The temperature inside the car can rise to 50 ℃! These easily overlooked sources of heatstroke need to be noted, with a 20 minute parking time. Core | high temperature | temperature

Release time:Apr 14, 2024 04:56 AM

The "Sanfu" season has arrived, and the summer sun is particularly poisonous, and the sunlight is also particularly abundant. As the summer heat approaches, facing the scorching heat, heatstroke prevention and cooling have become important matters. The hidden dangers in hot weather cannot be ignored. "So far this year, the situation has been relatively stable, but the high temperatures will continue to rise. Everyone needs to take precautions in advance," said Mao Enqiang, director of the Emergency Department of Ruijin Hospital affiliated with Shanghai Jiao Tong University School of Medicine. In the summer of 2022, the Emergency Department received multiple heatstroke patients, including the oldest 84 years old and the youngest 20 years old, including firefighters and marathon racers.

Among these patients, one of them suddenly developed severe consciousness disorders and body convulsions while exercising on a treadmill. When sent to the emergency department, he was already in a coma and diagnosed with heatstroke. Emergency medical staff successfully lowered the patient's body temperature and heart rate to a normal range through targeted treatment such as cooling, alkalizing urine, protecting the airway with oxygen, controlling seizures, and closely monitoring body temperature. Afterwards, the patient was transferred to the intensive care unit for treatment of secondary injuries, but fortunately, they were eventually saved.

"Heat stroke, also known as severe heat stroke, is the most serious type of heat stroke and must be taken seriously." Mao Enqiang introduced that heat stroke usually manifests as skin burning, consciousness disorders such as convulsions, coma, and clinical syndromes accompanied by multiple organ damage, with a high mortality rate.

What exactly is heat stroke? It is a serious acute heat induced disease caused by the imbalance of body temperature regulation function when exposed to high temperature and humidity environments, with heat production exceeding heat dissipation, leading to a rapid increase in core temperature, exceeding 40 ℃, accompanied by skin burning, consciousness disorders, and multiple organ dysfunction.

Heat stroke is divided into classical heat stroke and exertional heat stroke. Classic heat stroke is more common in individuals with insufficient body temperature regulation ability, those with underlying diseases, and those who have been exposed to high temperatures for a long time; Labor induced heat stroke is more common among previously healthy young people, such as participating officers and soldiers, firefighters, athletes, and construction workers.

Under normal circumstances, the internal organs of the human body need to work within a certain temperature range, which is called the "core temperature". It is generally about 0.5 ℃ higher than the surface temperature of the body, and the range is roughly between 36.5 ℃ and 37.5 ℃. Under continuous high temperature and humidity conditions, the rapid increase in core temperature of the human body can lead to serious organ dysfunction.

How to distinguish between heatstroke and heat stroke? Prolonged exposure to high temperatures may lead to symptoms such as dizziness, headache, thirst, excessive sweating, limb weakness, palpitations, etc. This is a precursor to heatstroke. If one can immediately go to a cool and ventilated place to rest, drink plenty of water, and supplement salt appropriately, the body will quickly recover. But if you are still in a high temperature environment, your body temperature may continue to rise. At this time, symptoms such as flushed complexion, excessive sweating, rapid pulse may occur, and muscle spasms, nausea and vomiting may even occur, which can then progress to more serious symptoms such as cold limbs, pale complexion, tachycardia, and decreased blood pressure. If the core temperature reaches 40 ℃ or above, accompanied by symptoms such as consciousness disorders and no sweating, heat stroke occurs.

Mao Enqiang said that in the face of hot weather, improving self-protection ability is an important intervention way to prevent and reduce the occurrence of heatstroke. In hot weather, to prevent heatstroke, it is necessary to:

Firstly, try to avoid high temperatures and sunlight, wear loose clothing, and replenish more moisture and salt.

Secondly, use medication correctly and avoid excessive alcohol consumption. Certain medications may increase the risk of heatstroke, including antihistamines, tricyclic antidepressants, amphetamines, cocaine, thyroxine β Receptor blockers, diuretics, etc. In addition, alcohol can also increase the likelihood of heat stroke. So, citizens who are using the above-mentioned drugs need to pay special attention to heatstroke prevention and cooling.

Thirdly, pay attention to high incidence sources that are easily overlooked. Closed cars are a particularly overlooked source of heat stroke. In summer, outdoors at temperatures above 30 ℃, the temperature inside the car can rise to 43 ℃ 10 minutes after parking, and to 50 ℃ 20 minutes later.

Fourthly, pay attention to environmental temperature and humidity. When the temperature exceeds 35 ℃, sweat evaporation is the only way for the human body to dissipate heat. If the humidity in the environment is too high, it will sweat like rain, but sweat cannot evaporate, and the body cannot effectively cool down.

Due to the potential life-threatening nature of heatstroke, emergency calls such as 120 and 110 should be made as soon as possible to seek guidance and assistance from professional emergency personnel. Meanwhile, the following measures can be taken:

Firstly, move the patient to a cool and ventilated area.

Secondly, monitor the patient's body temperature and quickly cool down. If it is soaked in cold water in a bathtub; Place the patient under a cold water shower; Spray cold water for watering flowers on the patient's body; Wipe the patient's body with cold water; Cold compress the head, armpits, and thigh roots with a damp towel or ice pack; When the weather is dry, wrap the patient in cold water soaked sheets or clothing, and use a fan to blow.

Thirdly, keep the patient's breathing unobstructed, and do not give them water when they are unconscious or experiencing convulsions; If vomiting occurs, lie on your side to maintain airway patency. At the same time, arrive at the medical institution as soon as possible for professional treatment.

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