The latest progress of 8 projects has been announced, and the construction of the transportation sector has been "expanded". The new round of popular projects in Shanghai is accelerating the promotion of parks | construction | transportation sector

Release time:Apr 14, 2024 04:01 AM

There is no end to ensuring people's livelihoods. On the basis of the first round of public opinion projects, a new round of public opinion projects has announced its implementation plan. According to the Shanghai Urban Rural Development and Transportation Work Committee of the Communist Party of China, the construction and transportation industry has undertaken 8 out of the 19 tasks, accounting for nearly half of the total.

"The new round of public opinion projects not only includes the 'familiar faces' that have achieved positive results, but also the' new tasks' that need to be focused on breakthroughs. It should be analyzed and promoted specifically based on specific situations." Hu Guangjie, Secretary of the Municipal Party Committee for the Construction of Diplomatic Relations and Director of the Municipal Housing and Urban Rural Development Commission, stated that the new round of public opinion projects is not about starting a new stove or exploring new paths, but also about adhering to and making good use of the mechanisms, platforms, and accumulated experiences that have already been formed. New jobs will also have new content and requirements. We need to break through fixed thinking and behavioral inertia, improve and optimize with higher standards and requirements, and promote the new round of popular sentiment engineering construction to achieve better results.

"Expansion" in the construction of transportation sector

The reporter found that there has been an expansion in the construction of the transportation sector. On the basis of the original, three new projects have been added, including improving the accessibility environment, enhancing the experience of public transportation and slow traffic, constructing the ecological park belt around the city, and building a thousand parks.

The accessibility improvement project involves a wide range of aspects, including urban roads, buildings, public places, transportation facilities, and information exchange. This year is an improvement year for the construction of accessible environments, and relevant departments are currently conducting a comprehensive investigation and understanding of the bottom line. "No matter how small the barrier free project is, we must take it seriously and truly improve the level of barrier free environment construction," said Zhang Yonggang, Deputy Director of the Municipal Housing and Construction Commission.

Taking the renovation of postal service outlets as an example, the reporter learned from the Shanghai Postal Administration that improving the accessibility environment also includes the construction of accessible ramps for postal service outlets. At present, there are a total of 536 postal universal service outlets in the city, providing postal universal services including letters, printed materials, parcel delivery, and postal remittance. Special services such as newspaper distribution, regular letters from conscripts, free delivery of books for the blind and relics of revolutionary martyrs, as well as convenient services such as paying bills for water, electricity, and coal. Overall, there is a high proportion of service recipients who are generally older and have difficulty moving.

After investigation and investigation, it was found that some business outlets with long renovation years have problems such as lack of barrier free ramp facilities, unreasonable setting of barrier free ramp entrances and exits, and damaged safety guardrails, which pose certain safety hazards. Therefore, from now on, 120 postal service outlets in the city will be renovated with outdoor accessible ramps in three years, which will be implemented in a rolling manner. Among them, 50 are planned to be renovated in 2023 and 35 are planned to be renovated in 2024; 35 planned renovations for the year 2025. Including the construction of accessible ramps, decorative stone paving, installation of stainless steel protective railings, and posting of accessible facility signs, with a total scale of approximately 960 square meters.

Improving the experience of public transportation and slow traffic is a brand new popular project. The relevant person in charge of the Municipal Transportation Commission stated that a three-year action plan has been formulated. This year, no less than 6 new and adjusted shuttle bus routes will be opened to connect public transportation with rail transit; Through engineering renovation, connect four existing rail transit stations within a 50 meter radius to bus stops; Pilot completion of bidirectional display of operational information for three rail transit stations within the port area and their bus stops within a 100 meter radius; Add 500 P+R parking spaces and complete 50 B+R improvement projects; The registration rate of Internet rental bicycles launched reached 90%, and precise launch of vehicles was piloted in 50 key regions, and measures were formulated to guide users to use vehicles in a civilized manner; Improve 30 slow traffic networks, create 40 slow traffic spaces, enhance the quality of 50 slow traffic facilities, and create 10 slow traffic demonstration areas.

"At all levels, departments still need to further deepen the concept of 'public transportation priority' and 'slow traffic priority'. In the context of limited road resources and conflicting allocation of road rights, relevant departments at the city level and local streets and towns should change their habitual thinking of 'prioritizing vehicles' when it comes to developing public transportation, restoring non road prohibition, bridging slow traffic breakpoints, and improving slow traffic networks." The person in charge said.

The construction of the ecological park belt around the city and the "Thousand Parks" is also a new popular project. The relevant person in charge of the Shanghai Greening and Urban Appearance Management Bureau stated that 120 new types of parks will be added in the construction of 1000 parks this year, and more than 40 affiliated green space opening projects will be completed within this year; The improvement of the function of the outer ring green belt is accelerating, with the construction and opening of 10 parks on the ring road, the addition of 14 kilometers of the outer ring green road, the construction of 8 outer ring post stations, the opening of 4 outer ring green road breakpoints, and the initiation of 21 outer ring green road breakpoint construction; Continue to promote the construction of wedge-shaped green spaces in Senlan, Sanlin, Beicai, Taopu, and Wusong Rivers, with a new green area of 100 hectares, and accelerate the launch of research on the planning of wedge-shaped green spaces in Sancha Port; Actively exploring the construction of ecological intervals; Link and expand the ecological space of five new cities.

The maximization of the effectiveness of the People's Hearts Project construction requires the joint participation of society. "We will follow good practices such as soliciting 'golden ideas', soliciting public opinion in the design process, and evaluating citizen satisfaction along the Ring City Ecological Park, and further expand the citizen participation mechanism to the construction of wedge-shaped green spaces, ecological intervals, and the Ring City Ecological Park," said the person in charge.

Carefully crafted and continuously optimized

It is reported that the total amount of funds required for the eight popular projects is calculated in billions of yuan, which fully demonstrates the difficulty and wide coverage of them. Among them, the progress plan for the renovation of "two old villages and one village" is particularly touching. Wang Zhen, Director of the Municipal Housing Management Bureau, said that the three-year action plan and 2023 implementation plan for the "Two Olds and One Village" renovation project have been formulated, and there is still an acceleration in urban renewal ahead.

In terms of old housing renovation, we plan to comprehensively complete the renovation of sporadic second level old houses and below within three years. In terms of complete renovation of old housing, we plan to complete the renovation of approximately 900000 square meters of non complete employee housing within three years, and basically complete the renovation of small beam and thin plate houses. Starting from now, the three-year plan is to launch 30 new "urban village" renovation projects, with 10 new renovation projects launched each year.

"One River, One River" continues to be meticulously crafted. Zhang Yonggang stated that the three-year action plan for the new round of the People's Heart Project clearly aims to build the One River, One River region into an important guiding area for Shanghai's urban development and a demonstration area for refined management. The specific goal for this year is to comprehensively build a supporting facilities system for waterfront spaces, promote the expansion of waterfront spaces along the river to the south and north, complete a new round of bridge landscape renovation and upgrading along the Suzhou River, and promote the development of public activities in waterfront areas.

In the first half of this year, "One River, One River" continued to show new highlights: the southern extension of the Pudong waterfront achieved a 2-kilometer shoreline connection and opening up, the Jing'an Suhe Bay green space was completed and opened up, the Zhongshan Park tourist pier was put into use, and more than 10 large-scale sports activities and professional competitions were successfully held in the waterfront area. In the second half of the year, we will ensure that the middle and northern sections of the Yangpu Riverside are basically connected, accelerate the construction of projects such as the Pudong World Expo Cultural Park, Huangpu Waicuifeng Lane Green Space, and Jiading Suheyuan Green Space, and plan to carry out the extension of the Suzhou River outer ring road connection. Accelerate the construction of projects such as the Jiushi International Equestrian Center, Xupu Bridge Sports Park, and Putuo Central Basketball Park Phase II. Further improve the layout of supporting facilities such as public toilets, post stations, and commercial facilities.

In terms of installing elevators in existing multi story residential buildings, the promotion method has shifted from "individual installation cases" to "large-scale production". Wang Zhen introduced that based on this, a three-year action plan and a 2023 implementation plan have been formulated for the installation of elevators in existing multi story residential buildings. From 2023 to 2025, it is planned to install 9000 elevators and add 3000 elevators annually. In terms of grounding and pole box rectification of overhead lines, we will continue to promote the rectification of 100 kilometers this year. Next, strengthen the overall coordination of pipeline construction and minimize the repeated excavation of roads.

The previous round of the "Comprehensive Management of Parking Difficulties" public opinion project created a number of typical demonstration projects. This year, in terms of parking resource optimization engineering, we will continue to create 40 projects, start construction of 6000 public parking spaces, add 2000 staggered shared parking spaces, and build 20 demonstration smart public parking lots. The proportion of building smart road parking lots in the central urban area and other areas will reach 50% and 30% respectively. Actively researching and utilizing new technologies such as vertical shield tunneling and automatic parking robots to build composite and efficient public parking facilities; Quickly clarify the investment and construction path, and vigorously promote the construction of smart road parking lots; Guide the construction of demonstration smart parking lots in public parking lots.

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