Release time:Apr 15, 2024 11:19 AM

The rotating chairman of the African Union and President of Comoros, Azali, the African co chair of the Forum on China Africa Cooperation and President of Senegal, Sal, the representative of African sub regional organizations, Zambian President Hichilema, Burundian President Nda Ismyer, Djibouti President Gale, Congolese President Sassou, Namibian President Gengobu, Chadian Prime Minister Kebuzab, Vice Chairman of the Libyan Presidential Council Kuni, Nigerian Vice President Shetima, and representative of the African Union Commission, Muchanga, attended.

Photo by Xinhua News Agency reporter Huang Jingwen

After taking office as the President of China in 2013, I made my first visit to Africa and put forward the concept of genuine, friendly, and sincere policies towards Africa. Over the past 10 years, we have adhered to this concept, together with our African friends, drawn strength from the spirit of China Africa friendship and cooperation, firmly moved forward on the road of solidarity and cooperation, adhered to morality in the changing international situation, stood by and helped each other under the impact of the COVID-19 epidemic, and pushed China Africa relations to a new level, entering a new stage of building a high-level China Africa community of common destiny.

China and Africa should work together to create a favorable environment for realizing their respective development visions. We must jointly promote the establishment of a just and reasonable international order, firmly oppose the legacy of colonialism and various hegemonic acts, firmly support each other in safeguarding core interests, and firmly adhere to the just propositions of developing countries. We must jointly maintain a global environment of peace and security, practice a new security concept of common, comprehensive, cooperative, and sustainable, advocate dialogue to bridge differences, cooperation to resolve disputes, promote political solutions to international and regional hotspot issues, maintain world peace and stability, and safeguard global ecological environment security. To jointly build an open and inclusive world economy, promote the construction of an open world economy, and enable developing countries to better integrate into international division of labor and share the fruits of economic globalization. To transcend cultural barriers through cultural exchange and promote inclusiveness and mutual learning among civilizations.

What kind of development path is most suitable for Africa, and African people have the most voice. Promoting integration is a path of modernization chosen independently by African countries and peoples, and China has always firmly supported and is willing to be a collaborator on the path of modernization in Africa. Looking towards the future, China will strengthen the docking of development strategies with Africa, continue to support Africa in speaking with one voice in international affairs, and continuously enhance its international status. China will actively promote the African Union to become a formal member of the G20, support special arrangements for prioritizing the resolution of Africa's demands on the issue of UN Security Council reform, and call on multilateral financial institutions to enhance the voice of African countries.

The rotating chairman of the African Union, President Azali of the Comoros, the African co chair of the Forum on China Africa Cooperation, President Salle of Senegal, the representative of the African subregional organizations, President Hikilema of Zambia, President Ndayismiya of Burundi, President Guelleh of Djibouti, President Sassou of the Congo, President Genghib of Namibia, Prime Minister Kebuzabo of Chad, Vice Chairman of the Libyan Presidential Commission Kuni, Vice President Shetima of Nigeria, and the representative of the African Union Commission, Muchangga, attended the meeting. This is a group photo before the meeting.

Photo by Xinhua News Agency reporter Huang Jingwen

1、 China is willing to launch the "Support Africa Industrialization Initiative". China will mobilize its cooperation resources and enterprises with Africa, support the development of manufacturing in Africa, and achieve industrialization and economic diversification. Combining the implementation of the nine projects of the Forum on China Africa Cooperation, we will promote the tilt of resources such as aid and investment towards industrialization projects.

2、 China is willing to implement the "China Assistance Plan for Agricultural Modernization in Africa". China will assist Africa in expanding food crop cultivation, encourage Chinese enterprises to increase investment in agriculture, strengthen agricultural technology cooperation in seed industry, and assist in the transformation and upgrading of African agriculture. In November this year, China will hold the second China Africa Agricultural Cooperation Forum in Hainan and provide a new batch of emergency food aid to some African countries in need.

3、 China is willing to implement the "China Africa Talent Training Cooperation Plan". The Chinese side plans to train 500 vocational school principals and backbone teachers in Africa every year, cultivate 10000 compound talents in Chinese and vocational skills, and invite 20000 government officials and technical talents from African countries to participate in training and seminar activities. To support Africa in enhancing its scientific and educational innovation capabilities, China will also implement the "100 University Cooperation Plan between China and Africa" and launch 10 pilot projects of China Africa Partnership Research Institutes.

I believe that both China and Africa will further promote traditional friendship, deepen unity and cooperation, and promote the vigorous development of cooperation in various fields. Jointly promoting modernization between China and Africa will undoubtedly create a better future for both peoples and set an example for promoting the construction of a community with a shared future for mankind!

The rotating chairman of the African Union and President of Comoros, Azali, the African co chair of the Forum on China Africa Cooperation and President of Senegal, Sal, the representative of African sub regional organizations, Zambian President Hichilema, Burundian President Nda Ismyer, Djibouti President Gale, Congolese President Sassou, Namibian President Gengobu, Chadian Prime Minister Kebuzab, Vice Chairman of the Libyan Presidential Council Kuni, Nigerian Vice President Shetima, and representative of the African Union Commission, Muchanga, attended.

Photo by Xinhua News Agency reporter Zhai Jianlan

African leaders highly praised the joint hosting of this China Africa Leaders Dialogue by China and South Africa, and thanked China for supporting African integration construction and providing timely assistance when African countries encountered difficulties. African China relations are based on unity, friendship, and mutual respect. China's investment and cooperation with African countries have played an important role in helping Africa's development, and China is an indispensable and important partner in achieving modernization in Africa.These three measures once again demonstrate that China is a true friend and partner who urgently needs Africa.The Forum on China Africa Cooperation is an efficient platform for South South cooperation, and the African side is willing to continue promoting the construction of the forum mechanism with China. The African side firmly adheres to the One China policy and is willing to firmly support each other in safeguarding national sovereignty, security, and development interests, strengthening international multilateral cooperation, expanding the representation and voice of developing countries, and safeguarding the common interests of developing countries.

The meeting passed and issued the Joint Statement of the China Africa Leaders' Dialogue. The Chinese side has also released the "Support for African Industrialization Initiative", "China's Assistance for Agricultural Modernization in Africa Plan", and "China Africa Talent Training Cooperation Plan".

Cai Qi, Wang Yi, and others attended the dialogue meeting.

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