Successfully achieved the 100th launch! Another record of 100 launch vehicles in China belongs to Shanghai Satellite | Launch Vehicle | China

Release time:Apr 14, 2024 13:13 PM

At 11:47 am today, China successfully launched the Fengyun-3-06 satellite into orbit using the Long March 4C carrier rocket at the Jiuquan Satellite Launch Center, and the launch mission was a complete success. The Star Arrow is jointly developed by the Shanghai Aerospace Technology Research Institute of China Aerospace Science and Technology Corporation.

This launch marks the 100th launch of the Long March 4 series of carrier rockets, becoming the first carrier model of the Shanghai Academy of Aerospace Technology to achieve 100 rounds and setting another record in the development of China's carrier rockets. The successful launch of Fengyun-3 06 satellite has opened a new chapter in China's Fengyun satellite ultraviolet hyperspectral detection.

"Gold Rocket" Enters the Baifa Club

As one of the main active launch vehicles in China, the Long March-4 carrier rocket includes three models: Long March-4A, Long March-4B, and Long March-4C. It successfully made its first flight on September 7, 1988, May 10, 1999, and April 27, 2006, all of which achieved excellent results. As of now, Chang-4A has carried out 2 launch missions, Chang-4B has carried out 48 launch missions, and Chang-4C has carried out 50 launch missions.

On September 7, 1988, the first rocket of the Long March-4 carrier rocket, the Long March-4-A Yao-1 carrier rocket, successfully made its maiden flight, sending China's first meteorological satellite, Fengyun-1, into its designated orbit, setting a record for the first successful maiden flight of a large carrier rocket in China. It also made China the third country in the world to independently launch satellites in both solar synchronous and polar orbits.

Successfully achieved the 100th launch! Another record of 100 launch vehicles in China belongs to Shanghai Satellite | Launch Vehicle | China

Long Four Armor First Flight

Today, the Long March 4 rocket launched another Fengyun meteorological satellite, and our old partners joined hands again to observe the changes and explore the myriad of phenomena. The Long March 4 carrier rocket has currently carried out four Fengyun-1 and seven Fengyun-3 missions, all of which have achieved complete success.

With outstanding performance and achievements, the Long March 4 series of carrier rockets have undertaken the launch missions of most of China's sun synchronous orbit satellites, and have successively won honors such as the National Science and Technology Progress Special Award, the National Defense Science and Technology First Prize, the National Science and Technology Progress Second Prize, and the National Defense Science and Technology Second Prize. It is a truly "meritorious arrow".

The 400th launch mission of the Long March rocket

Continuation of a New Chapter in "Long March Generals"

Successfully achieved the 100th launch! Another record of 100 launch vehicles in China belongs to Shanghai Satellite | Launch Vehicle | China

The Long March 4 carrier rocket was born to serve national strategy. It supported meteorological satellite engineering in the last century, defended national dignity, and embarked on the path of exploring the moon in the new era, supporting a strong country and a strong military.

In the 100 launch missions, the Long March IV carrier rocket has successively put 170 satellites into the scheduled orbit, including Fengyun, resources, remote sensing, practice, experiment, high score, environment, ocean, land exploration series satellites, as well as Chang'e-4 relay satellite "Queqiao", which has strongly supported the construction of "gas power", "marine power", "dual carbon strategy" and "the Belt and Road", created a model of "South South cooperation", and helped realize the world's first lunar landing and exploration mission on the back of the moon.

At the Long March 400 launch ceremony, Sun Gang, the director of the Shanghai Institute of Aerospace Technology, said, "The 100th launch of the Long March 4 carrier rocket is also the 100th launch of the first series of rockets by the Eighth Academy. This is a breakthrough in history, an inevitability of history, and a starting point of history."

Long March 4C

With the never-ending technological innovation, the current Long March 4 carrier rocket has continuously improved its reliability, safety, and adaptability, achieving the launch of multiple types of satellites, from initially only undertaking polar orbit meteorological satellite launches to now being able to perform ground observation, scientific experiments, and lunar relay communication; From one arrow and one star to one arrow and multiple stars in series and parallel; It can be launched from a specific time period to all day and all weather conditions; From Taiyuan to Jiuquan and then to Xichang, achieving full adaptation and coverage of all inland satellite launch centers; From a single sun synchronous orbit mission to currently supporting wide inclination range and multiple orbit types such as inclined circular orbit, elliptical orbit, Earth Moon transfer orbit, and Earth synchronous transfer orbit, it greatly adapts to the launch needs of various satellites.

Successfully achieved the 100th launch! Another record of 100 launch vehicles in China belongs to Shanghai Satellite | Launch Vehicle | China

The Fengyun family adds another "expert"

Fengyun-3F satellite is the sixth of China's second-generation low orbit meteorological satellite series, Fengyun-3. The satellite is equipped with 10 powerful and advanced remote sensing instruments. Through full spectrum and quantitative observation, Fengyun-3F satellite will obtain global ozone distribution, monitor global radiation balance, ice and snow cover, sea surface temperature, and provide remote sensing information required for short-term climate prediction and climate change estimation.

Fengyun-3 F-star rendering

The Fengyun-3F satellite has significantly improved the observation accuracy of vertical profiles of high temperature and humidity, trace gases in the atmosphere, and balloon radiation budget energy, further enhancing China's ability and level in global numerical forecasting, global climate change response, ecological environment monitoring, and comprehensive disaster prevention and reduction, and enhancing China's international leadership and discourse power in addressing climate change.

The two remote sensing instruments carried by the satellite, namely the UV hyperspectral ozone bottom detector and the UV hyperspectral ozone edge detector, are newly developed. The three instruments, namely the medium resolution spectral imager, microwave imager, and Earth radiation detector, have undergone technological improvements and improved performance.

Successfully achieved the 100th launch! Another record of 100 launch vehicles in China belongs to Shanghai Satellite | Launch Vehicle | China

On the basis of ensuring global imaging of polar orbit meteorology and atmospheric vertical detection services, satellites mainly focus on quantitative atmospheric detection and climate change monitoring, with a calibration accuracy increase of about 1 times and a comprehensive improvement in quantitative observation capabilities. They are mainly used in weather forecasting, ecology, environment, disaster monitoring services, and research.

Fengyun Satellite in orbit rendering

The ozone sky bottom detector carried on the satellite is China's first payload for hyperspectral detection of trace atmospheric components in the wide, high-resolution, and high-precision ultraviolet visible bands, with comprehensive capabilities reaching the international advanced level; The ozone edge detector is the first payload in China to use the edge observation mode for hyperspectral atmospheric detection in the ultraviolet visible band, filling the gap in China's wind and cloud satellite ultraviolet hyperspectral edge detection. After the launch of the satellite, China's Fengyun satellite will open a new chapter in ultraviolet hyperspectral detection.

The launch weight of Fengyun-3F satellite is about 2700 kilograms, with an operating altitude of 830 kilometers. As a sun synchronous morning orbit satellite, the satellite will replace Fengyun-3C satellite, which has been in orbit for nearly 10 years, after being in orbit. The morning satellite of the new generation Fengyun-3 ensures the continuity of global numerical weather forecast satellite observation data, while forming the "strongest echelon" of China's four near Earth orbit meteorological satellite network observations with the afternoon satellite, Li star, and precipitation star.

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