See how to prevent floods at risk points, visit Shanghai enterprise warehouses, logistics distribution points, and underground spaces, and assess the risk of flooding in Zhuozhou warehouses | Unit | Logistics

Release time:Apr 14, 2024 13:31 PM

Recently, due to the impact of Typhoon Du Suri, heavy rainfall has continued in the Beijing Tianjin Hebei region, causing severe waterlogging in Zhuozhou City, Hebei Province. The warehouses of several publishing institutions in the area have been flooded, resulting in severe property damage. Nearly a hundred staff members of the China Library Network Storage Center were temporarily trapped.

Although Typhoon Kanu, the 6th typhoon of this year, has not yet brought significant wind and rain effects to Shanghai, and according to the latest forecast, from the evening of August 4th to the night, Kanu will accelerate its movement towards the northeast, heading towards the ocean south of Japan, gradually moving away from Shanghai. However, in history, Shanghai has been repeatedly affected by secondary disasters caused by typhoons and strong wind and rain. As a super large coastal city, we should be vigilant, take precautions, and never go out of style.

How should Shanghai respond to heavy rainfall and waterlogging in Zhuozhou, Hebei?

Preventive measures: Developing contingency plans and conducting regular drills

"Extreme weather is unpredictable, but being proactive can effectively reduce or even eliminate the risk of accidents." The relevant person in charge of the Shanghai Emergency Management Bureau introduced that according to the "Management Measures for Emergency Plans for Production Safety Accidents" issued by the National Emergency Management Department, the main person in charge of production and operation units is responsible for organizing the preparation and implementation of their own emergency plans. The contingency plan should have clear and specific emergency procedures and response measures, and be adapted to the emergency capabilities of the implementing unit.

These types of contingency plans are mainly divided into three categories: comprehensive work plans formulated by production and operation units to respond to various production safety accidents; A special plan formulated to deal with one or more types of production safety accidents, or to prevent production safety accidents for important production facilities, major hazards, and major activities; Develop on-site emergency response plans for specific locations, devices, or facilities based on different types of production safety accidents.

After the emergency plan is reviewed or demonstrated, it should be promptly distributed to relevant departments, positions, and emergency rescue teams of the unit. If the risk of an accident may affect other units and personnel in the surrounding area, the production and operation unit shall inform the other units and personnel in the surrounding area of the nature, scope of impact, and emergency prevention measures related to the accident risk.

Units engaged in the production, operation, storage, and transportation of hazardous materials such as flammable and explosive materials and hazardous chemicals, as well as mining, metal smelting, urban rail transit operation, construction units, as well as operating units in densely populated places such as hotels, shopping malls, entertainment venues, and tourist attractions, shall register with the emergency management department of the people's government at or above the county level and other departments responsible for safety production supervision and management within 20 working days from the date of announcement of the emergency plan, and make it public in accordance with the law.

We cannot just talk about it on paper. With emergency plans in place, production and operation units should also regularly conduct training and emergency drills to avoid being caught off guard. Production and operation units shall organize at least one comprehensive emergency plan drill or special emergency plan drill per year, and at least one on-site disposal plan drill every six months. In this regard, the safety production supervision department will conduct spot checks, and those that do not meet the requirements will be corrected within a specified period of time.

Underground space: a string needs to be tightened all year round

Shanghai's land resources are scarce, and many transportation facilities and activity spaces are developing underground. How to prevent floods?

Wei Kang, the safety director of the Shanghai Tunnel Shanghai to Shanghai Railway Project of Tunnel Corporation, introduced that underground engineering is prone to touching surrounding pipelines, and there is also a risk of water and mud backflow during non flood seasons. Once construction begins, a string must be tightened throughout the year.

Before the start of the project, the construction site will first prepare the exposed and concealed drainage ditches. There is a 60 centimeter high cement water retaining wall built around the working well leading to the underground of the Shanghai Tong Railway construction site to prevent water backflow on the ground. From the working well to the underground engineering site, many pumping pumps can be seen on standby at any time.

In terms of material support, regardless of the size of the construction site, there is an emergency container equipped with construction, fire protection, typhoon and flood prevention materials. In terms of personnel, one to two drills will be organized before the flood season each year, and all builders will receive training and exams. Only those who score 80 points can start working.

There are nearly 14000 residential communities in Shanghai, most of which are equipped with underground parking lots. This type of space is low-lying and prone to rainwater backflow.

Yongsheng Property has accumulated a lot of experience in managing nearly 10 million square meters of property in Shanghai. "Advance planning must be done well." Yang Jie, General Manager of Yongsheng Property Shanghai Urban Company, introduced that at the beginning of each year, the property project department serving the community needs to prepare contingency plans. Before the arrival of the flood season, the property management should create a flood prevention map, grasp the locations of water prone points in the community, and conduct a full set of "physical examinations" of the community, including checking whether the drainage pump can be used normally, whether there are enough spare sandbags, whether the flood prevention gate is damaged, and whether the sediment in the drainage ditch, drainage outlet, and inspection well has been cleaned.

Yang Jie said that not long ago, Putuo experienced a short process of rainstorm, and water accumulated in the low-lying areas of the two communities managed by Yongsheng Property Management. Fortunately, the project department had a plan for timely disposal, which had no impact on the lives of residents.

Express e-commerce: two pronged approach to flood prevention and supply guarantee

In extreme weather conditions, express logistics is the lifeline for maintaining the normal operation of cities, and key nodes such as large warehouses, transfer stations, and network points cannot be neglected.

In response to the typhoon situation, SF Express conducts risk investigation and prevention at all stages of receiving, transferring, and dispatching. For low-lying branches, sandbags and waterproof packaging materials are distributed in advance to ensure that they are put into use as needed. The collected parcels are fully waterproof packaged to prevent moisture damage risks in advance.

In Shanghai, JD Express has over 300 branches, and in the past week, the number of express orders for flood prevention supplies has shown an upward trend. According to the relevant person in charge of JD Logistics in Shanghai, JD Logistics has completed two rounds of inspections of all branches and arranged dedicated personnel to closely monitor the latest trends of "Kanu", warning of possible abnormal situations such as strong winds, rain leaks, and rainwater backflow, as well as potential operational risks within 12 hours. In case of rainstorm, goods are not allowed to be placed on the ground, and goods shall be piled up.

Industry insiders in the express delivery industry introduce that Shanghai is the headquarters of many express delivery companies, and the transfer center will try to choose areas with higher terrain when selecting locations, and timely transfer express packages and vehicle facilities according to weather warnings.

In addition to express delivery warehouses and branches, Shanghai also has hundreds of pre warehouses for fresh e-commerce. The reporter saw at the Meituan Maicai Xiaomuqiao Road station that flood prevention materials such as sandbags and wooden boards were piled up at the entrance. Station manager Zhou Xi told reporters that Meituan Maicai's service stations have pre stored flood prevention materials and inspected the water supply, drainage, and power systems at the operation site to ensure water and distribution safety. "We are particularly concerned about whether the distribution box will be flooded, and whether elevators and elevators will leak or accumulate water. On the other hand, we have formulated prevention plans and deployed them in various aspects such as goods transportation and storage, safe distribution, and fully do a good job in ensuring people's livelihood and supply."

"I often remind riders not to go to wading areas, especially deep water areas," Zhou Xi said. The platform will take measures such as extending delivery time, removing negative reviews due to exceeding time limits, and increasing order subsidies to ensure that riders can deliver orders with peace of mind. "In case of extreme weather, we will prioritize ensuring the safety of our riders and organize delivery once the rain subsides."

Insurance claims: need to have risk management awareness

"The risk of warehouses and other units is too concentrated." According to insurance industry insiders, if a warehouse is flooded due to flood, it is generally covered by property all risk insurance. As the subject matter, the stored goods are protected against losses caused by accidents, natural disasters, etc. during the storage period. The insurance for warehouses also includes public liability insurance to protect third-party liability, and uncommon ones include business interruption insurance.

Compared with other property insurance, these products have no special terms and claims principles, ensuring that claims are made based on actual losses within the coverage scope stipulated in the policy. Just because the risks in the warehouse are relatively concentrated, such as fires, explosions, and floods, insurance companies will conduct mandatory risk surveys on the location of the warehouse, building structure, internal fire prevention devices, types of stored goods, maximum warehouse limit, adjacent environment, and buildings when underwriting. For those that do not meet the requirements, insurance companies will generally refuse coverage or request risk improvement before underwriting.

In warehousing, some very special items often do not have insurance, such as artworks, prohibited items, or other illegal items that cannot be measured in value or cannot be insured. Books are also one type. Su Fang, Director of the Institute of Finance and Insurance at Shanghai University of Finance and Economics, stated that due to the difficulty in fixing the value of paper, paper items are generally not insured in corporate property insurance. If special subject matter needs to be insured, a special agreement needs to be made with the insurance company, that is, to communicate the value of these books in advance and include them in the insurance subject matter. After an accident occurs, compensation will be made according to the originally agreed value.

Compared to other housing machines, books are flammable, easily soaked in water, and have a higher average risk, resulting in higher corresponding rates. For enterprises, the cost of participating in insurance will be higher. "There is a certain probability of natural and man-made disasters, and enterprises should gradually cultivate risk awareness and strengthen risk management," said Su Fang.

Zhang Wenxu, General Manager of China Taiping Property and Casualty Insurance Operations Center, stated that Taiping Insurance conducts annual disaster drills, emphasizing pre disaster prevention, disaster reduction, and post disaster relief in response to major disasters. At the same time, for cases received in the short term, if the branch is unable to respond, the online claims factory can provide remote support. In this "Du Suri" response, the 48 hour inspection rate in Fujian has increased to 96%, and the loss assessment rate and case closure rate have exceeded 50%.

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