Shanghai Metropolitan Planning Series Activities are about to Hot Start: Urban Space Art Season Opens in September, Returning to Xuhui West Bank Construction | Shanghai | Activities

Release time:Apr 14, 2024 00:40 AM

The Ministry of Natural Resources and the Shanghai Municipal People's Government have further expanded the scope and depth of cooperation, and coordinated the formation of a series of urban planning activities in Shanghai. The Shanghai Municipal Government's press conference revealed today that related activities such as the 2023 Shanghai Urban Space Art Season, Urban Design Challenge, and Metropolitan Planning Expert Consultation are about to kick off.

The Urban Space Art Season will have 20 exhibition areas throughout the city

Each series of urban planning activities has its own focus. Wang Weiren, Deputy Secretary General of the Shanghai Municipal Government, introduced that the city space art season was held to showcase the Chinese path to modernization model of Shanghai; Holding an urban design challenge to integrate innovation and support high-quality development and construction in the region, enhancing the brand value of Shanghai as the "City of Design"; Holding a consultation meeting with experts in urban planning aims to benchmark against the highest standards and best levels, and create a high-end communication platform with an international perspective.

The 2023 Urban Space Art Season will officially open on September 24th and continue until November 20th. 20 exhibition areas in the city jointly demonstrate the theme of "coexistence".

"As a mega city, how to calmly respond to climate change, promote the coexistence of all things, and build a modern international metropolis that is livable, ecological, safe, and resilient, under the conditions of high population density and tight environmental constraints, is a challenging issue." Xu Mingqian, Deputy Director of the Shanghai Planning and Resources Bureau, said that around the theme of "coexistence", we will consider and practice the important concept of "harmonious coexistence between humans and nature".

The 20 exhibition areas consist of "1+6+13", with one themed exhibition area, namely the Binjiang area on the west bank of Xuhui, 5 kilometers south of Longyao Road. The dome art center on the north side will make a brand new appearance and introduce exciting cultural and performance activities. The original White Cat Detergent Factory warehouse building on the south side of Dianpu River will be transformed into a themed exhibition hall. Along the Binjiang River, domestic and foreign artists, architects, and ecological professional teams will be invited to come and experience the exhibition through more than 20 themed works such as interactive art installations and ecological scene creation.

Six key sample exhibition areas, including the Yangtze River Delta Green Ecological Integration Development Demonstration Zone and related exhibition areas of the five new cities of Jiading, Qingpu, Songjiang, Fengxian, and Nanhui. Among them, the demonstration area exhibition area is located in the Yuandang area at the border of Qingpu in Shanghai and Wujiang in Jiangsu. It is a benchmark project for ecological restoration, functional improvement, and shoreline connectivity in the demonstration area. The Jiabei Country Park, Zhuangxing Country Park, and Wulonghu Park in the five new cities are important ring parks on the green ring of the new city. Combining with spatial art season activities, the demonstration area will enhance the suburban landscape, strengthen cultural and artistic integration, and create urban tourism and leisure destinations.

13 practical case exhibition areas, some located in the outer green belt, such as Pudong Mianqing Park, Changning Outer Ecological Greenway, etc; Some are located along the "one river, one river" route, such as Yangshupu Power Plant Ruins Park, Huangpu Bund waterfront related areas, and Jing'an Suhe Bay Public Green Space, etc; Some park types reflect different levels, such as Chongming Dongtan area, Jinshan Langxia Country Park, Hongkou Heping Park, etc; There are also Baoshan Steel Carving Park, Putuo Lizi Park, and Minhang Maqiao Artificial Intelligence Innovation Pilot Zone that embody the low-carbon concept. Citizens can go to the exhibition to check in, exercise and relax, participate in nature research and green low-carbon activities, and interact closely with art works.

The Urban Space Art Season Returns to the First Venue on the West Bank of Xuhui

During this year's Shanghai Urban Art Festival, it coincided with the continuation of the 34th Shanghai Tourism Festival, the 22nd Shanghai International Art Festival, and the 5th Shanghai International Art Trading Week. "We will actively promote the two-way linkage between these international heavyweight festivals and urban space art seasons, serving citizens and tourists with more high-quality cultural and tourism resources, and transforming more public spaces into social art education classrooms," said Xiao Yeying, Deputy Director of the Shanghai Municipal Bureau of Culture and Tourism.

During the Urban Space Art Season, the 2023 Yangtze River Delta and some provinces and cities across the country will also hold the Most Beautiful Public Cultural Space Competition, discovering and launching a number of innovative cases of "beautiful", "good", and "new" public cultural spaces. Encourage professional venues and institutions with conditions in the city to open mobile theaters, mobile art galleries, etc., and expand professional art resources into more urban public spaces such as communities, schools, buildings, and parks in a sinking manner. Implement the "Art New Space" plan with the assistance of young curators, and promote outstanding curators to plan diverse exhibitions and activities with innovative concepts, technologies, and methods.

It is worth mentioning that the first Shanghai Urban Space Art Festival was held on the west bank of Xuhui to jointly explore the theme of "urban renewal". After more than a decade of development, the imagination of Xuhui gradually came true. The "Industrial Rust Belt" in Xuhui has transformed into a "Life Show Belt" and a "Science and Technology Innovation Belt". Important carriers such as Media Port, Digital Valley, and Financial City have emerged, and the "Art West Coast" has become an important stop on the global art map. The first main exhibition area, the West Coast Hangar, has now become an art center, gathering with other art venues to form the West Coast Cultural Corridor.

"The Space Art Season is once again coming to Xuhui Binjiang, which not only allows everyone to see the huge changes in regional development driven by the art season, but also further gathers global attention." Xu Hui District Deputy District Mayor Gao Shiyun said that the main exhibition area on the west bank of this art season has selected the southern section of the open space along the river, from the cement plant pre homogenization warehouse all the way south to the Dianpu River. Along the river, it combines the layout of exhibition projects in space, art, landscape, and ecology, achieving quality improvement, functional introduction, and vitality stimulation on the basis of connectivity, and steadfastly moving towards a world-class waterfront area. Relying on the platform of the Urban Space Art Season, the west bank of Xuhui will graft more global resources, deepen the construction of six million level functional clusters in the hinterland, attract more heavyweight projects, high-energy platforms, and benchmark enterprises that lead future development to gather along the Xuhui riverbank, accelerate the construction of a strong growth pole for high-quality economic development, and make the west bank of Shanghai a city business card comparable to the left bank of Paris and the south bank of London.

"As a pioneer in reform and opening up and innovative development, building an ecological city in Shanghai is of great exploration and practical significance for achieving harmonious coexistence between humans and nature in mega cities. We hope to use the series of urban planning activities held in Shanghai to promote the advanced concepts and actions of ecological civilization construction in various regions to the whole country and showcase them to the world, providing Chinese wisdom and solutions for global ecological civilization construction," said Miao Ze, Deputy Director of the Land and Space Planning Bureau of the Ministry of Natural Resources.

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