Release time:Apr 15, 2024 14:27 PM

During the work report of Xinjiang Production and Construction Corps, it was emphasized that

Firmly grasp the strategic positioning of Xinjiang in the overall national situation

Better build a beautiful Xinjiang in the process of Chinese path to modernization

Cai Qi Attends the Report Meeting

Ma Xingrui, a member of the Political Bureau of the Communist Party of China Central Committee and Secretary of the Party Committee of Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region, gave a report, and the Chairman of the Autonomous Region Government, Erken Tuniyazi, and others attended the report meeting.

He pointed out that Xinjiang's work holds a special and important position in the overall work of the Party and the state, which is related to the construction of a strong country and the overall situation of national rejuvenation. The requirements of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China for various work in Xinjiang are very clear, and the key is to fully understand and implement them. We must not only focus on the current situation and solve the prominent problems facing development and stability, but also have long-term plans to solidly promote fundamental, fundamental, and long-term work related to long-term stability, and actively solve various deep-seated contradictions and problems.

We must focus on long-term stability, hold high the banner of the rule of law, make good use of legal weapons, enhance the level of rule of law, and build a stable foundation of the rule of law. We need to improve the mechanism for preventing and resolving major risks and hidden dangers, combine the fight against terrorism and separatism with promoting the legalization and normalization of stability maintenance work, adhere to a comprehensive approach to addressing both the root cause and root cause, and strengthen governance at the source. We need to deepen the Sinicization of Islam and effectively govern various illegal religious activities. We need to enhance our awareness of crisis, be prepared for danger in times of peace, and focus on various tasks to consolidate the hard won social stability.

Efforts should be made to strengthen the awareness of the Chinese national community. Whether it is the introduction of laws, regulations or policy measures, the primary consideration should be whether it is conducive to strengthening the commonality of the Chinese nation and enhancing the sense of community among the Chinese nation. We must firmly promote education on the national common language and gradually improve the public's awareness and ability to use the national common language and writing. We need to strengthen the protection and utilization of cultural relics and heritage, and guide cadres and the masses to establish correct views on the country, ethnicity, history, and religion. We need to strengthen modern civilization education and popular science education for young people, and guide them to actively integrate into modern civilized life. We should actively promote a new type of urbanization centered on people, increase population and industrial agglomeration, accelerate the construction of an embedded social structure and community environment, and promote communication, exchange, and integration among people of all ethnic groups.

We must base ourselves on resource endowments, geographical advantages, and industrial foundations, vigorously promote scientific and technological innovation, cultivate and strengthen characteristic advantageous industries, actively develop emerging industries, accelerate the construction of a modern industrial system that reflects Xinjiang's characteristics and advantages, and promote Xinjiang to step onto the track of high-quality development. Together with the whole country, we will comprehensively build a socialist modernized country. The most arduous task in achieving social stability and high-quality development in Xinjiang lies in rural areas. We should take consolidating and expanding the achievements of poverty alleviation, promoting rural revitalization as an important focus of development, increasing efforts in economic development and improving people's livelihoods, strengthening the construction of water conservancy facilities and optimizing the allocation of water resources, actively developing modern agriculture and photovoltaic industrial parks, and cultivating new growth poles based on resource endowments. We should do a good job in providing targeted support, strengthen industrial cooperation and personnel exchanges between Xinjiang and the mainland, encourage and guide Xinjiang residents to work in the mainland, and encourage and support mainland populations to start businesses and live in Xinjiang. We should give full play to Xinjiang's unique regional advantages, actively serve and integrate into the new development pattern, do a good job of opening up from the reality, accelerate the construction of the core area of the "the Belt and Road", and make Xinjiang the bridgehead of China's opening to the west.

Strengthen grassroots party organizations, achieve full coverage of grassroots party organizations, and solve some problems of weak and lax grassroots party organizations. Optimize the system of selecting first secretaries and work teams to key rural areas, send down resident work teams, and cultivate local cadres. Adhere to and develop the "Fengqiao Experience" of the new era, address the demands of the masses, and promptly resolve the difficulties and contradictions of grassroots people.

We need to increase the opening up of tourism in Xinjiang and encourage domestic and foreign tourists to travel to Xinjiang.

We must resolutely uphold the authority and centralized unified leadership of the Party Central Committee, and resolutely implement the decisions and deployments of the Party Central Committee. Carefully summarize the successful experience of the first batch of theme education, promote the second batch of theme education with high quality, strengthen the theoretical learning and policy training of the cadre team in combination with the actual situation in Xinjiang, and improve the ability of leaders at all levels to investigate and research, grasp policies, promote work, and connect with the masses. Strengthen the political construction of the cadre team, strictly enforce political discipline, and firmly uphold political stance. Strengthen two-way communication and temporary appointment between Xinjiang and central government agencies and mainland cadres, optimize the cadre structure, and improve professional quality. Continuously deepen the rectification of conduct, discipline, and anti-corruption, and create a clean and upright political environment.

Cai Qi, member of the Standing Committee of the Political Bureau of the Communist Party of China Central Committee and Director of the General Office of the Central Committee, attended the report meeting.

Wang Yi, Shi Taifeng, Li Ganjie, He Weidong, He Lifeng, Chen Wenqing, Wang Xiaohong, as well as leaders of the 15th Guidance Group of the Central Committee on Theme Education and relevant departments of the central and state organs, attended the report meeting.

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