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Release time:Apr 14, 2024 04:46 AM

"Although we did not directly sign any projects at the CIIE, I think the CIIE played a significant role in helping us solve the long-standing technical bottleneck problem." Speaking of the significance of the CIIE for enterprises, Zhao Huilong, Deputy General Manager of Shanxi Hainuo Technology Co., Ltd., said.

This national level specialized and innovative "little giant" enterprise from Gaoping City, Shanxi Province has been participating in the procurement work of the CIIE every year since the first edition. The person in charge of the enterprise even said, "If you can only attend one exhibition a year, it must be the CIIE."

Everything starts with the first CIIE.

Cracking the Difficulties of Technological Research in Small and Medium sized Enterprises

In November 2018, Zhao Huilong and the company's equipment manager came to Shanghai for the first time to participate in the CIIE. The two of them had no intention of wandering around, and as soon as they entered the museum, they headed straight to the technical equipment exhibition area, hoping to find solutions to help businesses solve their problems during the exhibition.

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Zhao Huilong accepted an interview

At that time, Hainuo Technology had just completed the intermediate stage test of thousands of tons when it encountered a series of new problems, which caused great headaches for the technical experts of the enterprise. If these problems are not solved, the next goal of building a large-scale production line with a capacity of ten thousand tons will be completely impossible to talk about.

The high-performance hollow glass microspheres produced by Hainuo Technology are a powder material with high strength and light weight, which used to rely almost entirely on imports. Due to the lack of domestic foundation, in the past, when enterprises encountered difficulties in independent research and development, they could only seek help abroad, struggle to obtain information and related equipment, and then explore on their own.

The CIIE has brought global industry leaders, including powder material equipment manufacturers, to their doorstep, and HNO Technology will naturally not miss this opportunity.

Shanxi Hainuo Technology

Find the "Card Solving" Secret Collection Industry in "Clover" | CIIE | Clover

But the beginning of this journey to enter the museum was not smooth. "We don't have such equipment." "We have similar equipment, but you haven't come into contact with this ultra light powder material before."... Amidst repeated rejections, Zhao Huilong and his colleagues left disappointed time and time again.

However, hard work pays off. In front of a German equipment manufacturer's booth, just as the two were about to turn around and leave again, a foreign friend stopped them. It turned out that the technical experts from Germany, driven by curiosity, hoped to join the "group chat" after seeing their communication with the Chinese person in charge.

"We are indeed unable to help you directly solve the problem, but I know that there are several companies that are producing and conveying equipment for ultra light powder materials. Although I do not know the details, their ideas seem to be like this..." After understanding Zhao Huilong's needs, this technical expert introduced his own understanding.

The words of the foreign expert made Zhao Huilong's eyes shine: "These situations have not been mastered by the enterprise, and it may be feasible to follow this train of thought!"

This experience also changed his mindset with his colleagues. In the following days, they no longer persisted in seeking direct solutions, but seized every opportunity to learn about the current development of the industry and the popular theoretical paths from foreign manufacturers.

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After the CIIE, he and his colleagues immediately returned to the company to organize materials, conduct internal reflection and research, and continue to communicate with domestic and foreign enterprises they encountered at the CIIE. Although the process was still fraught with difficulties, fortunately the direction was correct, and ultimately Hainuo Technology broke through the manufacturing technology bottleneck of large-scale production equipment.

"In 2021, the large-scale production project of tens of thousands of tons has finally been put into operation, marking a breakthrough from 0 to 1 and officially embarking on the path of industrialization." Zhao Huilong smiled and said, "The secret to solving the" card "of transformation and upgrading is actually hidden in the" four leaf clover "! The CIIE has opened the door to connecting the world for small and medium-sized enterprises like them. The sparks of wisdom generated during the exhibition have pointed the way for enterprises to tackle technological challenges.

Now, with the help of the CIIE and the Gaoping Municipal Government, Hainuo Technology has entered a development stage from 1 to N, hoping to promote the application of new materials together with the upstream and downstream of the industrial chain. At the 5th China International Import Expo, the Management Committee of Gaoping Economic and Technological Development Zone signed a contract with Shanghai Shoujian Zhigu Co., Ltd. on the Gaoping New Materials Science and Technology Innovation Industrial Park project, and Hainuo Technology is the main participant. They will work together with domestic and foreign enterprises to strengthen and extend the chain.

Assist the industrial transformation and development of inland cities

The transformation, upgrading, and development transformation of a company are, to some extent, a microcosm of the development and transformation of a city's industries.

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Gaoping City, where Hainuo Technology is located, is located in the southeast of Shanxi Province and is one of the first 100 coal producing counties in China. Its development has long relied on coal resources. In order to achieve sustainable development, in recent years, Gaoping City has been seeking industrial transformation and upgrading, focusing on new energy, new materials, biopharmaceuticals, equipment manufacturing, characteristic agricultural products, animal husbandry, and Taiwan's industries to create "seven characteristic industrial chains", hoping to forge a new path of high-quality development.

"Industrial transformation and upgrading cannot be done behind closed doors, but should be in line with the world's advanced technology and development direction. In terms of ideological understanding, it should first be in line with the world," Zhang Nuo, Deputy Mayor of Gaoping City, told reporters. For technology-based enterprises, technology is a key issue that constrains development, but for inland cities with relatively scarce information and resources, liberating the mind and going out is the first step in development.

Zhang Nuo accepted an interview

Gaoping City has organized local enterprises and government officials to participate in the CIIE for several consecutive years, hoping to use the CIIE as a platform to liberate the mind, expand "circle of friends", and jointly build "cooperation groups", injecting momentum into the transformation and upgrading of local industries.

In 2021, Zhang Nuo, who is in charge of industrial and economic work, participated in the CIIE as the leader for the first time. In addition to seeking enterprises in the exhibition area that align with the development ideas of Gaoping City for exchange, his other important agenda was to use the CIIE platform to organize a special seminar.

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With the help of the Import Expo Bureau and the China Europe Economic and Technological Cooperation Association, the seminar not only invited representatives from enterprises, but also invited ambassadors from multiple countries and representatives from foreign trade departments to China. The guests introduced the development trends and challenges faced by related industries in different countries, helping attendees broaden their international perspectives and form new work and development ideas.

After returning to Gaoping, these new ideas gradually transformed into new measures, adding new momentum to urban development.

In recent years, Gaoping has been seeking transformation and upgrading, presenting a new atmosphere of development

"In four months, we will meet at the 6th China International Import Expo," said Zhang Nuo. "This year, the number of people registering for the Expo in Gaoping City is expected to reach a historic high."

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