Release time:Apr 15, 2024 17:23 PM

The Journey to Yuandao is Public under Heaven

In spring in the southern hemisphere, the spring breeze fluctuates.

August 21-24, in South Africa.

Three key words: Central South, BRICS, and Central Africa.Based in South Africa and the BRICS, look at Africa and the world.

25 Years of Hand in Hand: The "Golden Age"

The night is already deep. In the chilly spring breeze, President Ramaphosa, who had made a special trip, waited under the gangway.

South Africa is the rotating presidency of the BRICS countries this year. Breaking diplomatic conventions and receiving high-level hospitality at the airport in person, placed on the host's busy schedule, is even more heartfelt.

Under the gangway, holding hands tightly together.

This also became the only state visit arranged by South Africa during the BRICS summit.

The next day, at the Presidential Palace located in the center of Pretoria, President Ramaphosa came again to welcome him. After the grand welcome ceremony, as soon as the meeting began, his enthusiasm infected the scene:

"This is a historic moment, a moment to express our gratitude, and a moment to celebrate."

Five years ago, the two leaders met for the first time as heads of state, which was also the first state visit received by President Ramaphosa after his inauguration.

"I can recall every conversation we had, or phone calls, or meetings we had in other parts of the world." Looking back, President Ramaphosa felt a lot.

The last time I made a phone call was in June this year, when I encountered difficulties organizing an offline conference in South Africa.

Hand in hand, in difficult times and critical moments. The signing ceremony witnessed by the two heads of state yielded fruitful results, and the resulting list of achievements is even more commendable. Manned spaceflight, digital economy, blue economy, medical education, special economic zones... Going into the sky and into the sea, achieving win-win cooperation.

For example, power supply.

The shortage of electricity is a development pain for South Africa. This time, China South Emergency Power Cooperation, New Energy Power Investment Cooperation, and Power Grid Upgrading and Renovation Cooperation are all focused on South Africa's urgent needs.

For example, poverty reduction.

Another example is investment.

President Ramaphosa has proposed that South Africa is expected to attract over 100 billion US dollars in foreign investment in the next five years.

During the meeting, President Ramaphosa talked about Zheng He's voyages to the West. On the ancient Silk Road, where clouds and sails spread high and stars gallop day and night, China and Africa are interconnected and know each other. Over thousands of years, with the rejuvenation of the Chinese nation and the awakening of the dormant ancient Silk Road, history has opened a new page. After the "the Belt and Road" initiative was launched, South Africa became the first African country to join. The Letter of Intent on Agreeing to Deepen Cooperation on the the Belt and Road between China and South Africa signed this time depicts a more magnificent future.

Why doesn't China miss South Africa? South Africa has always stood firmly with China on core interests and major concerns. South Africa is well aware of the value of maintaining independence and autonomy by rising up against the apartheid system. After China proposed a political solution to the Ukrainian crisis, South Africa immediately provided active support. Subsequently, South Africa and other countries formed peace delegations to mediate and put forward initiatives that were highly consistent with China's position.

For more than half a century, the friendship of mutual support between the African National Congress and the CPC has forged the true nature of the "comrades plus brothers" relationship between China and South Africa.

25 years ago, China South established diplomatic relations.

Ten years ago, after serving as the President of the country, he made his first visit and set foot on the African continent. Those brilliant smiles, bright eyes, warm hugs, and sincere words are still vividly remembered today.

The two heads of state unanimously agreed to work together to push the comprehensive strategic partnership between China and South Korea to a new level and build a high-level community with a shared future.

Some media define this visit as a beacon of hope for future cooperation and understanding.

In the afternoon, the courtyard of the Presidential Palace was sunny and blossoming with flowers."You have been awarded the highest honor as a person who has made significant contributions to South Africa." "The people of South Africa pay tribute to you."

10 years of deep cultivation: "Fate and Co existence"

Who are true friends and true partners?

Johannesburg, the answer can be clearly heard from the conference hall where the Chinese delegation is stationed.

In recent days, the "BRICS+" event held on the African continent has gathered representatives from almost all African countries. Taking this opportunity, the heads of state of China and Africa held their first collective face-to-face meeting since the COVID-19 epidemic.

Meeting friends is particularly friendly. On site, guests of "8+2+1" poured in one after another. 8. Representatives from 8 subregions in Africa; 2. Comoros, the rotating chair of the African Union, and Senegal, the African co chair of the Forum on China Africa Cooperation; 1. African Union Commission.

Why is the theme of this dialogue set as "promoting African integration and building a high-level community with a shared future between China and Africa"?

Walking alone is fast, but traveling together is far. Africa has always valued collectives and sought unity. Recently, there has been a particularly loud call on the African continent: to promote the process of industrialization and integration through the official establishment of the African Free Trade Area, and to look forward to the support of China, the most important partner.

Why China? President Ramaphosa expressed the common voice of Africa at the dialogue meeting:

"China provided charcoal in the snow when Africa needed it the most. China is a partner who can see the needs of the African continent. China has never been a colonial power. We have benefited a lot from Africa China cooperation, and this relationship is mutually beneficial and mutually beneficial."

Vice Chairman of the Libyan Presidential Council, Kuni, was the first to enter the venue and said, "The direction of China's efforts in Africa is exactly what the African people are looking forward to. The African people yearn for China, and all African countries hope to cooperate with Chinese friends."

For China, is Africa not a solid and promising partner? The African continent, with a population of 1.4 billion, is embracing China with open arms amidst the ever-changing international situation and the risk of decoupling and chain breaking.

The new development pattern of "dual circulation" and the deepening of high-level opening up to the outside world are undoubtedly a win-win move for China to shake hands with the African continent.

Going back further.

African brothers "bring China into the United Nations"; The construction of the Tanzania Zambia Railway, known as the "Road of Friendship," has been deeply ingrained in the hearts of the Chinese and African people and is almost universally recognized.

Step by step, China and Africa grow together. On this journey, the banner of national independence rolls in the air, and the ruts of the country's progress imprint the earth. On this journey, echoing the profound history and imbued with the weight of love and righteousness, crossing mountains and seas, the clouds rise, and thousands of miles can be expected.

"Modernization" is a common proposition and the most magnificent movement in China and Africa today. Africa's road to modernization is arduous and firm. They look to the East and focus on the Chinese path to modernization journey in the ascendant.

Looking towards China, I gained confidence.

The modernization that has grown on the land of China has depicted another picture of modernization and created a new form of human civilization. China's practice has shared a profound truth with the exploring Africa: there is neither a fixed modernization model nor a universally applicable modernization standard in the world.

Understanding modern history and realizing the preciousness of this confidence.

"Africa, which has also experienced hardships, should see Chinese stories and learn from Chinese experience", "China's remarkable journey is inspiring"... This is the world echo of Chinese path to modernization. At the dialogue, Burundi's President Ndayismiye said: "China insists on teaching people to fish and also teaching people to fish. We hope that with the help of China, we can learn to fish by ourselves."

Looking towards China, seeing opportunities.

China's opportunities, Africa's opportunities. Almost every African country leader can tell many stories of cooperation with China. The "the Belt and Road Initiative" is full of spring and autumn fruits. The days of driving camels and riding donkeys to fetch water, the worries of power outages every night, the hungry conditions, and the difficulties of lacking medical care... have changed or are changing due to the arrival of China.

Balancing righteousness and benefit, pursuing stability and achieving success. The concept of correct righteousness and benefit has been proposed for 10 years. The greatest "righteousness" of China Africa relations is written on the land of Africa, where China has participated in the construction of over 6000 kilometers of railways, over 6000 kilometers of roads, and over 80 large-scale power facilities... "One practical action is worth a dozen guidelines." China must keep its word and achieve its goals.

Willing to implement the "China Assistance Plan for Agricultural Modernization in Africa"; Willing to implement the "China Africa Talent Training Cooperation Plan".

Food security is the top priority for the African continent; How to unleash talent potential and demographic dividends is also a long-term concern for the African continent... China is an indispensable and important partner in achieving modernization in Africa, which is also a new connotation of today's China Africa community with a shared future.

In the venue, African leaders listened attentively. Namibian President Gengobu sighed, "Africa was once devastated. Thanks to China, let us prosper together, and our friendship will surely thrive like a river."

The Choice of 2.8 Billion People: "Shared Mission"

The schedule is compact and rich. Between the importance and urgency, one can have a clear insight into China's thoughts and ideas.

The combinations of Central South, BRICS, BRICS+, and Central Africa may seem intertwined, but in reality, they complement each other in the vast tide of the world. Although rich, it cannot be separated from two themes: first, the world's largest developing country and the continent with the most concentrated developing countries, gathering again; On the other hand, representatives from emerging market countries and developing countries shook hands again and embraced the continent with the most concentrated developing countries.

Further condensed, the keywords focus on emerging market countries and developing countries.

Undoubtedly, their weight is increasing on the balance of the international landscape. Not subject to the will of any person or country. Moving from the North Atlantic to the Pacific and from the North to the South, the data is the most powerful evidence: "Emerging market countries and developing countries have contributed as much as 80% to world economic growth in the past 20 years, and the global share of GDP has increased from 24% to over 40% in the past 40 years."

Following the old or expanding the new? Should we stick to the rules or follow the trend? Different choices also bring about a stark distinction between retreat and progress, chaos and governance. The world is increasingly realizing that "leading today's world affairs cannot and should not be without them.".

The "they" in it are exactly "us".

China and Africa together have 2.8 billion people, accounting for approximately one-third of the world's population.

"Strategic autonomy and joint self-improvement" has become a distinct impression left by Africa to the world today.

The significant changes in the world are overwhelming, and African countries are unprecedentedly involved and influencing it. Speaking with one voice, the African voice becomes louder and louder. Over the past century, African countries have embarked on a new journey of seeking self-improvement, from liberation from colonialism to seeking greater voice in the international order from silence.

Firmly standing on the correct side of history and the progress of human civilization, China's proposition will always win warm praise and support on the African continent.What does the high number and proportion of African countries appreciating and supporting the three major global initiatives indicate? Establish a new order for the future, shape a new pattern for the future, and work together with China and Africa.

This BRICS expansion is a concerted effort under the overall situation.

Last year, China assumed the rotating presidency of the BRICS countries and explicitly proposed the expansion of the BRICS membership. China's initiative, South Africa's relay. In about a year, more than 20 countries are knocking on the door of the BRICS.

At around 9am local time on the 24th, the originally scheduled meeting was postponed, and a special press conference for the 15th BRICS Leaders Meeting, which was temporarily added, has been recorded in history.

The meeting announced the invitation to Saudi Arabia, Egypt, the United Arab Emirates, Argentina, Iran, and Ethiopia to officially become members of the BRICS family. Applause and exclamations echoed through the scene. The number of expansion this time exceeded the expectations of many countries, but it was a natural outcome and the fruits were ripe. The answer to whether the prospects of the BRICS are bright or dim, and whether vitality is strong or declining is self-evident. Under the unprecedented great changes in a century, more and more countries are standing together and uniting.

Be optimistic about the BRICS and Africa. Some Western countries have followed China's gaze and focused on the previous neglect from an arrogant perspective.Nigerian Vice President Shetima sighed at the China Africa Leaders' Dialogue, "We respect you very much, and our admiration for you is sincere. China has always respected us, and we firmly support China."

Just like historical development always spirals upwards and moves forward in waves, the road ahead is not smooth sailing.

"Emerging market countries and developing countries have mostly emerged from the historical quagmire of colonialism. We have gone through countless hardships, made enormous sacrifices, gained national independence, and constantly explored development paths that are in line with our own national conditions. All we do is ultimately to ensure that our people live a happy life. However, some countries are unwilling to lose their hegemonic position and arbitrarily surround and suppress emerging market countries and developing countries. Whoever develops well must be contained; whoever catches up must be hindered. I have said many times that blowing out others' lights will not make oneself brighter."

"As a developing country and a member of the 'global South', we have always breathed and shared a common destiny with other developing countries, firmly safeguarding the common interests of developing countries, and promoting the increase of representation and voice of emerging market countries and developing countries in global affairs. China does not have the genes to dominate or the impulse to play the game of great powers. We firmly stand on the right side of history and adhere to the principle of 'the path of the great road, the world is for the public'."

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