Release time:Apr 15, 2024 13:32 PM

A special press conference, two multilateral dialogue meetings, and multiple bilateral meetings were held. On that day, a series of activities focused on heavyweight issues of external concern, such as BRICS expansion, BRICS+cooperation, and China Africa solidarity and cooperation, releasing important information. Political News Eye interprets for you.


Key nodes, another dialogue between leaders of China and Africa

On the evening of August 24th local time, this dialogue will arrive as scheduled. This is the first collective face-to-face dialogue between Chinese and African leaders since the COVID-19 epidemic.

The flags of all participating parties are displayed at the venue of the China Africa Leaders Dialogue.

Over the past 10 years, China Africa relations have continuously reached new heights and entered a new stage of jointly building a high-level community with a shared future between China and Africa.

This year marks the 60th anniversary of the founding of the predecessor of the African Union - the Organization of African Unity. After 60 years of joint self-improvement and common development, African countries have reached a new starting point of development and revitalization.

At this critical juncture, how China and Africa can forge the next development blueprint has attracted much attention.

Before the start of the China Africa Leaders Dialogue, the staff carried out various adjustments.

Formally speaking, the dialogue will be conducted in the form of "home game in an away game" diplomacy. The dialogue will be co hosted by China and South Africa in Johannesburg.

In fact, this diplomatic arrangement is not uncommon in the exchanges between the heads of state of China and Africa.

The meeting, initiated and hosted by the Chinese side, received a warm response from the African side.

Johannesburg Cedar Conference Center.

The timely dialogue between Chinese and African leaders in international multilateral conferences fully reflects the close relationship between China and Africa and the high importance placed on developing mutual relations.

This year's China Africa Leaders' Dialogue invited representatives from the African Union's rotating chairman, the African co chair of the Forum on China Africa Cooperation, eight sub regions of Africa, and the African Union Commission to participate in in-depth exchanges on the theme of "promoting African integration and building a high-level community with a shared future for China and Africa.".

Outdoor view of the Johannesburg Cedar Conference Center.


The environment is crucial for the development of China and Africa.To this end, he proposed three initiatives: jointly promoting a just and reasonable international order, jointly maintaining a global environment of peace and security, and jointly building an open and inclusive world economy.

From the "Ten Major Cooperation Plans" and "Eight Major Actions" between China and Africa to the "Nine Projects", China has always been a staunch supporter of the path of African integration and modernization.

African leaders attending the meeting stated that these three measures once again demonstrate that China is a true friend and partner who urgently needs Africa.

African agricultural products showcased at the 3rd China Africa Economic and Trade Expo.


BRICS+Leaders Dialogue: Towards a Community of Development

In 2017, during the Xiamen meeting, China, as the rotating presidency, officially proposed the concept of "BRICS+" cooperation and invited representative emerging market countries and developing countries to attend dialogue meetings globally for the first time, leading BRICS cooperation to a new stage.

This year's "BRICS+" dialogue focused on African elements and invited more than 60 leaders or representatives of African countries, other emerging markets and developing countries, as well as heads of international and regional organizations to attend. The number and scale of participating countries are the largest in all previous BRICS+dialogues.

The symbol of this BRICS summit.

"Development" is the core keyword that runs through the speech.

He proposed to work together to build a development community and not let any country fall behind in the process of world modernization.

On June 24, 2022, on-site at the Global Development High Level Dialogue.

Promise makes action.

The BRICS New Development Bank located in Shanghai.


"Expansion" and "dialogue", these heavyweight pieces of information are worth paying attention to

The expansion of the BRICS membership is one of the most concerning topics at the BRICS summit.

On the morning of the 24th, the 15th meeting of BRICS leaders held a special press conference. At the meeting, it was announced that Saudi Arabia, Egypt, the United Arab Emirates, Argentina, Iran, and Ethiopia were officially invited to become members of the BRICS family.

This is the first expansion of the BRICS countries to include South Africa as a member in 2011, followed by another 12 years of expansion. Among the six new members, there are three Asian countries, two African countries, and one Latin American country, with a stronger background for developing countries.

Journalists from various countries waiting at the special press conference.

China has always been a staunch promoter of BRICS expansion.

Last year, the BRICS countries had in-depth discussions on the issue of expanding their membership on different occasions.

Venue of the Special Press Conference for the 15th BRICS Leaders Meeting.

Among them, Iran is a new member of the BRICS expansion.

President Leahy stated that the expansion of BRICS membership indicates that unilateralism is on the decline.

The two heads of state discussed a landmark dialogue.

Among them, Congo is the representative of the Central African subregion, and Namibia is the representative of the Southern African subregion. Sharing friendship, discussing cooperation, and looking forward to the future is a sincere dialogue between China and Africa that spans mountains and seas.

Producer | Shen Yong Gong Xuehui

Editor in Chief | Shi Ran

Reporter | Han Rui, Guo Hongcheng, Cheng Cheng, Geng Xiaolong

Visual | Chen Kuo and Zhang Jing

Editor | Wang Zun

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