Shanghai Port adds two global firsts for research and problem-solving on the East China Sea Bridge | Renovation | Shanghai Port

Release time:Apr 14, 2024 05:05 AM

In the northernmost city of Luojing in Shanghai, the first phase of the container terminal renovation project in the Luojing Port area of Shanghai Port is being carried out in a race against time, with plans to complete the renovation before the end of the year. This project will integrate the most advanced automated terminal technology and open up new space for the future growth of container volume in Shanghai Port. The reporter saw at the scene that seven large pile driving boats were operating simultaneously within a water area of over one kilometer. It should be noted that during the construction of Yangshan Port, only three pile driving boats were operating simultaneously within a three kilometer long water area.

At the southernmost point of Lingang in Shanghai, the Yangshan Port collection and distribution system project has entered its final sprint period. This is the world's first collection and distribution center for double-layer three-dimensional transportation and three-dimensional operations. With the help of artificial intelligence, automated rail cranes, intelligent trucks, 5G and other technologies, it will solve the transportation bottleneck problem of the Donghai Bridge and improve the service level of Yangshan Port. At present, the main project of the collection and distribution center has been basically completed, and the project team has completed the system commissioning of all 6 rail cranes and started trial operation.

From north to south, both major projects at Shanghai Port are in critical stages, and new challenges are constantly emerging. Since carrying out theme education, Shanghai Hong Kong Group has seized the opportunity, adhered to the integration of learning, thinking, application, knowledge, belief, and action, focused on key tasks and key links, used theoretical learning to guide work practice, and promoted the resolution of practical problems.

Highlighting and implementing theoretical learning

Shanghai Port adds two global firsts for research and problem-solving on the East China Sea Bridge | Renovation | Shanghai Port

Shanghai Port Group focuses on "building, managing, and developing Shanghai Port well" and "adapting to the new trends of green, low-carbon, and intelligent shipping industry development", deepening the understanding of cadres and employees in building a strong transportation and shipping country. "Green, low-carbon, and intelligent are not just slogans. In our work, we have been thinking about how to implement the new development concept." Zheng Ke, Deputy Commander in Chief of the Engineering Command of Shanghai Port Group, is the on-site person in charge of the container terminal renovation project in Luojing Port Area. He told reporters that the project department now has weekly centralized learning, where everyone exchanges and discusses to promote the actual work.

Against the backdrop of the protection of the Yangtze River, the coal, ore and other bulk cargo businesses in the Luojing Port area have successively ceased, and transforming it into a container terminal is in line with the development requirements of green shipping. However, renovating old docks is more difficult than building new ones. Moreover, in order to implement the requirements of green, low-carbon, and environmental protection, and avoid resource waste as much as possible, the renovation plan of Luojing Port Area chooses to maximize the use of old structures and materials, rather than completely demolishing them, which greatly increases the difficulty of project implementation.

"This idea of renovating old docks is the world's first. We have conducted a lot of research and brainstorming, and designed a customized plan. The utilization rate of old structural resources has reached 70%. In addition, 30% of the dismantled materials, such as concrete and steel bars, are also reused to minimize the environmental pressure on the project." Zheng Ke explained that so far, no waste materials have been shipped out of the port renovation project. It is precisely because the old dock structure has been preserved and a separate work area has been enclosed that a spectacular scene of seven large pile drivers operating simultaneously has been achieved, making it possible to complete the project before the end of the year.

In terms of intelligence, the renovation project plan for Luojing Port Area is also constantly being improved during the project promotion process. "At the beginning, we also considered semi automation solutions, but now we feel that we must follow the development trend of intelligent shipping and pursue the highest level of automation terminal technology," Zheng Ke said. "For example, the Luojing Container Terminal will use the latest AIV automatic guidance vehicles. Compared to the AGV vehicles in Yangshan Phase IV, which rely on magnetic nail navigation, the new type of vehicles rely on visual recognition systems and software navigation, which have higher flexibility and efficiency. However, in the case of full automation, there are certain potential risks in human-machine mixed traffic. Therefore, we have come up with many ways to broaden the port roads and re plan the flow line, allowing AIV vehicles and ordinary trucks to enter and exit in different lanes."

Shanghai Port adds two global firsts for research and problem-solving on the East China Sea Bridge | Renovation | Shanghai Port

Investigation and research focus on practical work

Theoretical learning is to guide practice. To solve practical problems, comprehensive and in-depth investigation and research must be conducted. Shanghai Port has a large scale, multiple grassroots units, and a wide distribution area. In order to carry out detailed investigation and research work, Shanghai Port Group has developed an implementation plan for Daxing Investigation and Research, requiring all affiliated units to conduct investigation and research in the three "front lines" of grassroots, public, and market, emphasizing local adaptation.

The Yangshan Port collection and distribution system project adopts the automated double cantilever rail crane customized by Zhenhua Heavy Industry, and the main beam of the entire rail crane equipment exceeds 50 meters. Due to the fact that collection and distribution belong to inland areas, large equipment cannot be transported by ships like it is installed in ports, making transportation a major challenge.

"Through research, we have identified and coordinated numerous transportation nodes between the Zhenhua Nantong production base and the special comprehensive bonded zone. During the installation process of the equipment, the entire rail crane was implemented in a staggered manner without stopping the construction, and it basically progressed in sync with civil engineering, greatly reducing the completion time of the entire project." Zhou Xumin, Deputy General Manager of Tongsheng Logistics Company of Shanghai Port Group, introduced.

Shanghai Port adds two global firsts for research and problem-solving on the East China Sea Bridge | Renovation | Shanghai Port

Shanggang Group Tongsheng Logistics Company is responsible for the construction and operation of the collection and distribution center. Since the launch of the theme education, each member of the company's leadership team has led a research project and formed a special research group. Through weekly learning and exchange of research results, countermeasures and measures have been studied, forming ideas, methods, and policy measures to solve problems and promote work.

"At present, I am conducting research on the standardization, standardization, and informatization construction of the company's port inspection business with the goal of improving the production efficiency of Tongsheng Logistics and seeking its sustainable development. According to Zhou Xumin, in accordance with Tongsheng Logistics' overall development plan for inspection business, the work needs of adjusting the site business layout after the completion and operation of the comprehensive collection and distribution center, as well as the new requirements for inspection business proposed by the customs' smart customs, intelligent borders, and intelligent connectivity 'construction, he plans to conduct research and analysis on the problems existing in the current mode of port inspection business and find solutions.".

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