The manager, chef and waiter of this restaurant have been watching a leftover for a long time... The guest has checked out of the CD | Action | Restaurant

Release time:Apr 14, 2024 08:10 AM

Is it enough for catering enterprises to practice the "Clean Your Plate Campaign" and put an end to "tongue waste" by hanging posters and cards in halls and private rooms? Two years ago, Heji Xiaocai, a catering chain brand in Shanghai that mainly focuses on local dishes, also saw posters of "Clean Your Plate Campaign" everywhere. Now, there are few posters and cards, but the good practice of "Clean Your Plate Campaign" can be seen everywhere

"If two years ago we launched the" Clean Your Plate Campaign ", which was still in the stage of asking the waiter to persuade customers to order food moderately and pack and take it away, now it is from asking me to" light "to asking me to" light ". Enterprises and customers go in both directions, customers get substantial benefits and enterprises increase benefits." said Yang Hai, regional general manager of Hutchison dishes.

A "lockdown communication meeting"

At around 2 pm on July 22nd, the afternoon business of Heji Xiaocai New East Asia Store was nearing its end. Yang Hai, the regional general manager of Heji Xiaocai who came to inspect the store, together with Lao Zuo, the manager of the New East Asia store, Guo, the head chef, and Xiao Chen, the on duty waiter, conducted a consultation on two tables where customers had already checked out but the waiters had not yet cleaned up.

I saw that most of the dishes on the two tables were "CDs", but the three fresh meat skin soups ordered by the customers coincidentally left five or six pieces of meat skin, two or three egg dumplings, and one or two blinded buns

Waiter Xiao Chen told the manager that the number of people dining at each table is six or seven. I saw Yang Hai scooping up a piece of meat skin with a spoon, tasted it, and said, "The dishes are all on the 'CD', indicating that the customer is very satisfied with the food and Xiao Chen's work is also up to par. But it seems that this pot of soup is still a bit large, 88 yuan per serving, enough for 10 people to eat. Next, you can try a small portion of soup, 58 yuan, enough for four or five people to eat. I will also report to the company."

At the "communication meeting for closing the house", the management and front-line staff of Hutchison Snack discussed why the leftovers were left around the theme of "Clean Your Plate Campaign".

The manager, chef and waiter of this restaurant have been watching a leftover for a long time... The guest has checked out of the CD | Action | Restaurant

Hutchison has a total of 12 stores in Shanghai. This kind of "consultation" is available twice a day, because it is mainly aimed at private rooms where the "CD operation" is not thorough enough. The company also calls it "closed room communication meeting". The communication meeting is usually presided over by the store manager, with the participation of the chef, the hot and cold food chef and the desk attendant. The regional general manager "flies" to inspect and improve the work of the desk attendant and the back chef. The starting point is to see if the table is "CD" and why the rest is not packed away.

The front desk service has three reminders

Both tables of dishes were on CD and received recognition from the leader. The waiter on duty, Xiao Chen, breathed a sigh of relief. She told reporters that as a waitress on duty, she needs to implement a "three time reminder system": when ordering, she actively reminds customers to order moderately and adds more if not enough; Before checkout, proactively remind customers if there is a need for packaging; After checkout, remind the customer that "the remaining dishes can be packed and taken away, and the packaging box can be given to you for free."

Xiao Chen said: "We have all been trained. The Chinese say that they are poor and rich. They love face when they treat guests. They can't speak improperly and offend customers. Especially some new guests, when I reminded them to order in moderation, they were still a little unhappy at first, wondering why there was such a thing as not doing business? After serving, they will find that the arrangement of Hutchison dishes is indeed more realistic, so they will quietly express their sincere thanks at the checkout."

Because of sincerely considering customers, the company has gained more and more "repeat customers". Yang Hai said that after the epidemic, the catering industry in Shanghai has fully recovered, but it also faces a situation where customers, especially community residents, value cost-effectiveness more and pursue "good food but not expensive". "In the first half of this year, despite a decrease in average customer value, the operating revenue of 12 stores in Heji Xiaocai increased by more than 20% compared to the same period in 2019."

Extend the "CD" to the kitchen

Two years ago, the main stores of Hutchison Food did see posters and cards of "Clean Your Plate Campaign" everywhere, but now, "Clean Your Plate Campaign" has extended from the front to the back kitchen, and to every production and service link of the enterprise.

The manager, chef and waiter of this restaurant have been watching a leftover for a long time... The guest has checked out of the CD | Action | Restaurant

In the catering industry, free employee meals are welfare benefits, but because they are "free", the waste was originally very serious. "To practice the 'Clean Your Plate Campaign', we can't just focus on customers and the front desk. Every employee should be fully committed," Yang said.

Starting from April this year, Heji Xiaocai has comprehensively reformed the employee meals for over 1000 employees in 12 stores, requiring them to serve as much as possible and eat as much as possible. At the same time, after each employee meal, the store manager must upload kitchen waste to the store manager's work group as one of the assessment and evaluation items. "After reducing waste, we invested the money we saved in improving the quality of our employees' meals by adjusting the menu once a week. Now, the kitchen waste of employees' meals has been reduced by more than 50%."

After each employee meal, each store is required to upload the amount of kitchen waste dumped to the work group.

Yang Hai believes that in order to achieve a "compact disc", delicious food is the king's way, and the responsibility lies with catering enterprises: "If it is delicious, customers will not have any leftovers. If they have leftovers, customers are also willing to pack them back and share with their families. Therefore, our enterprise has put in effort to strictly control the procurement of ingredients. For example, we choose about 1.8 kilograms of deep-sea cultured yellow croaker for squirrel and yellow croaker, which has a good taste. We choose Guangdong Qingyuan chicken for crystal chicken, and the breeding time should reach more than 120 days. Nowadays, prefabricated dishes stand at the forefront of the industry, which is beneficial for reducing labor costs, but also has the disadvantage of having one dish for a thousand stores. We insist on on-site processing, so that old customers can taste" unique "."

The production of dishes also revolves around CDs. For example, opening more varieties and serving half of the dishes. Previously, the "top" varieties of Hutchison dishes were mainly high-end dishes. Now, Braised pork belly, eel, pig's hand, duck chin, hairy crab, etc. can be processed according to the "top" varieties. "A large plate of vegetables and a large bowl of soup are difficult to match, and it is inevitable to waste. Each person has a small portion, and there are many choices, which is not a waste. In addition, with the increasing consumption proportion of the" family of three "and" two person world ", 50% of the varieties on our menu can be made into half of the product."

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