Release time:Apr 15, 2024 14:36 PM

Xinhua News Agency reporter

They pointed out that China has continuously deepened cooperation with developing countries, helped them achieve high-quality and sustainable development, and made important contributions to promoting the implementation of the United Nations 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.

Pushing development issues back to the core of the international agenda

Currently, the implementation of most sustainable development goals is slow and worrying. The global development cause is facing enormous challenges. The international community should prioritize the interests of the world and the hearts of the people, and push development issues back to the core of the international agenda.

He said that development is a major issue that concerns the interests of all countries. Currently, political and economic instability are plaguing many developing countries, especially African countries.

He said that the national conditions of developing countries are different, but development is their common pursuit. Developing countries should strengthen unity and cooperation in promoting common development.

He said that the development needs of developing countries are more urgent, and their voices should be listened to more to ensure that they play their due role in global governance. China's "the Belt and Road" and other initiatives promote connectivity, bring prosperity to countries along the Belt and Road, and better integrate developing countries into the global governance structure.

Melaku Muluaalem, Senior Researcher at the Ethiopian Institute of Strategic Affairs, said that as a developing country and a member of the "global South", China adheres to true multilateralism, upholds the principle of mutual benefit and win-win, respects the common interests and needs of people of all countries, provides assistance to many developing countries in reducing poverty and improving people's livelihoods, "enables developing countries to share the opportunities and achievements of open development, and makes great contributions to promoting South South cooperation.".

Alexei Kuprianov, an expert at the Institute of World Economy and International Relations of the Russian Academy of Sciences, stated that in the context of increasing uncertainty in the current international situation, how to respond to various challenges through cooperation is increasingly valued, which is also a common concern of all parties involved in the BRICS+cooperation. China focuses on the common development of the world, proposes global development initiatives, and provides technical and financial support to other developing countries, which helps to enhance the social welfare and international status of developing countries.

Luis Del Garo, Director of Academic Research at the Center for Advanced Research in Emerging Economy Development in Venezuela, believes that the level and quality of development in developing countries have a direct impact on global peace and stability. Countries should attach great importance to development issues, work together to build a global development partnership, and jointly address the challenges facing global development.

Continuously contributing Chinese strength to promote common development

I propose the Global Development Initiative to focus the world on development and provide assistance in implementing the sustainable development agenda. Last year, China held the first Global Development High Level Dialogue and launched a series of development cooperation measures, achieving gratifying progress.

She said that the cooperation between Pakistan and China in agriculture, energy, health, and education has played an important role in promoting high-quality development and enhancing development resilience in Pakistan. She said that China's attention to development issues has prompted the international community to pay more attention to the needs of developing countries. The proposal of global development initiatives, the establishment of the Global Development and South South Cooperation Fund, and the launch of special funds specifically for the implementation of global development initiatives reflect China's commitment to promoting international cooperation and sustainable development.

Eduardo Zilli, an international political researcher at the Autonomous University of Mexico City, said that the Global Development Initiative closely links China's development with that of developing countries. This initiative is the key to uniting developing countries and achieving more inclusive and sustainable global development.

He said that the global development initiative adheres to the people-centered concept and advocates for inclusive and inclusive development, which reflects China's firm determination to actively promote the implementation of the United Nations 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.

According to David Tong, the research director of the Asian Vision Institute, a Cambodian think tank, the global development initiative has injected strong impetus into promoting socio-economic development in developing countries, especially in poverty reduction, ensuring food security, mitigating the impact of climate change, and promoting green development. He said that China's investment and assistance to developing countries such as Cambodia do not attach any political conditions and attach great importance to people's livelihoods, improving the lives of local people and helping these countries achieve better development.

Hamdi Taba, President of the Arab Chamber of Commerce and President of the Jordanian Chamber of Commerce, said that China has shown consistent action in addressing global challenges and promoting common development, continuously contributing to poverty reduction, addressing food crises, and promoting green and sustainable development. This has brought valuable opportunities to developing countries, including Jordan. "Global development initiatives can promote experience exchange and resource sharing among countries, thereby contributing to the systematic response to common challenges faced by all humanity and solving global development challenges."

Injecting Strong Motivation into Sustainable Development in Africa

In the next stage, China will engage in more cooperation with African countries to support Africa in enhancing its capacity for independent development.

Daniel Theresa, Deputy Director of the Ethiopian Investment Commission, expressed great admiration for the achievements of 10 years of friendly cooperation between Africa and China. "Over the past 10 years, China has helped Ethiopia build a large amount of infrastructure, laying the foundation for Ethiopia's industrial system." Theresa said that projects such as the Addis Ababa Djibouti Railway, built with China's support, have made important contributions to the economic development and improvement of people's living standards in Ethiopia and Africa.

Angelo Musenguzi, Senior Manager of KPMG Rwanda Limited, strongly agrees that "China is a reliable friend of Africa.". He said that in the past 10 years, Africa China cooperation has continuously deepened and solidified. China has played a crucial role in helping many African countries overcome poverty by assisting in the construction of infrastructure such as roads and railways. China also actively helps developing countries in Africa and other regions to improve their technological level, which is of great significance to the development of relevant countries.

"Algeria has cooperated with China in areas such as new energy, aerospace, and healthcare." Mansari believes that deepening cooperation with China is increasingly important for Algeria and other developing countries to achieve better development.

"Thanks to China's assistance and support, Zambia has built modern sports facilities, airports, roads, hospitals, etc." said Webi Kalikiti, a researcher at the University of Zambia. The development assistance provided by China to Africa has played an important role in achieving development and transformation in African countries.

In the view of Angolan Minister of Energy and Water, Jo ã o Borges, African China cooperation is in the interest of African countries and is widely welcomed by them. "The Angolan side looks forward to continuing to strengthen friendly cooperation with the Chinese side in various fields. The prospects for cooperation between Angola and China in the fields of clean energy and sustainable development are broad."

Rwandan scholar Egid Karulanga said that Africa has abundant resources, while China has advanced technology and experience. Deepening cooperation between Africa and China will have a positive impact on Africa's development and help promote the implementation of global sustainable development goals. "We look forward to deepening cooperation between Africa and China in areas such as energy transformation, manufacturing, and digital economy in the future, and continue to benefit both peoples.".

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