The password is hidden in robots and green batteries... Will the car seat factory become versatile in 26 years? Shanghai Made "Old Trees and New Branches" Automobile Export | Lingang | Assessment and Diagnosis | Intelligent Factory | Holding | 25% | Industry | Manufacturing | Shanghai | Intelligent Manufacturing

Release time:Apr 14, 2024 18:59 PM

Not long ago, China Telecom Shanghai Branch, which was selected as the "Recommended Catalogue for Intelligent Factory Evaluation and Diagnosis Institutions and Digital Transformation Service Providers," did not expect that within three weeks after the catalog was released, more than 100 companies visited. The demand side and supply side of intelligent manufacturing can be so fierce.

The construction of intelligent factories in various districts is equally hot, with Songjiang, Jiading, and Pudong competing for the first place of the year. Currently, the outcome is uncertain, and there may still be "dark horses" emerging. Based on this progress, Shanghai aims to complete the intelligent manufacturing evaluation and diagnosis of 10000 factories above designated size by 2025, which is likely to be completed significantly ahead of schedule.

The key is that both existing and ongoing smart factories have a rigid requirement - the proportion of green electricity must reach over 25%.

The current overwhelming evaluation and construction of intelligent factories is a vivid portrayal of the development of Shanghai's six key industries, namely "three modernizations".

The password is hidden in robots and green batteries... Will the car seat factory become versatile in 26 years? Shanghai Made "Old Trees and New Branches" Automobile Export | Lingang | Assessment and Diagnosis | Intelligent Factory | Holding | 25% | Industry | Manufacturing | Shanghai | Intelligent Manufacturing

But the "three modernizations" are not in line with fashion. It profoundly determines the direction of high-quality development of Shanghai's modern industrial system.

Three new paradigms

"Promoting the deep integration of digital economy and real economy, green technology and industrial upgrading, advanced manufacturing and modern service industry" is a further interpretation of the "three modernizations" in the opinion.

However, prior to opinions, Shanghai's endogenous practice has been vigorous.

The password is hidden in robots and green batteries... Will the car seat factory become versatile in 26 years? Shanghai Made "Old Trees and New Branches" Automobile Export | Lingang | Assessment and Diagnosis | Intelligent Factory | Holding | 25% | Industry | Manufacturing | Shanghai | Intelligent Manufacturing

For example, Jiangnan Shipbuilding chose "integration of numbers and reality" 8 years ago. Chairman Lin Ou discussed at the "Industrial Empowerment Shanghai" Innovation Conference this year that in 2015, Jiangnan Shipbuilding made up its mind to create a digital shipbuilding base based on a "single digital model", aiming to solve the problem of inefficient conversion between a large number of 3D models and 2D drawings in the shipbuilding process. It is precisely based on this base that the "Hai Xun 160" large navigation mark ship was completed and launched in 2019, becoming the world's first paperless large steel ship.

While Shanghai's industry embraces digital technology, it is also pursuing "green". There is a virtual power plant in Huangpu District. By means of energy Internet, the energy consumption equipment in the business building is precisely managed and controlled, which is equivalent to rebuilding a power plant. This green technology is being rapidly replicated, and six household energy enterprises in the Lingang New Area have taken the lead in signing contracts with virtual power plants.

Selling services in advanced manufacturing is also becoming a trend in Shanghai. For example, Weipaige, a 30-year-old water equipment manufacturer, was offered 1.22 million yuan by a company in Xiong'an, Hebei for its "intelligent water operation and maintenance consulting services" in 2021. According to the Production Service Industry Department of the Shanghai Municipal Commission of Economy and Information Technology, Weipaige is a typical "service-oriented manufacturing", with its main business still relying on manufacturing, but its service-oriented rate has exceeded 30%. In addition to intelligent operation and maintenance, Shanghai's service-oriented manufacturing is also exploring full lifecycle management, industrial design, supply chain management, and more.

Old trees sprout new branches

The password is hidden in robots and green batteries... Will the car seat factory become versatile in 26 years? Shanghai Made "Old Trees and New Branches" Automobile Export | Lingang | Assessment and Diagnosis | Intelligent Factory | Holding | 25% | Industry | Manufacturing | Shanghai | Intelligent Manufacturing

The emergence of these new paradigms is all driven.

When it comes to the digital shipbuilding journey of the past 8 years, Lin Ou admits that it has been difficult all the way, "but it cannot be changed because the shipbuilding industry is typical of heavy assets, labor-intensive, low gross profit margin, and full competition, and must undergo digital transformation."

When opening the electricity bill, the 70 year old Shanghai Steam Turbine Factory also had to transfer it. In recent years, factories have indeed won many global orders. However, for every 10% increase in production capacity, they have to pay an additional 21% of electricity bills. The more they work, the more losses they make. What can we do? Old manufacturers are forced to seek green carbon reduction paths and have decided to install photovoltaic and energy storage facilities in 80000 square meters of factory buildings. At this point, the human brain is not enough anymore - a cloud floats in the sky, and the photovoltaic power generation immediately decreases. The hourly tiered electricity prices of power plants are also different. In the case of multiple variables, parameters, and real-time changes, it is necessary to quickly calculate the most economical electricity consumption plan, with the amount of calculation per second being equivalent to people calculating one million years without sleep. The "Nebula Intelligent Huineng Carbon Dual Control Platform" of Shanghai Electric Mathematical Science and Technology has been launched in a timely manner. With the support of energy conservation and digital technology, Shanghai Steam Turbine Plant can save at least 6 million yuan in electricity bills annually and reduce emissions by over 6000 tons of carbon dioxide.

It is precisely through intelligence, greenness, and integration that Shanghai Steam Turbine Factory has "survived" in Shanghai and embarked on a positive path of "making more money as it works".

The password is hidden in robots and green batteries... Will the car seat factory become versatile in 26 years? Shanghai Made "Old Trees and New Branches" Automobile Export | Lingang | Assessment and Diagnosis | Intelligent Factory | Holding | 25% | Industry | Manufacturing | Shanghai | Intelligent Manufacturing

In fact, "old factories" such as Shanghai Steam Turbine Factory account for 85% of the market share of factories above designated size in Shanghai. It is difficult to find young factories under the age of 20 among the approximately 600 core automotive parts companies in Shanghai. But unfortunately, these "old trees" love to develop "new branches" the most. The density of robots in the Shanghai automotive industry is as high as 1045 per 10000 people, and the high "intelligence content" makes old factories thrive——

26 year old Huayu Automobile used to only produce seats, but now with the help of intelligent manufacturing, it has achieved product upgrades and category expansion. Except for new energy vehicle batteries and car casings, Huayu can handle all other full chain components.

Yanfeng Motors is even more aggressive, having become a global automotive parts manufacturer headquartered in Shanghai, with 9 research and development bases and over 240 factories and technology centers in 20 countries worldwide. Customer order management was once the most painful daily information flow work for Yanfeng. Faced with the workload of managing hundreds of thousands of orders every day, Yanfeng Automobile built the world's first highly integrated and real-time decision-making intelligent scheduling system, which increased work efficiency by 7 times and achieved 100% accuracy. In addition to intelligent logistics, agile management and quality management, and the application of AI algorithms in intelligent process control and predictive maintenance, Yanfeng Automobile has developed intelligence and is able to output Shanghai solutions to the entire industry chain and global factories, creating a model room for "Shanghai Brain, Global Intelligent Manufacturing".

It is reported that by 2025, Shanghai will build 20 benchmark intelligent factories, 200 demonstration intelligent factories, and drive the addition of 20000 industrial robot applications. Wu Chunping, Deputy Director of the Intelligent Manufacturing Promotion Department of the Municipal Commission of Economy and Information Technology, said, "We are defending the achievement of our goals through the five key measures of 'one industry, one policy' planning, 'one industry, one specialty' support, 'one industry, one standard' standardization, 'one industry, one integration' service, and 'one industry, one group' development."

The password is hidden in robots and green batteries... Will the car seat factory become versatile in 26 years? Shanghai Made "Old Trees and New Branches" Automobile Export | Lingang | Assessment and Diagnosis | Intelligent Factory | Holding | 25% | Industry | Manufacturing | Shanghai | Intelligent Manufacturing

SAIC Passenger Car Lingang Smart Factory.

Since 2021, the total output value of Shanghai's large-scale industrial sector has remained at the level of 4 trillion yuan. In Shanghai, where every inch of land is precious, a large amount of manufacturing can be retained and contribute to high-quality output, and intelligent manufacturing plays an indispensable role. Last year, the automobile industry, one of the six key industries in Shanghai, had an output value of over 800 billion yuan, and alone managed to bear 20% of the city's total industrial output value above designated size.

Building leading advantages

Under the "Three Modernizations", Shanghai has truly relied on strengthening its leading role in high-end industries, striving to grasp the core links of the industrial chain, and occupying a high-end position in the value chain.

The password is hidden in robots and green batteries... Will the car seat factory become versatile in 26 years? Shanghai Made "Old Trees and New Branches" Automobile Export | Lingang | Assessment and Diagnosis | Intelligent Factory | Holding | 25% | Industry | Manufacturing | Shanghai | Intelligent Manufacturing

In the automotive field, Shanghai's new energy vehicles achieved "two 1 million" last year, with a production of nearly 1 million vehicles and a cumulative promotion of over 1 million vehicles, both ranking among the top in the country in terms of scale; In the field of high-end equipment, the C919 large aircraft has successfully delivered its first aircraft, the ARJ21 regional passenger aircraft has been put into commercial operation, the first domestically produced large cruise ship has been launched for floating in the dock, leading ships such as the Xuelong 2 polar scientific research icebreaker have been launched, and the world's first kilometer level high-temperature superconducting cable has been officially put into operation.

Some new leading advantages are emerging. Shanghai has become the first city in China to include robot density in statistics. Currently, the robot density is 260 units per 10000 people, which is more than twice the international average level; Last year, the scale of Shanghai's intelligent equipment industry exceeded 100 billion yuan, becoming one of the largest export destinations for intelligent manufacturing system integration solutions in China; At present, Shanghai has formed 26 influential industrial Internet platforms, linking 1.2 million enterprises and 8.22 million devices nationwide. For example, EnOS, the industrial Internet platform of Vision, can realize the coordination of power generation side, power consumption side and power grid side. It can not only cope with the intermittent fluctuations of wind photovoltaic power generation, but also be good at energy storage forecasting. Now it has access to 560 gigawatts of new energy assets worldwide, equivalent to the average power load of 20 Shanghai. Based on EnOS, Vision's zero carbon industrial park model is accelerating its replication both domestically and internationally, including helping Nike China build its first wind and solar integrated zero carbon smart logistics park, and assisting Bollinger Ingelheim in building a leading carbon neutral factory in Asia.

The three-year action plan for promoting high-quality development of the manufacturing industry in Shanghai, released in June this year, proposes to build four trillion level industrial clusters of electronic information, life and health, automobiles, and high-end equipment, and two 500 billion level industrial clusters of advanced materials and fashion consumer goods. The scale goals of the six key industries have been consolidated. High quality blueprints come first, and intelligence, greening, and integration are the pilot lights that achieve these goals.

What new concepts are reflected in the concept of "strengthening the body and keeping fit"? For the first time in the history of Shanghai Lupu Bridge, structural maintenance has been quietly completed for the Lupu Bridge | Bridge | Concept
What new concepts are reflected in the concept of "strengthening the body and keeping fit"? For the first time in the history of Shanghai Lupu Bridge, structural maintenance has been quietly completed for the Lupu Bridge | Bridge | Concept

The Lupu Bridge, the sixth bridge on the Huangpu River in Shanghai and known as the "world's largest arch," has recently completed its first structural repair since its construction. Since 2015, Shanghai's urban bridges have entered a peak maintenance period, with several iconic bridges undergoing maintenance and renovation, including Zhejiang Road Bridge, Nanpu Bridge, Yangpu Bridge, Songpu Bridge, etc. Why did the Lupu Bridge, which is younger than them, start "strengthening and keeping fit" early on? The Jiefang Daily Shangguan News reporter learned that after this maintenance, the Lupu Bridge still needs to consider upgrading, reflecting the new concept of urban municipal facility operation. How long can disease removal last? June 28th is the 20th anniversary of the opening and operation of the Lupu Bridge. Why did a young bridge who had just turned 20 start maintenance work early? The design period of the main structure of Lupu Bridge is 1 year

More than 25000 daily road cleaning personnel are dispatched, and the Dragon Boat Festival holiday park receives 1.55 million visitors. Forest | Facilities | Personnel
More than 25000 daily road cleaning personnel are dispatched, and the Dragon Boat Festival holiday park receives 1.55 million visitors. Forest | Facilities | Personnel

The Dragon Boat Festival holiday has been affected by rainy weather, resulting in a decrease in the number of visitors to Shanghai parks compared to the same period in previous years. The Shanghai Greening and Urban Appearance Bureau announced today that during the Dragon Boat Festival holiday, Shanghai Park received a total of 1.5536 million visitors. The holiday coincides with heavy rainfall, and the Shanghai greening and urban landscape industry adheres to the principle of "safety first, constant preparedness, prevention as the main focus, and full efforts to rescue". It actively responds to conditions such as heavy rainfall and thunderstorms and strong winds, and arranges frontline workers to arrive at work in advance within three days. More than 25000 road cleaning personnel are dispatched daily, and key areas such as bus hubs, scenic areas, subway station entrances and exits, and large commercial districts are quickly cleaned and cleaned. Garbage and fallen leaves around drainage outlets are promptly removed to ensure the travel of citizens. The Shanghai Greening and Forestry Department tied up new types of trees in advance, cleaned up dead branches and fallen leaves in ditches, and cleared forest drainage

The consumption scene of Xujiahui Nightlife Festival continues to be updated, and the more exciting the night, the more local | Consumption | Xujiahui
The consumption scene of Xujiahui Nightlife Festival continues to be updated, and the more exciting the night, the more local | Consumption | Xujiahui

"Night economy" is a barometer of urban vitality. As one of the national level night culture and tourism consumption clusters, since the opening of the 2023 Shanghai Nightlife Festival, the consumption scenes of "sports+", "local+", and "trend+" have continued to innovate in Xujiahui Nightlife Festival, bringing a new consumption experience of "more exciting the night" to the general public and tourists. As one of the first sports industry clusters in Shanghai, the "2023 Xuhui District Sports Consumption Carnival" was launched from June 9th to 11th in the Xujiahui commercial district. During this 3-day carnival, more than 30 famous sports brands, leading sports enterprises in Shanghai, and characteristic sports institutions were shortlisted for the event. In addition, Shanghai Free Fighting Amateur Open, China Coordinate Shanghai Xuhui Directional Outdoor Challenge, Xuhui District Basketball Season Finals, One Dart Throwing Victory Dart Challenge, etc

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How to play with the soaring prices of European tours? "Spending less money to visit more places" can still achieve world | Europe | European tours

After three years of the epidemic, the country has reopened and the outside world has changed a lot. For Chinese travelers, inflation in many countries around the world and the European energy crisis have caused the cost of European travel to rise sharply. In the face of such a new situation, at the "2023 European Travel Carnival" that kicked off in the shopping street of Jing'an Temple Station of Shanghai Metro today, tourism practitioners put forward the concept of "Travelmoreforless" and strive to provide more customized travel routes for tourists who prefer characteristic routes. This European Travel Carnival is the fourth "May 5 Shopping Festival" and one of the important activities of the "Shanghai Import Hi Shopping Festival. From Switzerland, UK, Croatia, Poland, Norway, Denmark, UK, Hamburg, Flanders, Belgium, Sweden, Portugal, etc

What does the Lujiazui Forum rely on to attract global attention? Over the past 15 years, the forum has focused on economics, finance, and other related topics
What does the Lujiazui Forum rely on to attract global attention? Over the past 15 years, the forum has focused on economics, finance, and other related topics

Tomorrow, the 14th Lujiazui Forum will open in Shanghai. Since its establishment 15 years ago, this high-end dialogue and exchange platform in the financial field has become a business card for Shanghai and also a business card for China's finance to go global. An interesting coincidence is that the first Lujiazui Forum started in 2008, when people were concerned about when the global economy could improve and recover under the impact of the financial crisis. And what everyone is more concerned about in this forum is obviously how finance can help global economic recovery after the epidemic. The questions are similar, but the answers are not exactly the same. Every time global financial professionals come to the Lujiazui Forum, they are searching for answers to financial development issues in the real world. Over the past 15 years, some answers have gradually become clear, while others are still being explored. Perhaps this is why the Lujiazui Forum has caught the world's attention