These two summer resorts with rich cultural heritage are worth visiting, seeking coolness, learning Tang poetry, and reading history. Citizen | Shanghai | Cultural Heritage

Release time:Apr 14, 2024 12:13 PM

Summer vacation and studying are the two popular themes for summer outings this year. The recently popular movie "Three Thousand Miles in Chang'an" has also aroused the enthusiasm of Chinese people for Tang poetry and history. If you want to enjoy the cool summer and explore the sea of traditional Chinese culture, two tourist destinations, Lushan in Jiangxi and Datong in Shanxi, are worth recommending.

Lushan: Leaving behind more than 16000 poems, songs, and essays, Li Bai visited 5 times

In the prime of summer, all things are beautiful together. On July 30th, the 2023 "Leisure" Lushan Cultural Tourism Promotion Conference, hosted by the Lushan Municipal Party Committee and Government, was held in Shanghai, showcasing the summer cultural tourism products and projects of Lushan to the general public and travelers, and inviting Shanghai citizens to visit the "Leisure" Lushan for summer vacation.

"Looking horizontally at the mountains, there are peaks on the sides, with different heights and distances. I don't know the true face of Mount Lu, only because I am in this mountain..." Among many poems describing Mount Lu, Su Shi's poem "Inscription on the Western Forest Wall" not only depicts the diverse changes of Mount Lu, but also the unique charm of Mount Lu. People who often get close to Mount Lu will find that the peaks of Mount Lu appear and disappear in the misty clouds, both illusory and real.

These two summer resorts with rich cultural heritage are worth visiting, seeking coolness, learning Tang poetry, and reading history. Citizen | Shanghai | Cultural Heritage

The opening performance of the promotion conference "The Journey of a Legendary Landscape Painting"

The protagonist of "The Three Thousand Miles of Chang'an", the great poet Li Bai, "I am fond of singing songs about Mount Lu, and I am inspired by Mount Lu." He climbed Mount Lu five times between the ages of 25 and 57, leaving behind famous lines such as "Flying down three thousand feet, suspected to be the Milky Way falling into the sky" and "I am a madman of Chu, and the phoenix sings and laughs at Confucius". Li Bai and his wife once lived in seclusion on Mount Lu, using it as a place of refuge and a spiritual home.

Mount Lu interprets the fusion of diverse cultures in the history of human civilization development. Li Bai, Su Shi, Bai Juyi, Tao Yuanming, Tang Yin and other literary giants have all settled down on the mountain, leaving behind world-renowned works; Buddhism, Taoism, Islam, Catholicism, and Christianity coexist harmoniously on one mountain. On various types of rocks and inscriptions in Mount Lushan, there are over 16000 poems, songs, and essays depicting over 4000 literary masters, over 1300 stone carvings, and over 300 stone inscriptions.

At the beginning of the 20th century, people from various countries gathered on Mount Lu, forming over 600 villas of various types in more than 20 countries; The Central Committee of the Communist Party of China held three important meetings in Mount Lu, and Chairman Mao Zedong visited Mount Lu three times. Lushan has become a famous mountain where cultural, scientific, and political figures gather. The United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) evaluates Mount Lu as one of the birthplaces of Chinese civilization. The historical relics of Mount Lu blend in with the outstanding natural beauty in a unique way, forming a cultural landscape with extremely high aesthetic value and close connection with the spirit and cultural life of the Chinese nation.

These two summer resorts with rich cultural heritage are worth visiting, seeking coolness, learning Tang poetry, and reading history. Citizen | Shanghai | Cultural Heritage

There are numerous poems, songs, and essays related to Mount Lu

Lushan Mountain has excellent ecology, combining natural "water bar" and "oxygen bar". It is a famous summer resort and health resort both at home and abroad, and is also recommended by Jiangxi Province to domestic and foreign tourists for health tourism check-in. The scenic area covers an area of 46 square kilometers, with a forest coverage rate of up to 90.7%. The average temperature in summer is over 20 degrees Celsius, and many mountain springs in the scenic area meet the standard for direct drinking. The air quality and PM2.5 index are consistently above the top level. The scenic area is rich in hot spring resources, enjoying a cool summer and soaking in springs in winter, providing a comfortable and soothing experience.

In scorching July, flowers bloom in mid summer. At this time, Lushan Mountain is cool and pleasant, and it is a good time for health and summer retreat. At the promotion meeting, representatives of relevant units and enterprises in Lushan focused on promoting and releasing "Lushan summer vacation, health preservation, relevant preferential policies, and boutique tourism route products". Six tourism enterprises in Lushan and Shanghai have signed cooperation agreements on the "Lushan Summer Hundred Group Tour", solidly promoting the transmission of cultural tourism tourists between the two regions, effectively achieving the goal of "government supported enterprises singing opera", and further promoting the exchange and cooperation of tourism enterprises in the two regions to a new level.

Datong: In the Ninth Ancient Capital, Appreciate the History on the Ground

These two summer resorts with rich cultural heritage are worth visiting, seeking coolness, learning Tang poetry, and reading history. Citizen | Shanghai | Cultural Heritage

The term "Datong" originates from the Book of Rites, Li Yun. For thousands of years, the ideal of "Datong" has always been a shining light in the hearts of humanity. Here, we have witnessed the extraordinary process and vivid imprint of the integration of various ethnic groups in the Chinese family; It also left behind beautiful and beautiful images of the fortresses of the Han Dynasty, the capital of Northern Wei, the capital of Liao and Jin, and important towns of the Ming and Qing dynasties. At the 2023 Datong Cultural and Tourism Promotion Conference held in Shanghai today, the rich historical and cultural relics, cool summer climate, and intangible cultural heritage food performances of Datong attracted the attention of Shanghai citizens and tourists.

Datong is an ancient cultural capital. As the ninth largest ancient capital of China, Datong has a rich historical and cultural heritage, with abundant historical sites and relics. More than 100000 years ago, one of the ancestors of the Chinese people lived by the shores of Datong Lake. The Xujiayao Man Site in Yanggao unraveled the origin question of "where did the Chinese people come from?"; 2300 years ago, King Wuling of Zhao built a city and established a city, which also left behind the magnificent bodies of Li Guang, Wei Qing, and Huo Qubing from the Han Dynasty. 1600 years ago, the Northern Wei Dynasty established its capital in Pingcheng, and the Yungang Grottoes began, marking the beginning of the comprehensive process of Sinicization of Buddhism; As the capital of the Liao and Jin dynasties, it was named Datong from 1044 AD, and its name continues to this day.

yungang grottoes

During the Ming and Qing dynasties, Datong declared itself as an important town on the nine border areas to the world. The ancient capital Datong, located between the inner and outer Great Wall, has connected the history of the evolution of Chinese civilization, the changes in the Yellow River culture, the military struggle of the Great Wall, the integration and development of the Chinese nation, the history of Chinese ancient architectural art, the history of Jin merchants who connected the world, the history of the Chinese Red Revolution, the history of the laboring people's creation, and the history of geological tectonic movements over time.

These two summer resorts with rich cultural heritage are worth visiting, seeking coolness, learning Tang poetry, and reading history. Citizen | Shanghai | Cultural Heritage

There are numerous historical and cultural relics within the territory of Datong, with unique natural resources. The Yungang Grottoes, the ancient capital of three dynasties, Datong Ancient City, the largest and earliest surviving Nine Dragon Wall, the Northern Mount Hengshan, one of the Five Sacred Mountains, the Hanging Temple, one of the world's top ten dangerous buildings, Sanggan River, the ancient Great Wall of the frontier, Datong Volcano Group, and natural geothermal hot springs... will make tourists deeply feel that visiting Shanxi is reading history.

Cool summer is a characteristic label of Datong. Datong, located on the golden 40 ° north latitude line, is a livable "summer resort" bestowed by heaven. The average temperature in the hot summer here is 19-21.8 degrees Celsius, with an average relative humidity of 50%, making it comfortable and pleasant; The average annual sunlight exposure of 3000 hours and the most suitable altitude for human habitation of 1000 meters give Datong an advantage in the enrichment layer of negative oxygen ions. Within Datong, there are undulating mountains and rivers, crisscrossing valleys, and diverse terrain and landforms such as mountains, basins, hills, and canyons. The geothermal resources are extremely abundant. Datong has been rated as a "Chinese Summer Tourism City" for five consecutive years, attracting numerous tourists to come and cool off every summer.

Hanging Temple, one of the top ten dangerous buildings in the world

Datong is the capital of cuisine. The unique geographical environment and microclimate here nourish numerous "Datong Good Grains" with the same origin of medicine and food; "Daoxiao Noodles" is well known, millet and astragalus are of good quality, and their health preserving effects are well known. President Pompidou of France, who visited China in September 1973, praised Datong Huangmi Oil Cake and Xinrong Oat Noodle endlessly. Having tasted French cuisine, he was also deeply attracted by Datong cuisine; Chinese culinary master Hangzhou Weizhou tasted Datong Haoliang at a food conference and recommended salt fried lamb and yellow flower dishes to the Winter Olympics, which were successfully selected for the "Chongli Menu"... 36 famous restaurants, 28 famous chefs, and hundreds of themed banquet dishes complement Datong's health advantages as a "cool summer capital".

These two summer resorts with rich cultural heritage are worth visiting, seeking coolness, learning Tang poetry, and reading history. Citizen | Shanghai | Cultural Heritage

At the promotion meeting, the host invited the master of pasta, the inheritor of intangible cultural heritage, to ride on a unicycle, put a small basin of dough on his head, and lift a knife with both hands to cut snow like Daoxiao Noodles from the dough. The skill is amazing. The master of pasta also performed skills such as belt noodles, dough blowing balloons, and dragon whisker Lamian Noodles. The soft dough was blown into a "big balloon" as thin as a cicada's wings by the master. The countless dragon whisker Lamian Noodles "looks like a waterfall at a distance, and hair at a close distance", which looks delicious. Subsequently, key scenic spots such as Yungang Grottoes and Beiyue Hengshan were promoted with special topics, and a number of study tour routes were launched.

Dough Blowing Balloon Performance

At the event, the Datong Cultural and Tourism Industry Association and the Shanghai Tourism Industry Association Travel Agency Branch signed a strategic agreement for mutual transfer of tourists. The "Shanghai Ten Thousand Tours to Datong" event was launched simultaneously, and Datong officially extended a sincere invitation to tourists from the Magic City.

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What new concepts are reflected in the concept of "strengthening the body and keeping fit"? For the first time in the history of Shanghai Lupu Bridge, structural maintenance has been quietly completed for the Lupu Bridge | Bridge | Concept

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More than 25000 daily road cleaning personnel are dispatched, and the Dragon Boat Festival holiday park receives 1.55 million visitors. Forest | Facilities | Personnel
More than 25000 daily road cleaning personnel are dispatched, and the Dragon Boat Festival holiday park receives 1.55 million visitors. Forest | Facilities | Personnel

The Dragon Boat Festival holiday has been affected by rainy weather, resulting in a decrease in the number of visitors to Shanghai parks compared to the same period in previous years. The Shanghai Greening and Urban Appearance Bureau announced today that during the Dragon Boat Festival holiday, Shanghai Park received a total of 1.5536 million visitors. The holiday coincides with heavy rainfall, and the Shanghai greening and urban landscape industry adheres to the principle of "safety first, constant preparedness, prevention as the main focus, and full efforts to rescue". It actively responds to conditions such as heavy rainfall and thunderstorms and strong winds, and arranges frontline workers to arrive at work in advance within three days. More than 25000 road cleaning personnel are dispatched daily, and key areas such as bus hubs, scenic areas, subway station entrances and exits, and large commercial districts are quickly cleaned and cleaned. Garbage and fallen leaves around drainage outlets are promptly removed to ensure the travel of citizens. The Shanghai Greening and Forestry Department tied up new types of trees in advance, cleaned up dead branches and fallen leaves in ditches, and cleared forest drainage

The consumption scene of Xujiahui Nightlife Festival continues to be updated, and the more exciting the night, the more local | Consumption | Xujiahui
The consumption scene of Xujiahui Nightlife Festival continues to be updated, and the more exciting the night, the more local | Consumption | Xujiahui

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How to play with the soaring prices of European tours? "Spending less money to visit more places" can still achieve world | Europe | European tours

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What does the Lujiazui Forum rely on to attract global attention? Over the past 15 years, the forum has focused on economics, finance, and other related topics

Tomorrow, the 14th Lujiazui Forum will open in Shanghai. Since its establishment 15 years ago, this high-end dialogue and exchange platform in the financial field has become a business card for Shanghai and also a business card for China's finance to go global. An interesting coincidence is that the first Lujiazui Forum started in 2008, when people were concerned about when the global economy could improve and recover under the impact of the financial crisis. And what everyone is more concerned about in this forum is obviously how finance can help global economic recovery after the epidemic. The questions are similar, but the answers are not exactly the same. Every time global financial professionals come to the Lujiazui Forum, they are searching for answers to financial development issues in the real world. Over the past 15 years, some answers have gradually become clear, while others are still being explored. Perhaps this is why the Lujiazui Forum has caught the world's attention