"Everyone is working together to overcome difficulties!", Zhuozhou Hotel in the flood: Free placement of rescue team members to stay at the merchant | Wuhui | Hotel

Release time:Apr 14, 2024 13:49 PM

After a complete three-day water outage, on the morning of August 4th, the Guanyun Road store in Zhuozhou, Hanting finally welcomed the day when there was no need to fetch water every day. "The water flow is still a bit small. We urgently installed a pump and water pipe, and now the problem of domestic water supply has been basically solved. When we use hot water tomorrow, we will be one step closer to normal days!" The store manager, Wu Huichang, breathed a sigh of relief.

The Hanting Guanyun Road store where Wu Hui is located is located in the center of Zhuozhou. The several floods that Zhuozhou has experienced before did not directly affect the hotel. On the early morning of August 1st, during the first flood discharge, Wu Hui and people from nearby merchants drove out for a while to see the approximate location of the flood, in order to prepare for the later response. Fortunately, the closest flood to the hotel was two kilometers away and has not yet affected it.

Don't worry about being flooded, but a two-hour power outage caused a commotion in the hotel. Since the heavy rainfall, this 71 room Hanting has been fully booked. Except for a few stranded guests, the vast majority are disaster victims and rescue teams who have come to stay. The catering for rescue personnel is provided free of charge by the hotel. Wu Hui and colleagues explained to everyone one by one that the power outage is to ensure the safety of underwater rescue personnel, and everyone expressed understanding.

The hotel provides free meals to the rescue team members

"Everyone is working together to overcome difficulties!", Zhuozhou Hotel in the flood: Free placement of rescue team members to stay at the merchant | Wuhui | Hotel

A more severe test is the complete water outage in Zhuozhou starting from July 31st. Wu Hui told the Jiefang Daily Shangguan News reporter that the hotel has its own water tank, and it was not until the morning of August 1st that water was truly cut off. But because there are over 100 guests in the store, there is a high demand for drinking and domestic water. During the water outage, the hotel provided free mineral water from its inventory to everyone, first ensuring sufficient drinking water.

After multiple inquiries, Wu Hui and her colleagues learned that there was accumulated rainwater available in the reservoir of the residential area behind the hotel. They picked up large buckets and pushed carts to fetch water, and then sent it to various floors of the hotel for guests to flush the toilet. "These tasks are usually done very little by everyone, with a relatively high intensity, but everyone has no complaints," Wu Hui said. There are many female employees in the store, and many customers see them struggling to fetch water, so they will also lend a hand to help move them. Men from the bottom level merchants of the hotel and property management staff have also joined the water fetching team.

Transporting mineral water

This morning, Wu Hui met two rescue team members at the auto repair shop outside the hotel, one sitting on the ground resting, and the other inexplicably barefoot. Seeing the team members looking tired, Wu Hui invited them to rest and wait at the hotel. The rescue team declined and said they needed to discuss with the repair shop staff specifically how to repair the kayak. Wu Hui turned back to the hotel and brought a pair of disposable slippers to another rescue team member, who repeatedly thanked her.

"Everyone is working together to overcome difficulties!", Zhuozhou Hotel in the flood: Free placement of rescue team members to stay at the merchant | Wuhui | Hotel

Wu Hui said that the night bar not far from the hotel has a small area of its own and became a temporary resettlement site yesterday, receiving more than ten rescue team members for rest. The bar owner boiled the large bucket of water and let it dry for a while, so that the tired team members could take a comfortable hot bath when they returned. Later, the bar owner realized that the team members didn't have enough toiletries, so he came to Hanting for help. Upon learning that the other party was receiving rescue team members, Wu Hui didn't say a word and took out a batch of shampoo, shower gel, toothbrushes, toothpaste and other supplies from the store to rescue them.

Similar love actions are also underway at the Zhuozhou East Station store throughout the season. Due to its high terrain, this hotel has been less affected by floods. Out of the 113 guest rooms in the hotel, 80 rooms are used to receive disaster victims, and 32 rooms are provided free for firefighters to stay. At the same time, the hotel lobby has remained open, providing seats for disaster victims and rescue teams to rest, and offering them free mineral water, refreshments, and more.

Distribute bedding supplies to rescue team members

Li Guanfang, the manager of the Zhuozhou East Station Hotel throughout the season, said that the hotel's beds are currently overloaded, with 3-4 people in each room, but there are still many rescue personnel to be resettled. Fortunately, the air conditioning in the hotel was running normally and the room was relatively spacious, so we urgently purchased a batch of bedding to provide temporary accommodation for rescue personnel. In recent days, except for a few employees who were unable to go to work due to blocked roads, the remaining 15 employees have been stuck at their posts, working together to handle tasks such as fetching water and storing supplies. Everyone's workload is close to full capacity, but no one is complaining about hardship and exhaustion.

"Everyone is working together to overcome difficulties!", Zhuozhou Hotel in the flood: Free placement of rescue team members to stay at the merchant | Wuhui | Hotel

Since the disaster occurred, Wu Hui, Li Guanfang, and colleagues have been busy serving guests and rescue team members, and warmth from all parties has flooded into the hotel. A local supermarket in Zhuozhou donated mineral water, instant noodles, and bread to two hotels, while caring individuals donated fruits and vegetables, striving to deliver them to the rescue team as quickly as possible.

The flood was merciless, but in the past few days, Wu Hui was deeply moved to witness everyone's various acts of love and righteousness during the flood. "I feel like everyone in Zhuozhou is fighting hard against the flood, and everyone is working together to overcome difficulties!"

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