22 Stories Tell Xi Jinping's Way of Research

Release time:Apr 14, 2024 01:57 AM

Investigation and research are the heirlooms of our party and the basis and way of success for generations of CPC from victory to victory.

The banks of the Hutuo River, the depths of the Taihang, the coast of the South China Sea, the snowy plateau ...... From the party branch secretary of the rural brigade to the general secretary of the Party Central Committee, Comrade Xi Jinping has never forgotten the fine traditions of the century-old party along the way, and has traveled all over the country, often among the people, setting a shining example for the whole Party's investigation and research.

Investigation and research are the heirlooms of our party.

[Three visits to Xiong'an, personally promoting the growth of the "City of the Future".]

In May 2023, the vegetation was growing and everything was booming. General Secretary Xi Jinping set foot on the hot land of Xiong'an for the third time.

The first time I came to Xiongan was in the early spring of February 2017. The general secretary went deep into the core plot, unfolded the drawings, and investigated the planning of the new town on the spot.

For the second time, in January 2019, when we bid farewell to the old and welcome the new, Xiongan was at a stage of transformation from planning as the center to construction as the center. The general secretary came to the construction sites in full swing to encourage the builders to "promote the planning and construction of xiong'an new area with high quality and high standards".

This time, General Secretary has conducted in-depth research in Xiong'an Station, Nanwenying Community in Rongdong Area, Xiong'an Intercity Station, and the construction site of the International Trade Center project, clarifying that Xiong'an New Area has entered a stage of both large-scale construction and undertaking non capital functions in Beijing.

Photo by Xinhua News Agency reporter Li Xueren

From strategic planning, to the preparation of plans, to the promotion of construction, for more than 6 years, every important node of Xiongan construction, General Secretary Xi Jinping will always conduct field investigations in the new area, discuss the millennium plan with you, and personally promote a high-level modernization The city grows at jointing.

Why aren't "new officials" in a hurry to "ignite the fire"

He smiled and said, "I just arrived and haven't had the right to speak yet.". At that time, what I have to say.

It is said that "a new official takes office with three fires", why is this "new official" not in a hurry to "ignite the fire"?

"Only those who subjectively, one-sided, and superficially view problems, run to a place, do not ask about the environment, do not look at the whole thing, and do not touch the essence of the matter, and then arrogantly give orders. Such people are not without falling behind." I firmly remember Comrade Mao Zedong's wise saying.

A survey on rolling up pants and wading water

On the morning of July 21, 2013, General Secretary Xi Jinping came to Wuhan Xingang Yangluo Container Port for investigation and research.

Braving pouring rain, General Secretary rolled up his pants, held an umbrella, and waded through the accumulated water while walking and asking, "Is there great potential for development in mainland ports? Are there many containers on the southeast coast?" "How can we solve the problem of investment funds?"

Two days later, General Secretary Xi Jinping stressed at a symposium held by some provincial and municipal leaders in Wuhan: "Investigation and research is the foundation of the plan and the way to get things done. Without investigation, there is no right to speak and no decision-making power. Research, thinking, and determining ideas and major initiatives for comprehensively deepening reform are not good for carving a boat for a sword, not for building a car behind closed doors, and even more for whimsical thinking, and comprehensive and in-depth investigation and research."

"Understanding China and Serving China" in Nankai "

Lead by example, carry on the past and open up the future.

"Our aspirations for the New Nankai are nothing more than 'knowing China' and 'serving China'."

In January 2019, during an inspection tour in Tianjin, General Secretary Xi Jinping came to Nankai University. In the school history museum, General Secretary Xi Jinping recited this passage softly, carefully pondering: "well said!"

Every in-depth research is a hands-on pursuit of knowledge. Only by continuing and carrying forward the fine tradition of investigating and studying this Communist Party member can we "understand China" deeper and "serve China" better.

The method of General Secretary Xi Jinping's investigation-"We must maintain a truth-seeking and pragmatic style, and strive to seek depth, truth-seeking, detail, accuracy, and efficiency"

【 Squeezing time out of a busy schedule to conduct research and investigation 】

On the afternoon of May 16, 2023, on the way to Xi'an, Shaanxi to host the China-Central Asia Summit, General Secretary Xi Jinping's special train stopped in Yuncheng, Shanxi.

22 Stories Tell Xi Jinping's Way of Research

Visit Yuncheng Museum and Yuncheng Salt Lake, understand the protection of cultural relics and the Yellow River Basin ecology ...... Halfway stop, walk more, take a look, the general secretary in the busy schedule "squeeze" out time to carry out investigation and research.

Photo by Xinhua News Agency reporter Li Xueren

A reporter who has been working in Zhejiang for a long time keeps a precious schedule. This is Comrade Xi Jinping's daily work schedule from October 12, 2002 to February 27, 2003. In the more than two months after assuming the post of secretary of the Zhejiang Provincial CPC Committee, Comrade Xi Jinping spent more than half of his working hours in municipal, county, and provincial departments, and often used weekends to conduct research in various localities and departments.

Distribute survey forms to the people on the streets of the county town

In October 1984, with the proposal of the county party committee secretary Xi Jinping, the first questionnaire survey in the history of Zhengding County, Hebei was officially launched. Xi Jinping, secretary of the county party committee, personally stood on the streets of the county to hand out questionnaires to the people.

"Public opinion survey," someone read aloud and, knowing what was going on, took the initiative to approach the secretary to talk. In no time, more and more people gathered around.

From designing questions to putting the table on the street and handing out questionnaires, Comrade Xi Jinping did it himself and with the staff of the county party committee.

Ask for the people, ask for advice from the people. More than 30 years later, the "opinion survey" went from the streets to the internet.

From April 15th to May 16th, 2022, the online solicitation of opinions on the work related to the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China was carried out. This is the first time in the history of our party that we have publicly solicited opinions on the work related to the National Congress of the party to the whole party and society.

"Let's go talk to someone."

"Let's go talk to someone."

After more than 30 years, Li Yaping, who had worked in the Zhengding County Party Committee, still vividly remembers the sentence that Secretary Xi often said. "He is able to interact with talented people from all walks of life, which is also a way for him to conduct in-depth investigations into society," said Li Yaping.

After working in the front line of grass-roots education for 30 years, Pan Jiuren, vice principal of Tashan Yao Township Central Primary School in Changning City, Hunan Province, did not expect that one day he would be able to report to General Secretary Xi Jinping and put forward opinions and suggestions on the preparation of the 14th five-year Plan.

On September 17, 2020, General Secretary Xi Jinping presided over a forum of grass-roots representatives in Changsha, Hunan.

"Firstly, there is a shortage of teachers and a structural shortage of staff. Secondly, due to difficult conditions, good teachers cannot be retained..." Pan Jiuren admitted to the shortcomings in basic education in remote ethnic areas.

"The problem you reflect is very practical." The General Secretary responded.

30 grassroots representatives, including village branch secretaries, rural teachers, poverty alleviation cadres, migrant workers, grain growers, truck drivers, delivery drivers, restaurant owners, and legal workers, gathered together, and 10 representatives spoke successively.

In order to draft the "14th Five-Year Plan" proposal, from July to September 2020, General Secretary Xi Jinping hosted 7 symposiums like this.

【 Transfer to three modes of transportation and delve into the village to dissect the "sparrows" 】

Huaxi Village, Zhongyi Township, Shizhu County, Chongqing City is located in a concentrated and contiguous extremely impoverished area of Wuling Mountain. The winding mountain roads, steep slopes, and deep ditches here are the "poverty in poverty" and "difficulties in poverty" that General Secretary often remembers, and they are the "hard bones" that are difficult to gnaw on during the decisive stage of poverty alleviation.

By plane, by train, by car ...... In April 2019, General Secretary Xi Jinping changed to three means of transportation and traveled long distances to this small village deep in the mountains.

In just one day, from Beijing to the mountain village, all the way back and forth, with one rod inserted to the end, in order to dissect the "sparrow" of Huaxi Village and solve the prominent problem of "two worries and three guarantees".

"Dissect the sparrow, think deeply, think carefully, and think thoroughly about the problem. If there is any problem, it will be solved by whoever has the problem." The General Secretary has repeatedly stressed.

[Two temporary disembarks to check the growth of crops]

In May 2021, the land of Central Plains was in early summer.

General Secretary Xi Jinping, who was on an inspection tour in Nanyang, Henan Province, got off the bus temporarily and walked into the wheat field to carefully observe the growth of the crops. Seeing the bumper harvest in sight, the general secretary was very happy: "with the bumper harvest of summer grain, the economy of the whole year will be bottomed out."

22 Stories Tell Xi Jinping's Way of Research

Four months later, the autumn breeze is blowing gently on the Loess Plateau.

In Gaoxigou Village, Yinzhou Street, Mizhi County, Shaanxi Province, a bountiful harvest of farmland is in sight at the foot of the mountain.

"Can the crops be watered?" "Is there any interplanting of beans in the field?" "A few people in the family went out to work"... The general secretary talked with the villagers.

Temporary parking and mobile research are conducted to gain a better understanding of situations where one is constantly feeling uneasy.

Investigation and research are the key to solving problems - "The key lies in the effectiveness of investigation and research, the application of research results, and the ability to solve problems well."

[During the inspection of Fuping, the villagers' homes were kept in their original state]

The 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China proposed to achieve the comprehensive construction of a moderately prosperous society by 2020.

Shortly after the closing of the conference, the figure of General Secretary Xi Jinping appeared in Fuping, Hebei Province, deep in the Taihang Mountains, braving the severe cold of more than ten degrees Celsius below zero.

The most arduous and arduous task of building a moderately prosperous society in all respects is in rural areas, especially in impoverished areas. This time, there is only one purpose, which is to see true poverty, assist true poverty, and truly alleviate poverty.

The destination is selected as a poverty-stricken village located over 300 kilometers away from Beijing, with an annual per capita net income of less than 1000 yuan; The villagers kept their homes as they were, without even adding a new bench;

Only by understanding the bottom line of poverty can one have a clear understanding of poverty alleviation.

Through this investigation, General Secretary Xi Jinping found the "golden key" for Fuping's industrial development, and also issued a mobilization order for poverty alleviation to the whole party and the whole country, opening the curtain of realizing the miracle of poverty alleviation of nearly 0.1 billion people.

Over six months, conducted 9 on-site inspections to guide epidemic prevention and control, as well as economic and social development work

In March 2020, it was the most strenuous stage of the prevention and control of the new crown epidemic, and General Secretary Xi Jinping flew to Wuhan to visit hospitals and communities to investigate and research the "two key positions" in the fight against the epidemic and direct the fight against the epidemic.

In the Donghu New City community, General Secretary Xi Jinping asked in detail about the difficulties in the procurement and supply of living materials for the people in the community. He told the accompanying cadres that Wuhan people like to eat live fish and should organize more supplies when conditions permit.

Small matters concerning people's livelihood are related to the overall situation of the epidemic prevention and control.

From the supply of living materials to drug research and development and production, from grass-roots prevention and control work to the resumption of production of enterprises, only more than half a year after the outbreak of the epidemic, General Secretary Xi Jinping made nine field visits to guide the prevention and control of the epidemic and economic and social development work.

[Personally inspect and personally "inspect"]

"The best house in the village is the school." When working in Zhengding, in order to urge all towns and villages to renovate school buildings, Comrade Xi Jinping went to the school as soon as he had time, and which classroom was dangerous and to what extent it was dangerous. Record one by one.

This style of behavior has been consistent for decades.

The Qilian Mountains, an important ecological security barrier in western China, have suffered severe damage to their local ecology.

In August 2019, General Secretary Xi Jinping, who was on an inspection tour in Gansu, made a special trip to the Qilian Mountains to listen to a report on the rectification of the ecological problems of the Qilian Mountains. He earnestly urged: "When we have reached this stage, we cannot slip down on watermelon rind, but we must continue to climb the hill and achieve high-quality development. Green water and green mountains can become golden mountains and silver mountains."

We have issued instructions and instructions six times to address the issue of illegal construction of villas in the Qinling Mountains, promoting thorough investigation and punishment of problems that have been rectified but not yet dealt with, those that violate the rules and regulations, and those that continue to be banned.

Personally inspect and inspect. In the research paper, what is tested is the implementation of rectification and responsibility.

Every time we visit a place, we always ask the staff to bring a map

On the morning of April 27, 2014, on the special plane from Beijing to Xinjiang, General Secretary Xi Jinping spread out a map of Xinjiang on the table for careful inspection.

22 Stories Tell Xi Jinping's Way of Research

This scene seems familiar.

On the table of the passenger ship, a map of Fuzhou city is spread out.

Every time he visited a place, General Secretary Xi Jinping always asked the staff to bring maps. The habit of years highlights the general secretary's wisdom and strategy of planning the overall situation.

After the Zhejiang inspection, a "new development pattern" was proposed

At the end of March 2020, General Secretary Xi Jinping came to Zhejiang for an inspection tour and came to Ningbo Zhoushan Port in the rain to investigate and think all the way.

Under the impact of the epidemic, foreign raw materials cannot be imported and domestic goods cannot be exported, which has affected this important economic province with a private and export-oriented economy.

This strategic plan that focuses on the overall situation has become the first move to seize the initiative of development.

Investigation and research are ways to connect with the masses - "Can we adhere to the views of the masses? Can we be down-to-earth? To achieve this, adhering to investigation and research is a very important way."

A trip to Guangdong, visiting four places in a day

In April in Lingnan, General Secretary Xi Jinping went to Guangdong for investigation and research, "to find out what new progress and new atmosphere have been made since the 20th CPC National Congress".

The first stop is Zhanjiang. He traveled southward along the Leizhou Peninsula until the southernmost point of mainland China. Within a day, he visited four locations: the Southern Base of the National 863 Program Seawater Breeding Seed Project, the Jinniu Island Mangrove Area in Huguang Town, Mazhang District, Xuwen Port, and the Dashuiqiao Reservoir in Xuwen County.

Photo by Xinhua News Agency reporter Yan Yan

Setting off against the sunrise, bathing in the darkness and returning, in order to take a closer look at the local development and changes, and to understand and grasp more practical situations.

"Very kind, very kind" "did not expect the general secretary to know so much about marine fisheries" "asked very detailed, very specific" ...... This is the grass-roots people see the "people's servant" real feelings.

"Encouraged deeply, I once again received vivid and profound education from following the Party's mass line and promoting the trend of investigation and research." This is the voice of the Party members and cadres who accompanied the inspection.

【 Share the 'County Party Secretary's Classic' with younger generations 】

When he was the secretary of the county party committee in Zhengding, Hebei, an old Phoenix "28" bicycle accompanied Comrade Xi Jinping in the country fields, running around on both sides of the Hutuo River.

At that time, the Zhengding County Party Committee had a jeep, but he believed that it was better to ride a bicycle to the countryside, so as to get closer to the people, listen more truthfully, and see more realistically. "County leaders must fully grasp the grassroots situation in order to provide classified guidance."

Decades later, he shared his "County Party Secretary Jing" with his younger generation.

In January 2015, General Secretary Xi Jinping presided over a symposium at the Great Hall of the People in Beijing. He talked and exchanged views with more than 200 students of the first phase of the county party secretary training class of the Central Party School, and asked everyone: "We must take investigation and research as a basic skill and go deep into the grassroots., Go deep into the masses, go deep into reality, understand the situation, and ask the people."

From "Six Regulations" to "Eight Regulations"

In the summer of 1983, on a dirt road in the countryside of Zhengding County, the car of the county party committee secretary Xi Jinping and his party got stuck in the mud.

A cadre saw the villagers walking over and asked for help with pushing the cart. Unexpectedly, seeing that he was an official, the villagers not only refused to push him, but also cursed and cursed.

The cadre was about to get angry when Comrade Xi Jinping grabbed him and said, "Why are the masses cursing? We should reflect on ourselves."

Comrade Xi Jinping was deeply touched by this incident.

Shortly thereafter, the Zhengding County Party Committee issued the "Six Provisions" to improve leadership style, one of which was to "oppose the style of government officials and pay attention to work effectiveness. We must put in great effort in investigation and research to achieve new breakthroughs." "Every year, more than one-third of the time should be spent at the grassroots level to study new situations and solve new problems.".

22 Stories Tell Xi Jinping's Way of Research

After the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, the Central Committee issued eight regulations, and "improving investigation and research" also ranked first.

From the "Six Regulations" to the "Eight Regulations", investigating and researching this "entry point and important link to strengthen the construction of the Party's work style" has always been a top priority.

[Persist in going down to the well to visit the miners]

Wearing a miner's hat and a miner's suit, in an underground mine nearly a kilometer deep, the same line of workers took a cordial group photo-an old photo, recording the then Zhejiang Provincial Party Committee Secretary Xi Jinping's investigation at the Changxing County Changguang Coal Mine Past.

The accompanying staff were worried about the risk of going down the mine and advised him not to go down.

He said that safety production is the top priority, and we must cherish the lives of every miner, so that everyone can go down the well happily and return home safely.

[Three Visits to the Party and Villagers to Collaborate on Poverty Alleviation Plans]

Xiadang Township in Shouning County, Ningde City, Fujian Province used to be the only "five no townships" in Fujian Province with no roads, no tap water, no lighting, no fiscal revenue, and no government office space. Even the villagers were afraid that raising pigs would be too fat and difficult to sell in the mountains.

In the 1980 s and 1990 s, Comrade Xi Jinping went to the party three times during his work in Fujian. When the road was impassable, he cut off the thorns and worked with the villagers to get rid of poverty.

In the book "getting rid of Poverty", which contains important speeches and articles during his work in Ningde, Comrade Xi Jinping pointed out that it is necessary to often go deep into the grass-roots level and the masses, and actively dredge and broaden the channels of contact with the masses.

"Solving the problem of work style among cadres is also the responsibility of the masses"

In July 2013, shortly after the party's mass line education practice began, General Secretary Xi Jinping came to Hebei Province, which he contacted, for research and guidance.

At the former site of the September conference, General Secretary and local cadres and masses gathered to have heart to heart talks, with Chen Sumei, a villager from Liangjiagou, among them.

At the symposium, General Secretary Xi Jinping emphasized that "leading cadres must lead by example." "The masses also have a responsibility to solve the problem of cadres' style of work. This responsibility is to make more suggestions and carefully supervise".

These words made Chen Sumei feel from the bottom of her heart that "the hearts of the Party and the people are closely linked.".

[In response to the suggestions of the petitioners, Xi Jinping made the decision on the spot]]

A scene on September 18, 2003, still vividly remembered by Jiang Xingjian, a villager from Pujiang County, Zhejiang Province.

In the conference room of Pujiang Middle School, Jiang Xingjian was the first to speak, reflecting on the issue of widening and renovating the Pujiang section of the provincial road.

"Road construction needs to coordinate several districts and counties, when Pujiang County's finances are tight, and the demands of the masses are put on hold year after year. Secretary Xi listened to my reflection, while spreading out the map to look carefully, and asked the director of the provincial transportation department sitting on the side to propose a solution, and after listening to it, he took a board on the spot: not only to build, but also to build." Jiang xingjian said, "secretary Xi's commitment and affinity have deeply moved us."

Starting from Pujiang, the system of leaders visiting and receiving the masses has gradually been implemented in Zhejiang.

[Hold the symposium in the countryside]

In April 2022, at the foot of Wuzhi Mountain in Hainan, villagers were discussing farming in the pavilion of Maona Village.

"Come on, let's sit together and introduce ourselves." General Secretary Xi Jinping joined them and sat around with the first secretary of the village, veteran party members, and representatives of the leaders of getting rich, listening to them tell the story of rural revitalization.

Under the small buildings of Huamao Village in Zunyi, Guizhou, by the fire pit of impoverished households in Daliangshan, Sichuan, and in the courtyard of Huaxi Village in Shizhu County, Chongqing... One by one, research seminars were held in the countryside and in the hearts of the people.

-- Selected from Xinhua News Agency newsletter "Xi Jinping's Research Story"

Xinhua News Agency

22 Stories Tell Xi Jinping's Way of Research
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