Four major types of productive Internet service platforms will be strengthened, expanded, specialized and optimized. Shanghai will come up with a policy dry goods platform | business | Internet services

Release time:Apr 14, 2024 07:09 AM

The productive Internet service platform is an important part of the modern industrial ecosystem and an important carrier for Shanghai to strengthen the "four functions", enhance the comprehensive competitiveness and development level of Shanghai, and actively serve to build a new development pattern. Shanghai strives to support a group of platforms to become national level platforms within two to three years, focus on introducing a group of national level platforms to settle in Shanghai, encourage a group of platforms to "go out" to explore international markets, guide a group of platforms to enrich advanced technology application scenarios such as blockchain and big data, strengthen a group of platforms to optimize green, efficient, and complete industrial ecosystems, and form strong support for modern industrial systems.

This is the information obtained by the reporter from a press conference held by the Municipal Government Information Office on the afternoon of July 18th.

Four categories of productive Internet service platforms should be strengthened, expanded, specialized and optimized

This press conference is the seventh of a series of municipal government press conferences on "building a first-class business environment and services to build a new development pattern", with the theme of "promoting the high-quality development of productive Internet service platforms". At the meeting, the person in charge of the relevant department introduced the relevant contents of the Several Opinions on Promoting the High Quality Development of the Municipal Productive Internet Service Platform recently issued by the General Office of the Municipal Government.

In recent years, Shanghai has vigorously developed productive Internet service platforms represented by bulk commodity trading service platforms, industrial products e-commerce service platforms, digital transformation service platforms and professional service platforms. The commodity trading service platform has a high level of energy, strong radiation, and obvious industrial driving effect, and has become an important component of Shanghai's modern market system. 11 platforms have an annual transaction scale exceeding 10 billion yuan, of which 6 platforms exceed 100 billion yuan. The settlement transaction volume of Shanghai's steel platform accounts for over 60% of the total transaction volume of the national steel platform, attracting steel mills with over 70% of the national steel production capacity to settle in for transactions. There are over 600000 enterprise users, more than 5000 cooperative warehouses, and a logistics and warehousing service volume of 50 million tons. The international business covers more than 20 countries, and innovative businesses such as capacity pre-sales and "guaranteed orders" have achieved pilot breakthroughs. The price indices of iron ore, rebar, non-ferrous metals, and other metals participate in global pricing and are adopted and published by the world's four major mines, foreign exchanges, and international data platforms.

The development of industrial e-commerce service platforms is in a leading position nationwide. The four comprehensive industrial product e-commerce service platforms in Shanghai have an annual cumulative business scale of nearly 50 billion yuan, accounting for about a quarter of the national industrial product online transaction scale. They have established cooperation with more than 400 domestic logistics and warehousing enterprises to build a distribution network covering the "last mile" of the country. The professional chemical industry e-commerce service platform enriches digital supply and marketing channels to meet the diversified and one-stop procurement needs of enterprises.

The digital transformation service platform has become a powerful engine for promoting the transformation and development of enterprises in various fields. Among them, the e-commerce agency operation service platform helps traditional enterprises carry out online sales by providing services such as website construction, promotion, and logistics. A total of 5 platforms in Shanghai have been selected as one of the "Top 10 E-commerce Agency Operation Companies in China"; Industrial Internet platform promotes the integration and application of new generation information technology, and drives the digital and intelligent transformation of manufacturing industry.

The professional service platform integrates professional services to promote industry quality and efficiency improvement. For example, the inspection and testing service platform gathers a group of top enterprises, accounting for 2.4% of the total number of institutions in the country, and creates over 8% of the country's business revenue; The query volume of historical vehicle condition reports for second-hand cars issued by the Shanghai Automotive Life Cycle Information Service Platform accounts for approximately 48.2% of the national second-hand car transaction volume; The green and low-carbon supply chain service platform assists in the construction of a low-carbon supply chain system, covering more than 30% of steel industry customers nationwide, and managing more than 1/6 of the carbon asset scale of energy and power industry customers.

The Several Opinions focus on the four main categories of productive Internet service platforms, propose targeted innovative development measures, strengthen policy supply, and enhance the innovation capacity of market players.

One is to strengthen the commodity trading service platform, rely on the national financial factor market to upgrade the over-the-counter derivatives platform for commodities, and strengthen the linkage between futures and cash; Establish important commodity price indices; Promote efficient integration and innovative development of production, circulation, and supporting services.

The second is to expand the industrial product e-commerce service platform, encourage the platform to improve its level and expand its scale, and provide professional and integrated supply chain management services; Support platforms and manufacturing enterprises to carry out professional service outsourcing cooperation.

The third is to establish a specialized digital transformation service platform, promote deep cooperation between enterprises and software information service providers, and form a new type of industrial chain, supply chain, and enterprise development ecology based on digital foundations; Expand the scope of platform services, and encourage the development of information technology services with big data, blockchain, Internet of Things, artificial intelligence, mobile Internet, etc. as the core.

The fourth is to optimize professional service platforms, accelerate the cultivation of a group of professional service platforms closely related to key industries, and enhance value creation capabilities; Encourage foreign-funded research and development centers to provide third-party services, actively build professional and public service platforms for going global, and promote the development of service outsourcing.

Propose the next steps and measures for promoting key industries, regions, and fields

In order to implement the "Several Opinions", Shanghai has established a working team composed of departments such as the Municipal Commission of Commerce, the Municipal Development and Reform Commission, the Municipal Commission of Economy and Information Technology, and the Municipal Local Financial Supervision Bureau. In the near future, special policies in areas such as standard system, green and low-carbon, comprehensive supervision, and financial supervision will be gradually launched.

The Shanghai Municipal Commission of Economic Information Technology, the Shanghai Municipal Commission of Commerce and the Shanghai Municipal Development and Reform Commission jointly formulated and issued the Action Plan for Promoting the High Quality Development of Industrial Internet Platforms in Shanghai, which proposes to strive to achieve a transaction volume of industrial Internet platforms of more than 3.3 trillion yuan by 2025; It has introduced more than 100 industrial Internet platform enterprises, including more than 30 head platforms.

In addition, Pudong New Area, Lingang New Area of the Free Trade Zone, Hongqiao International Central Business District, Baoshan District and Putuo District took the lead in proposing ideas and measures for the next step based on the development of regional and regional productive Internet service platforms.

Pudong New Area proposes to leverage the advantages of high-end industrial agglomeration and high-level reform and opening up, combined with the Pudong Industrial Digital Leap Plan and the Open Innovation Center Plan for Large Enterprises, focusing on four major platforms, cultivating 50 benchmark enterprises, and creating 3-5 demonstration bases to form a comprehensive platform agglomeration area with rich business formats, open diversity, transparent rules, and efficient services.

The Lingang New Area of the Free Trade Zone proposes to strengthen a number of bulk commodity trading service platforms in the fields of oil and gas, plasticization, non-ferrous metals, etc., and to optimize a number of professional service platforms for cross-border trade, technology trading, etc., continuously improving the development level and radiation driving force of the platforms, and effectively supporting the internationalization system construction of the Lingang New Area.

Hongqiao International Central Business District proposed to focus on digital transformation and professional service fields, build a demonstration hub of global productive Internet service platform, and cultivate 1-3 leading enterprises with global influence, resource allocation and innovation drive; Gathering more than 10 high growth enterprises; Strive to establish 1-2 national and municipal level platforms.

Baoshan District aims to cultivate a group of industry leaders and high growth commodity and industrial e-commerce platforms, as well as green and low-carbon supply chain platforms, to build an internationally influential and nationally leading commodity industry ecosystem.

Putuo District will focus on the field of non-ferrous metals, strengthen the bulk commodity trading service platform, promote enterprise transactions to achieve "Internet plus", establish a digital service system for the whole process of non-ferrous metal supply chain, expand the supporting service functions of finance, logistics, information and information, and enhance the influence of spot prices of non-ferrous metals.

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