deep friendship with the Chinese people.

At Eastbrook's home in the San Francisco Bay Area, there are military photos of General Stilwell hanging on the walls, and the furniture and cabinet decorations are in traditional Chinese style. Many pieces of furniture have been used by General Stilwell, and the coffee table is stacked with his biography and books about the history of World War II.

On August 29th, General Stilwell's grandson Eastbrook was at his home in the San Francisco Bay Area.

Eastbrook, who was already in his eighties, couldn't conceal his excitement after receiving the reply."Interactive communication between people is the cornerstone for improving relationships, deepening understanding, enhancing friendship, and maintaining world stability," he said.

The Chinese people will not forget this.

In early August this year, Chongqing held a commemorative event to commemorate the 140th anniversary of General Stilwell's birth. More than 150 people, including descendants of General Stilwell, representatives of the governments of China and the United States, experts and scholars, participated in this event. Eastbrook delivered a video speech on the other side of the ocean, with his daughter, son-in-law, and grandchildren present in person.

Easterbrook said that this is an honor for the Stilwell family, "the Chinese people will never forget their friends, absolutely so.".

Tao Yan, Director of the Stilwell Research Center and Director of the Chongqing Stilwell Museum, said that the commemorative event reviews and pays tribute to the glorious history of General Stilwell's joint resistance against Japan with the Chinese people, which is a precious inheritance of friendship between the two peoples.

On August 8th, the 140th anniversary commemoration of General Joseph Stilwell's birth was held at the Stilwell Museum in Chongqing.

Eastbrook has visited China 17 times. He said that through contact and communication with the Chinese people, he has enhanced his understanding of China. Whenever he thinks of China, the first thing that comes to mind is the way the Chinese people treat people.

Faced with reporters, the old man passionately quoted General Stilwell's words, expressing his feelings for the Chinese people - "I have full confidence in the Chinese military and the Chinese people," and the Chinese people are "honest, thrifty, hardworking, cheerful, independent, tolerant, friendly, and polite.".

Eastbrook's daughter Nancy Milward hopes that this trip to China will help children understand and inherit the precious friendship legacy left by General Stilwell in China. "They have made many friends of the same age in China, which will be the beginning of a new friendship."

"I enjoy every moment in China"

In July of this year, the two of them accompanied other teachers and students from the school to China to participate in the 17th Shanghai International Youth Interactive Friendship Camp. What they see and hear in China makes them talk about it with great enthusiasm.

On August 23rd, in Strathcon, Washington, USA, Strathcon High School student Qianxi Williams was interviewed.

Williams said, "I enjoy every moment in China, and the most unforgettable ones are appreciating Chinese opera, trying on traditional costumes, and learning to sing songs." Drake said, constantly discussing her trip to China with people around her after returning home, "everything is so positive and beautiful.".

On August 24th, in Strathcon, Washington, USA, Olivia Drake, a Strathcon High School student, was interviewed.

Drake said, "Communication between people is very important. Without practical experiences and feelings, we cannot truly understand different cultures." Williams said, "We want to establish a strong and friendly bond."

Zhou Shuqi, co-chairman of the US China Youth Student Exchange Association, told reporters that he has participated in youth exchange activities between the two countries for many years, witnessing the sincerity and friendship between the youth of the two countries towards each other. He deeply feels that the deep emotions between the youth are of great significance for the future development of bilateral relations. "Such communication can establish a solid bridge of friendship and sow countless seeds of friendship in the hearts of the American people."

The friendship between the Chinese and American people is not afraid of wind and rain

The friendship between nations lies in mutual affinity between the people, and mutual affinity between the people lies in mutual understanding.

On June 28th, Chinese and American people from all walks of life who attended the "Friends of Guling" symposium planted trees together in Guling as a souvenir.

Zhuang Hanjie, the founding president of the US China Youth Student Exchange Association, stated that the two peoples cherish each other's friendship and that spiritual exchange can overcome any obstacle. The friendship between the US and China is like a towering tree, fearless of wind and rain.

Xie Tao, Dean of the School of International Relations at Beijing Foreign Studies University, said that cultural exchanges are an important part of China US relations. The more flights, commercial ships, cargo ships, tourists, and students there are across the Pacific, the stronger the public opinion foundation and the broader the space for the development of bilateral relations.

Looking ahead to the future, China and the United States can also achieve mutual success and common prosperity.

The exchanges and exchanges between the people of China and the United States have never been interrupted, and the people of both countries eagerly hope that the torch of friendship between the people of China and the United States will be passed down.

Editor in Chief: Wang Pei, Text, Video, Photography and Editing

Visual: Onion Painting Vision

Jointly produced by Xinhua News Agency International Department Chongqing Branch

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