More expensive premium is not necessary, industry insiders: daily expenses of thousands of yuan are acceptable, and domestic research and learning are becoming increasingly attractive. Children | parents | professionals

Release time:Apr 13, 2024 21:43 PM

As summer approaches, arranging a parent-child trip or independent participation of children in a study tour is a choice for many parents. However, this year, various types of research and study tour products on the market are becoming increasingly eye-catching, with similar itineraries or destinations but huge price differences, which inevitably raises doubts: are cheap routes reliable? Is the expensive route really worth this price? Is the mentor professional enough to explain

Many parents find it difficult to choose because they hope their children can gain something on the journey, while also ensuring safety and considering cost-effectiveness. Several professionals in the field of study tours have expressed that there are actually rules to follow when choosing study tour routes.

There are multiple categories of study tours with large price differences

Next Monday, my daughter, who is in her third year of junior high school, is about to finish her middle school entrance examination. Ms. Chen, a citizen, plans to take her on a study tour.

After browsing several well-known tourism websites, Ms. Chen couldn't help but feel a bit dizzy: from a one-day trip to over 20 days of travel, from domestic to foreign, the research tour products on tourism websites cover a wide range of fields, including sports, exploration, art, science, history and humanities, with a quantity of up to thousands. Subsequently, Ms. Chen focused her goal on the direction of Ningxia: "This destination has a unique natural landscape and does not lack historical and cultural heritage, which is suitable for her daughter's age group."

After careful investigation, Ms. Chen found that there are significant differences in the content and prices of research and learning routes among different institutions, also targeting Ningxia. For example, a itinerary covering the "History and Humanities Ningxia 5-Day 4-Night Parent Child Camp" route in Shapotou, Zhongwei, Ningxia, Desert Star Hotel, Shuidonggou Museum, Western Xia Wang Ling, Helan Mountain Rock Painting, etc. The summer price starts at 5980 yuan; A well-known educational institution has launched a 6-day and 5-night study route called "Star Han Brilliance · Ningxia Zhongwei Desert Star Parent Child Camp", with a quote of up to 33680 yuan.

An educational institution launched the Ningxia research line is expensive.

More expensive premium is not necessary, industry insiders: daily expenses of thousands of yuan are acceptable, and domestic research and learning are becoming increasingly attractive. Children | parents | professionals

From the specific itinerary introduction, the previous route did not have any specific content or activity experience specifically for teenagers, which seems to be similar to ordinary tourist routes; On the second day of the itinerary, the latter route offers desert knowledge explanations, fast water extraction methods for deserts, DIY star original wooden board paintings, and desert treasure hunting experiences. The following three days of the itinerary are almost all in a "30 knowledge explanations+various experiences" mode. The entire itinerary looks full of dry goods, but the prices are really "hot".

After multiple comparisons, Ms. Chen chose a reputable small institution's Ningxia study route at the suggestion of a friend. The average cost per person for a one week trip was about 8000 yuan, and the price was relatively moderate.

There is a clear trend towards small clusters and customization

According to the reporter's inquiry, due to factors such as limited resumption of international air routes and difficulty in booking visas, this year's summer study tour routes are mainly concentrated in China, almost covering various provinces and cities across the country.

In long-distance destinations such as Inner Mongolia, Qinghai, and Gansu, the study route mainly focuses on historical and cultural aspects, getting close to nature, and RV themes. In Shanghai, a 5-day summer camp that focuses on the harbor area combines the Shanghai Planetarium, Shanghai Haichang Ocean Park, China Maritime Museum, and cycling around Dishui Lake. The "Chasing the Wind Youth Sports Nature 5-day Summer Camp" in Qingpu also focuses on equestrian, rowing, cycling, and water golf, with prices of 4399 yuan and 4880 yuan respectively. In addition, summer camps with themes such as forest exploration, fantasy bird house construction, aerospace, and business thinking training are also available.

Li Qian, the head of Ctrip's East China business, told reporters that after the winter vacation in February this year, she and her colleagues have been preparing summer study products. "This year, the number of our research and learning products is 1.8 times that of 2021. Currently, the sales situation during the summer has exceeded the same period in 2019, and the data is still growing." Li Qian predicts that this year's research and learning tours will be quite popular because the vast majority of children's long-distance travel was restricted in the previous three years, and many parents hope to let their children "fly" this summer. In addition, reducing the burden of education also allows children to have more summer time and travel conditions. For this reason, many research and learning routes this year focus more on designing products from the perspective of children, trying to make them gain something on the journey and have a richer experience.

All kinds of research and summer camp products are rich in themes.

More expensive premium is not necessary, industry insiders: daily expenses of thousands of yuan are acceptable, and domestic research and learning are becoming increasingly attractive. Children | parents | professionals

A noteworthy trend is that the registration for this year's summer study tour continues the trend of small group tours, with a significant increase in demand for customized routes for families traveling together. On some parent-child travel routes, in order to provide a better experience for both children and parents, the route designer allows them to act separately during certain periods, such as children listening to knowledge explanations or participating in game activities. Parents can play travel photos and have afternoon tea simultaneously, without interfering with each other.

Li Qian said that the popular directions for registering for summer study tours this year are similar to previous years, mainly focusing on outdoor natural, historical and cultural themes. The average unit price has increased from 5000 yuan in 2019 to about 6000 yuan. Among them, children aged 6-8 tend to participate in outdoor experiential activities with relatively easy itineraries, while children aged 9-12 tend to focus on themes such as history and humanities, scientific exploration, and more choose destinations such as Dunhuang in Gansu, Xi'an, Datong in Shanxi, Xichang, and Jiuquan Satellite Launch Center.

Daily expenditure of over a thousand yuan is acceptable

How can parents and children choose their preferred route when faced with a variety of study tour products? Industry insiders have stated that research tours should not only focus on route descriptions or prices, but also consider institutional branding, campsite facilities, personnel configuration, course and event design.

The person in charge of a large-scale tourism organization's study tour route said that one of the core aspects of product competition for study tours is the explanation resources of famous teachers or experts, but such talents are very scarce. "For example, in Dunhuang, Gansu, where research and learning groups have gathered this year, the renowned lecturers' schedules are limited, making it difficult to achieve large-scale operation of high-quality research and learning routes. If another teacher explains, it may be another effect."

In addition to explaining the quality, factors worth considering include whether the life teacher is serious and responsible, whether the campsite facilities comply with safety regulations, and whether the course design is scientific. He Jing, who has been engaged in research route design for many years, told reporters that copying research routes is easy, but for children, practical experience and safety are the most important.

Large tourism websites gather research and learning products from various institutions.

More expensive premium is not necessary, industry insiders: daily expenses of thousands of yuan are acceptable, and domestic research and learning are becoming increasingly attractive. Children | parents | professionals

"Similarly, for summer camps, some people have turned resorts into campsites and added some sports facilities, allowing children to have a great time. However, high-quality campsites not only provide children with good food and accommodation, but also have strict standards for activity design, teaching aids, and sports facilities. Camp staff have also received professional training to better solve various emergency situations, such as unexpected injuries and resolving conflicts among campers." He Jing said that from the current research and learning products on the market, high-end brand summer camps and research and learning routes consume about 1200 to 1500 yuan per day, while the average daily expenses of general campsites range from 600 to 1000 yuan.

In Li Qian's view, some research and learning products on the market now not only learn related content, but also include high-end hotels, entertainment projects and other resources, leading to a surge in the prices of research and learning routes. From a parental perspective, such a high premium is not necessary. "The original intention of study tours is to broaden horizons, enrich experiences, and reflect certain educational significance. In addition, the number of branches and details should be minimized as much as possible, returning to the original intention."

He Jing suggests that for consumers, a relatively simple way to screen research and learning products is to recognize the brand. Institutions such as Qixing, Youmei, and Xiashan have already accumulated a certain reputation in the field of research and learning, while tourism institutions such as Ctrip and Chunqiu have a strict screening standard for research and learning tour suppliers. Overall, products from large or established institutions are relatively more secure, and some niche brands are also beginning to cultivate "fan" customer groups among specific audiences.

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