The CIIE is really extraordinary, promoting the transformation of exhibits into new products | global | products

Release time:Apr 14, 2024 07:09 AM

As the world's first national level expo with import as its theme, the China International Import Expo has been successfully held for five consecutive years, with spillover effects constantly emerging and "exhibits becoming commodities" continuously accelerating. It has become the first place for new products, the first choice for cutting-edge technology, and the first place to promote innovative services worldwide. Spanish ham, French wine, New Zealand milk and other "global delicacies" are continuously entering the Chinese market, which will help promote the transformation and upgrading of domestic consumption structure; High precision and cutting-edge products such as "flying" cars, coin sized pacemakers, and robots that can play table tennis, as well as international advanced technology, effectively promote the accelerated construction of domestic industrial chains.

Help the exhibits quickly capture a large number of fans

Among the exhibitors who have participated in five consecutive CIIE, Amory Pacific is a global cosmetics company with over 70 years of history and headquartered in South Korea. Speaking of why we are always loyal fans of the CIIE every year, Huang Yongqian, President of Amory Pacific China, sighed, "Compared to other exhibitions, the CIIE platform is really extraordinary. Not only does it bring huge exposure to our exhibits, but it also creates excellent opportunities for enterprises to deeply understand consumers. Many exhibits quickly enter the Chinese market and become popular products among Chinese consumers, even explosive products."

Amory Pacific Headquarters Building located in Seoul, South Korea

The CIIE is really extraordinary, promoting the transformation of exhibits into new products | global | products

The successful launch of new products is a good beginning for the fashion industry chain. From the perspective of marketing, first releases, first shows, and first exhibitions are short, flat, and fast means of advertising. They create an immersive experience atmosphere, allowing products to have "zero distance" contact with the audience, quickly capturing a large number of fans, and greatly reducing the time from new products to mass-produced products, quickly seizing the competitive high ground.

"The CIIE platform has the characteristic of helping products quickly gain a large number of 'fans'." Huang Yongqian said that the CIIE is the first national level exhibition with import as the theme. The number and level of participating enterprises, the media attention it attracts, including global media attention, and high-level events such as forums and conferences, are among the top in all exhibitions.

The 5th Expo held last year coincided with the 30th anniversary of the company's entry into China. Amore Pacific led 7 major brands, more than 500 exhibits, and more than 20 new products to make a collective appearance, including the first exhibition of personal customized services for bathing agents and the global launch of new products in Lan Zhi. Activities such as the launch attracted more than 200,000 people to visit. "With the help of the CIIE, Amorepacific has demonstrated the group's strong R & D strength and innovation results in China in an all-round way, and has received extensive attention and praise from the government and the media."

Amory Pacific 5th CIIE booth

The CIIE is really extraordinary, promoting the transformation of exhibits into new products | global | products

Amory Pacific Black Technology&Sustainability Exhibition Area at the 5th CIIE

Assist enterprises in timely insight into consumer preferences

After gaining huge exposure, is the first launch of a new product considered a success? No, after shouting, the ultimate demand of the enterprise is "buying and selling". Therefore, when launching a new product, the enterprise must also timely insight into consumer preferences, continuously improve the "external beauty" and "internal beauty" of the exhibits, in order to build a "closed loop" of the new product launch activity.

"In this regard, the CIIE platform has a unique function." Huang Yongqian said that the biggest feature of the CIIE is the "comprehensive exhibition and professional office". The CIIE has a total of six exhibition areas, with exhibitors, buyers, and professional visitors from various industries. The richness of age, occupation, income, and geography is not available in vertical industry exhibitions. "For example, when the B-end customers of the equipment store arrive at the consumer goods store, they become C-end consumers. Does the new product meet their expectations? What are its competitive advantages compared to its peers? Should it be improved? Is it ultimately worth introducing to the Chinese market? We can gather their opinions and provide valuable forward-looking suggestions to our R&D team, marketing team, and headquarters."

The CIIE is really extraordinary, promoting the transformation of exhibits into new products | global | products

Because of these "really extraordinary" reasons, the CIIE platform has brought surprises to Amory Pacific one after another:

At the first expo, AmorePacific's two-color lipstick customization service and 3D printing facial mask technology on display became the "best seller" of the expo, and consumers came to experience it in an endless stream. R&D personnel also receive a large amount of valuable feedback through communication with the audience. These gains inject a continuous stream of confidence into the company's future investment in beauty black technology.

At the second expo, AmorePacific demonstrated the second generation of 3D customized facial mask technology. Compared with the first generation, the upgraded technology can match different essence formulations according to the skin texture of different parts of the consumer's face, and its printing time can be increased by 5 times. In addition, the company has also brought the world's first Heyeon Seoul color customization service, which directly applies big data on Chinese women's skin color to product development, helping consumers accurately locate facial skin color codes. Lanzhi's personalized fragrance lip mask experience also received a lot of attention at the CIIE that year. Fragrance customization service is a new service developed for new consumers with personalized skincare needs, especially those born in 1995.

The second generation 3D customized facial mask technology

The CIIE is really extraordinary, promoting the transformation of exhibits into new products | global | products

In the following editions of the CIIE, Amory Pacific continuously broke through the path of black technology leading and exploring customized beauty trends. They successively exhibited scalp health testers, one-stop mirror skin testers, personalized bathing agent customization services, and functional toner instant customization devices that won the CES 2021 Health&Wellness Innovation Award.

Functional toner instant customization device

Thanks to the promotion of the Expo platform, the pace of "exhibits turning into commodities" in Amori Pacific has accelerated significantly. After the closing of the third CIIE, "Double 11" came immediately. With the snowflake show "Time Double Bottle" that was unveiled during the exhibition, "Double 11" achieved a record of more than 100 million yuan in 10 minutes. On the basis of the favorable comments received at the 2nd Expo, Lan Zhi's personalized fragrance lip mask service has also teamed up with Tmall New Product Innovation Center to incubate derivative new products created with consumers through a large number of consumer data research. Lan Zhi's new lip film will rank first in the sub-category on the first day of presale as soon as the "double 11" in 2020 is launched.

The magic of the "Golden Finger" continues to magnify

The CIIE is really extraordinary, promoting the transformation of exhibits into new products | global | products

From the "first time customers" of CIIE to the annual "loyal fans", in fact, not only Amory Pacific, but also many "returning customers" also feel the magic of the "golden finger" of CIIE:

Since the 5th CIIE, L'Oreal has had 16 international new brands and hundreds of new products debut at the CIIE. The YSL brand's "lipstick printer" was launched and sold in China at the fourth CIIE exhibition, and became a hot selling item in China and even globally overnight.

Since the 5th China International Import Expo, 9 innovative products of Takeda Pharmaceutical have been approved in China, and 8 innovative drugs have been included in the franchise catalog of the Boao Lecheng International Medical Tourism Pilot Zone of Hainan Free Trade Port; At the first China International Import Expo, Germany's KACH launched a complete set of municipal sanitation solutions tailored specifically for the Chinese market. So far, more than 500 KACH MC series municipal sanitation equipment have been put into use, covering more than 10 provinces and cities in China.

IAM, a high-end electrical appliance brand in the UK, gained a large number of potential agents and customers by participating in the CIIE for the first time in 2021. In January 2022, the new product was officially launched and successfully ranked among the top ten online desktop beverage purifiers in sales during the 618 Shopping Festival of the same year. In November 2022, IAM launched an air purifier with functions of formaldehyde and bacteria removal at the 5th CIIE. This air purifier achieved the highest market share in China for high-end air purifiers in the price range of 4000 yuan and above in sales that year.

The CIIE is really extraordinary, promoting the transformation of exhibits into new products | global | products

In just over 100 days, the 6th CIIE will be held as scheduled again, and "returning customers" are starting to rub their hands. After IAM has participated in the CIIE for two consecutive sessions, this year's 6th CIIE will also continue to make appearances. The person in charge said, "We need to loudly tell our peers and partners that the CIIE can bring tremendous influence to enterprises in terms of brand reputation and product sales."

The continuous recovery of the Chinese consumer market and the continuous optimization of the business environment have made Amory Pacific look forward to the 6th China International Import Expo. Huang Yongjin said, "We are in continuous close communication with the headquarters, striving to bring more cutting-edge sharing of forward-looking beauty black technology and green beauty at this CIIE."

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