Release time:Apr 15, 2024 13:38 PM

Xinhua News Agency reporter

Firmly moving forward on the path of unity and cooperation

Over the past 10 years, we have adhered to this concept, together with our African friends, drawn strength from the spirit of China Africa friendship and cooperation, firmly moved forward on the road of solidarity and cooperation, adhered to morality in the changing international situation, stood by and helped each other under the impact of the COVID-19 epidemic, and pushed China Africa relations to a new level, entering a new stage of building a high-level China Africa community of common destiny.

He said that China has been providing assistance in Angola's national development process. With the increasingly close economic and trade exchanges between the two countries, practical cooperation has benefited thousands of households in Angola. "Over the past 10 years, adhering to the concept of genuine, friendly, and sincere policies towards Africa, China has carried out mutually beneficial cooperation with Africa, helping African countries accelerate economic and social development, and opening up broader development prospects for Africa."

Africa takes the express train of China's development, expands practical cooperation under the framework of the "the Belt and Road" initiative, improves the quality and efficiency of development, and brings tangible benefits to the African and Chinese people.

Over the past 10 years, the cumulative total trade volume between China and Africa has exceeded 2 trillion US dollars, and China has always maintained its position as Africa's largest trading partner; Chinese enterprises have signed contracts for non newly contracted projects with a total amount exceeding 700 billion US dollars and completed a turnover exceeding 400 billion US dollars; China's cumulative flow of direct investment in Africa has exceeded 30 billion US dollars, making it the fourth largest source of investment in Africa; We have dispatched approximately 9000 medical team members to African countries, provided over 100000 training opportunities, and completed a number of infrastructure and social livelihood projects. "These milestone achievements fully demonstrate that China is Africa's true partner and friend. African countries can confidently claim that Africa China cooperation has become the engine of Africa's socio-economic development, accelerating the achievement of its development goals, reducing poverty, and expanding industrialization."

Over the past 10 years, the achievements of China Africa cooperation have spread throughout Africa.He said that from the "Ten Major Cooperation Plans" to the "Eight Actions" and then to the "Nine Projects", China has put forward a series of major measures to provide development assistance to Africa in various fields such as infrastructure and public health, creating a large number of employment opportunities, improving the lives of African people, and helping Africa expand its development space.

Assisting African integration and modernization into the fast lane

Benjamin Akufo, Executive Editor in Chief of Ghana's Insight, stated that for many years, Africa has faced severe challenges in food security, and therefore must accelerate the modernization of agriculture. In June this year, the China Canada Agricultural Luban Workshop was unveiled in the capital of Ghana, Accra, dedicated to cultivating more agricultural talents in the local area.

He said that in the future, more young people from Kenya and other African countries will benefit from it, and talent cooperation between Africa and China will provide more assistance for Africa to move towards modernization.

Amadou Diop, a Senegalese expert on China, said that Chinese path to modernization and China's high-quality development experience have inspired African countries, including Senegal.We look forward to deepening cooperation between the two sides in digitalization, high-tech and other areas in the future, to help African countries enhance their independent development capabilities and achieve sustainable development.

To set an example for promoting the construction of a community with a shared future for mankind

Jointly promoting modernization between China and Africa will undoubtedly create a better future for both peoples and set an example for promoting the construction of a community with a shared future for mankind!

He said that China's cooperation partners in Africa are increasing day by day. China's advanced technology and trade investment have greatly benefited the modernization and development of African countries. Africa and China can continue to increase civil exchanges and cultural exchanges and mutual learning, promoting people to people and mutual understanding.

He said that over the past 10 years, in the process of building a community with a shared future between Africa and China, both sides have helped and supported each other on the path of economic development and national progress. The cooperation between China and Africa is based on mutual benefit and win-win results. In the future, Africa and China will continue to unite and cooperate, working hand in hand on the path of modernization.

China sincerely and actively supports the development of African countries, and carries out win-win cooperation based on their economic and social conditions and actual development. It is a community with a shared future and sets an example in the international community.

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