What to eat in scorching heat? Shanghai merchants are promoting sustainable diets to help you stay healthy during summer. Saltwater | Abalone | Summer Vacation

Release time:Apr 14, 2024 07:15 AM

What can I eat to make my appetite greatly reduced in scorching heat? It's delicious and can also supplement necessary nutrients? Recently, many businesses in Shanghai have launched new summer products, gathering high-quality ingredients from both domestic and foreign sources, which are both nutritious and aesthetically pleasing, making people's appetite wild.

Quick frozen wild silver cod fillets from the Antarctic glacier region, sun and moon pillars from Dalian Ocean Island, the easternmost island in China, as well as Atlantic salmon fillets and Atlantic Arctic cod... At an Ol é boutique supermarket near Xujiahui, the newly launched 14 Ol é self branded seafood products occupy the "C" position of the supermarket's freezer, and many customers are buried in the selection.

The store manager pointed to the MSC ecological labels attached to these seafood and said that the MSC certification meant that seafood fishing came from sustainable and ecologically friendly waters, such as the Norwegian Barron Bay in the Arctic Circle, the pure waters of Alaska, and the Antarctic glaciers where the FAO58 small scale Antarctic canines grow in the Antarctic Circle. "MSC certification starts from fishing vessels, all the way to processing plants and sales, ensuring that every link in the entire chain can be controlled and traceable."

Ol é's own branded seafood.

The head of Ol é company stated that their future goal is to achieve MSC certified products in their own brand series accounting for 70% of the annual sales of seafood. Recently, in order to guide consumers to choose seafood and other environmentally friendly products with MSC/ASC ecological labels, customers can not only earn multiple points when making purchases, but also receive point rewards if they bring their own shopping bags.

What to eat in scorching heat? Shanghai merchants are promoting sustainable diets to help you stay healthy during summer. Saltwater | Abalone | Summer Vacation

Sam's Club has recently launched a new batch of summer exclusive menus that cater to the needs of the lazy economy, as they not only require healthy and environmentally friendly food but also convenience and simplicity.

In Shan Mu Baoshan Store, the reporter saw a set meal called "Sea and Land Barbecue Party". The manager said that the "main character" of the set meal was a pine crab from the Gulf of St. Lawrence, Canada. It used the traditional cage fishing method. According to the requirements of sustainable fishing, only male crabs with a crab length greater than 10cm could be caught out of the water. After boarding, the crabs were immediately cooked in salt water and frozen, and the first time they were locked fresh. During processing, in order to facilitate eating, the crab legs are half-shelled, and all bits are cut completely to ensure that the set meal has the ritual feeling of "crab box feast.

Similarly, abalone is delicious and nutritious, but processing it is time-consuming and laborious, which also makes customers hesitant. At Sam's Club, the reporter also saw a salted abalone meat produced in Lianjiang, Fujian, known as the "hometown of abalone". The store manager told reporters that the entire industry chain, from seedling cultivation, bait, aquaculture to processing, can be traced back. During processing, abalone is washed with saltwater, the shell, dirt, and black film are removed, and then quickly locked in fresh water with ultra-low temperature liquid nitrogen at minus 196 degrees Celsius. No fresh water or preservatives are added throughout the process... "Customers just need to blanch the abalone in boiling saltwater for 15 seconds, cool it down, and add an appropriate amount of Thai seafood cold soak juice to marinate it, and it can be consumed."

After finishing the light seafood, pair it with a cup of fruit tea that blends the aroma of tea and fruit?

At the flagship store on Xizang South Road of Aunt Hushang, new fruit tea products such as "Xianxianqingti" and "Freshly Stewed Pear" are popular among young people. The person in charge told reporters that in their area, various fruits such as crown pears, green lemons, watermelons, and small green citrus can be added to tea. Currently, there are 39 series and more than 80 varieties of fruit tea.

What to eat in scorching heat? Shanghai merchants are promoting sustainable diets to help you stay healthy during summer. Saltwater | Abalone | Summer Vacation

"The fruits we use come from organic and pollution-free fruit bases across the country, which not only allows consumers to eat healthier, but also helps more than 7000 fruit farmers in the industrial ecosystem increase their income and assist in rural revitalization."

Fruit tea raw material base.

Recently, Shanghai Auntie released the first ESG report among new tea drink franchise brands, which showed that the brand's pioneering five grain tea drink has long helped revitalize the rice industry in Yanshou County, Harbin City; Initiate the "Public Welfare Plan to Assist the High Quality Development of Fu'an White Tea" and develop the "No. 8 Old White Boiled Platinum" series of tea drinks; Collaborating with major prickly pear producing areas such as Qiannan Prefecture in Guizhou, we have developed the "Super Top prickly pear" series, making the good products in the deep mountains the "favorites" of Shanghai consumers; In response to "white pollution", the brand has replaced the use of 250 tons of non degradable plastic cup bags and 825 tons of non degradable plastic straws by using degradable cup bags and PLA material straws since its establishment for 10 years.


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