On the first day of the Mid Autumn Festival and National Day holiday, the average international air ticket price is 6696 yuan. Summer tours have opened up fancy "leak picking" cities | Data | Air tickets

Release time:Apr 14, 2024 20:25 PM

Crossing the beginning of autumn, the second half of the hottest summer vacation in the past five years has arrived. According to data from tourism platforms, since July, the booking volume of air tickets in popular cities in China has increased by 40% compared to 2019, and the booking volume of hotels in popular cities has increased by 1.4 times compared to 2019. Multiple train routes from Beijing to Qingdao and Shanghai to Ningbo have been sold out one week ahead of schedule.

Compared to July when many popular cities across the country were overcrowded and popular scenic spots were hard to come by, tourists who had not yet traveled or set off for a second time began to explore various ways of playing. Immersive tours to large theater cities, off-season summer and ice and snow tours, and "unpopular" small town reverse depth tours have become more popular tourist destinations in August. With the announcement of the consecutive National Day and Mid Autumn Festival holidays, international and domestic air tickets have also surged on the eve of the 8-day holiday. The average price of international air tickets on the first day of the Mid Autumn Festival holiday is 6696 yuan

Hotel bookings in popular domestic cities increased by 1.4 times in July

The second half of the summer season is coming soon, and data from Qunar platform shows that on August 4th, the number of domestic departing passengers exceeded the peak before May Day, setting an annual record. From the pre booking situation, cities such as Beijing, Chengdu, Shanghai, Chongqing, Shenzhen, Guangzhou, Kunming, Xi'an, Hangzhou, and Changsha still rank among the top.

From the perspective of growth trends, some small cities with airports have also attracted a large number of passengers with convenient transportation conditions and affordable prices. Among small and medium-sized cities, cities such as Qiandongnan and Qiansouthwest in Guizhou, Yanbian in Jilin, Yangjiang and Shantou in Guangdong, Rizhao and Zibo in Shandong, Diqing in Yunnan, Chongzuo in Guangxi, Wanning, Wenchang, and Qionghai in Hainan have higher tourism popularity.

In terms of outbound tourism, starting from August 10th, Chinese citizens will expand their outbound team tours to 138 countries and regions. According to data, the pre order volume of outbound tourism has returned to over 50% of pre pandemic levels, with popular destinations being Bangkok, South Korea, Hong Kong, Tokyo, Osaka, Singapore, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, Macau, Jeju Island, and Phuket, Thailand.

"The supply of flights to some extent affects the popularity and prices of travel. This summer, there are more flights to Southeast Asia, Hong Kong, Macao, Japan, South Korea and other places. As the popularity of travel increases, some airlines have also launched promotional activities for Southeast Asian routes. In terms of prices, prices in Southeast Asia this summer are relatively lower compared to the same period in 2019." Analysis by Xiao Peng, a researcher at Qunar Big Data Research Institute.

According to previous booking data, as the start of primary and secondary schools approaches after August 20th, the number of summer travelers will gradually decline, and ticket prices will also significantly decrease. Travelers with travel needs can still catch the tail of summer and embark on a spontaneous trip.

Immersive games, ice and snow games, and reverse games are highly popular

"Sitting at the only Henan Fantasy City Theater, watching historical figures underground and slowly rising pavilions and towers, every transformation is an era," tourist Xiaoyuan shared on social media. In recent years, with the increasing influence of traditional culture, more and more tourists have gone to immersive theme parks to experience the cultural baptism of a city through auditory, visual, and tactile senses.

On relevant tourism platforms, the popularity of immersive cultural and historical scenic spots in the summer has increased by 2.7 times compared to June this year. The most popular immersive scenic spots include Henan Drama Fantasy City in Zhengzhou, Nianhua Bay in Lingshan Town in Wuxi, the Twelve Hours Block in Chang'an, Xi'an, Luoyang Luoyi Ancient City, and the Drama Fantasy City in Langfang.

Meanwhile, the number of tourists visiting cultural and historical tourist attractions has increased this summer. According to platform data, as of August 13th, the ticket booking volume for this year's summer scenic spots has increased by 43% compared to the same period in 2019. The most popular museums on the platform are: the Palace Museum, the Qin Shi Huang Mausoleum Museum, the National Museum of China, the Shaanxi History Museum, and the Nanjing Museum.

Along with the popularity of cultural and historical tourism, there is also the summer temperature that cannot be ignored. Under consecutive hot weather conditions, many tourists choose to go to indoor ski resorts to "spend the winter" and avoid the heat. From July 1st to August 13th, ticket sales for indoor skiing and ice skating attractions on tourism platforms increased by 187% compared to the same period last month. Data shows that southerners are more fond of off season skiing in summer, while tourists from Guangdong, Henan, Zhejiang, Sichuan, Hunan, and Jiangsu regions prefer off season skiing activities.

The experiences of many tourists this summer include crowds, high temperatures, and difficulty in grabbing tickets. In the final stage of summer, some tourists choose to go to unpopular and niche destinations for a "lying flat" trip without checking in or rushing. Since the summer of this year, the booking volume of hotels in "unpopular" destination cities has increased by 1.2 times compared to 2019. Among them, the booking volume of medium and high star hotels has increased significantly, with an increase of more than 1.5 times. In the areas of Danzhou, Hebi, Lincang, Yuxi, Xianning, Jingzhou, Lishui, Taizhou, Weinan, Dongying, Guangyuan, and Zhaotong, the booking volume of high star hotels has increased by more than 2 times compared to 2019, with Danzhou showing the largest increase of 6.1 times and Hebi showing a growth rate of 5.7 times, ranking second.

"Avoiding crowds and hustle and bustle, choosing non famous tourist towns is a new way of traveling in the new era. For many travelers, following the trend is not as good as resting in a quiet place for a few days, and the sense of vacation is particularly important." Xiao Peng analyzed, "Last year's National Day holiday 'reverse tourism' became a new trend, and this year's second half of the summer, even the National Day holiday, reverse tourism and niche tourism will also become more choices for tourists."

The average price of air tickets for Mid Autumn Festival and National Day is expected to far exceed that of summer vacation

The news of an 8-day break from Mid Autumn Festival and National Day before the end of the summer season has prompted many travel enthusiasts to prepare for their next trip. After the release of relevant news, the number of inquiries and bookings for Mid Autumn and National Day flight tickets on Tongcheng Travel Platform has significantly increased, and the number of inquiries about outbound travel routes for Mid Autumn and National Day has increased by more than four times.

According to data from Tongcheng Travel, the number of people booking international air tickets for the Mid Autumn Festival and National Day holiday has increased by over 35% compared to last week. The number of travelers booking domestic air tickets increased by over 40% month on month. At present, various tourism platforms have started preparing for the Mid Autumn Festival and National Day holiday, launching multiple high-quality domestic long-distance travel products and diversified outbound travel routes.

However, relatively high airfare prices will become a reality that tourists have to face. Cheng Chaogong, Chief Researcher of Tongcheng Research Institute, analyzed that during the Mid Autumn Festival and National Day holidays, the flow of family visits and tourism is highly superimposed, and the average price of domestic air tickets will remain stable at over a thousand yuan. The overall price level is expected to exceed that of summer vacation.

Based on current data, the average price of domestic air tickets on the first day of the Mid Autumn Festival and National Day holiday is about 1293 yuan, an increase of nearly 40% compared to the summer vacation. Starting from September 26th, domestic flight prices will significantly increase. Driven by strong demand, the average price of international air tickets is expected to increase significantly during the holiday period. According to travel platform data, the average price of international air tickets on the first day of the National Day holiday is about 6696 yuan, which is about 72% higher than the average price during the summer vacation. Starting from September 25th, international flight ticket prices will significantly increase.

Industry insiders say that the recovery of outbound tourism is expected to reach its first milestone during the Mid Autumn Festival and National Day. Among them, destinations such as Japan and South Korea will have strong performance, and long-distance travel to Europe and America will also have a good recovery, driving the demand for airfare and accommodation in related destinations. At the same time, the domestic long-distance travel market during the Golden Week is expected to continue the heat of the summer, and the passenger flow of some popular destinations is expected to exceed the level of the same period before the epidemic.

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