Release time:Apr 16, 2024 01:42 AM

The article emphasizes that Chinese culture has a long and profound history, and Chinese civilization is vast and profound. Only by comprehensively and deeply understanding the history of Chinese civilization can we more effectively promote the creative transformation and innovative development of excellent traditional Chinese culture, and more effectively promote the construction of socialist culture with Chinese characteristics and the construction of modern Chinese civilization.

The article points out the need to deeply grasp the prominent characteristics of Chinese civilization. There are many important elements in the excellent traditional Chinese culture, which together shape the outstanding characteristics of Chinese civilization. Chinese civilization has outstanding continuity. The continuity of Chinese civilization fundamentally determines that the Chinese nation will inevitably follow its own path. If we do not understand China from its long-standing historical continuity, it is impossible to understand ancient China, modern China, and future China. Chinese civilization has outstanding innovation. The innovation of Chinese civilization fundamentally determines the enterprising spirit of the Chinese nation to uphold integrity and respect the past, as well as the fearless character of the Chinese nation to face new challenges and accept new things. Chinese civilization has outstanding unity. The unity of Chinese civilization fundamentally determines the integration of various ethnic cultures of the Chinese nation, and the firm cohesion even in the face of major setbacks. It determines the common belief that the land cannot be separated, the country cannot be chaotic, the nation cannot be separated, and the civilization cannot be interrupted. It also determines that national unity will always be the core of China's core interests, and that a strong and unified country is the fate of all ethnic groups. Chinese civilization has outstanding inclusiveness. The inclusiveness of Chinese civilization fundamentally determines the historical orientation of communication, exchange, and integration among the Chinese nation, determines the harmonious pattern of diverse and coexisting religious beliefs in China, and determines the open mind of Chinese culture to embrace world civilization. Chinese civilization has outstanding peacefulness. The peaceful nature of Chinese civilization fundamentally determines that China has always been a builder of world peace, a contributor to global development, and a maintainer of the international order. It also determines that China continuously pursues cultural exchange and mutual learning rather than cultural hegemony. It also determines that China will not impose its own values and political system on others. It also determines that China insists on cooperation, does not engage in confrontation, and will never engage in a small circle of "same party and differences".

The article points out that it is important to deeply understand the significant significance of the "two combinations". Building on the profound foundation of over 5000 years of Chinese civilization, we must open up and develop socialism with Chinese characteristics, and combine the basic principles of Marxism with China's specific realities and excellent traditional Chinese culture. This is our regular understanding obtained in exploring the path of socialism with Chinese characteristics. The combination of two is our greatest weapon for success. Firstly, the premise of "combination" is mutual agreement. Marxism and excellent traditional Chinese culture have different sources, but they have a high degree of compatibility with each other. Mutual compatibility is the key to organic integration. Secondly, the result of "combination" is mutual achievement. The "second combination" makes Marxism Chinese, Chinese excellent traditional culture modern, and the new culture formed through the "combination" become the cultural form of Chinese path to modernization. Thirdly, the combination has solidified the foundation of the road. The key to Chinese characteristics lies in the combination of the two. The second combination has given the path of socialism with Chinese characteristics a broader and more profound historical depth, expanding the cultural foundation of the path of socialism with Chinese characteristics. Chinese path to modernization is the old and new destiny of the Chinese nation and will certainly promote the rejuvenation of Chinese civilization. Fourthly, "integration" has opened up space for innovation. The second combination enables us to grasp the initiative of ideology and culture, and effectively apply it to the path, theory, and system. More importantly, the "second combination" is another ideological liberation, allowing us to fully utilize the precious resources of excellent traditional Chinese culture in a broader cultural space, and explore future oriented theoretical and institutional innovations. Fifth, "integration" consolidates cultural subjectivity. Cultural confidence comes from our cultural subjectivity. The establishment of the socialist ideology with Chinese characteristics for the new era is the most powerful manifestation of this cultural subjectivity.

The article points out that the "second combination" is a profound summary of our party's historical experience in the sinicization and modernization of Marxism, a profound grasp of the development laws of Chinese civilization, indicating that our party's understanding of the Chinese path, theory, and system has reached a new height, indicating that our party's historical and cultural confidence has reached a new height, and that our party's consciousness in promoting cultural innovation in inheriting excellent traditional Chinese culture has reached a new height.

The article points out that we should better shoulder the new cultural mission. Continuing to promote cultural prosperity, build a strong cultural nation, and build a modern civilization of the Chinese nation at a new starting point is our new cultural mission in the new era. Firstly, strengthen cultural confidence. The Chinese civilization has lasted for thousands of years and has endured numerous hardships, which is a miracle of human civilization and a source of confidence for us. Strengthening cultural confidence means sticking to one's own path. Secondly, uphold openness and inclusiveness. The vastness of Chinese civilization is attributed to the open and inclusive attitude of Chinese culture since ancient times. Adhering to openness and inclusiveness means actively learning and borrowing from all the excellent achievements of human civilization. Thirdly, we must adhere to integrity and innovation. We must uphold the spirit of integrity and innovation, continue the historical context, and compose a contemporary chapter.

The article emphasizes that the best inheritance of history is to create new history, and the greatest respect for human civilization is to create new forms of human civilization. We must work together to create a new culture that belongs to our era and build a modern civilization of the Chinese nation.

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Everyone said that on the new journey of comprehensively promoting the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation, we should be firm in cultural self-confidence, take on the mission, and work hard to learn rich nutrition from the excellent traditional Chinese culture, refine and sublimate in the great practice of Chinese path to modernization, so that the Chinese civilization can glow with new vitality and vitality, and inject strong civilization nourishment and spiritual strength into the construction of a strong country and national rejuvenation. The cultural and national fortunes are intertwined, and the cultural context is connected to the national context.

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