China Eastern Airlines maintenance staff welcome the "peak" battle "summer", with over 3000 daily summer flights reaching a new high this year. Base | Passengers | Flights

Release time:Apr 14, 2024 22:24 PM

In the summer of 2023, multiple indicators such as domestic inbound and outbound flight volume, passenger load factor, and passenger transportation volume rapidly increased. On August 12th, China Eastern Airlines operated 3055 flights per day, transporting 438000 passengers, setting a new high since the beginning of this year. In the current high altitude operation of flights, the maintenance personnel of China Eastern Airlines, who are responsible for maintaining the airworthiness of the aircraft, have become the busiest people on the apron.

In charge of the "safety key", the "80s generation" strictly controls the release of aircraft

At 6:30 am on August 4th, as Typhoon "Kanu" diverted and departed, the heavy rain that lasted all night gradually stopped. A large number of departing flights at Shanghai Hongqiao International Airport began pre flight preparation work, with shuttle buses, passenger elevators, and luggage carts shuttling back and forth on the apron, and staff walking in a hurry. Qiu Lei, the release engineer for the "80s generation" of the Airbus route division at the Hongqiao Maintenance Base of China Eastern Airlines Technology Company, has been busy in the rain for nearly an hour. The MU9979 flight from Shanghai to Qingdao is about to take off, which is one of the first outbound flights of China Eastern Airlines on the same day. More than 120 passengers are waiting in the cabin to start their summer itinerary.

Qiu Lei is inspecting the landing gear bolts and wheels of the aircraft

China Eastern Airlines maintenance staff welcome the "peak" battle "summer", with over 3000 daily summer flights reaching a new high this year. Base | Passengers | Flights

In order to ensure that the plane departs on time, Qiu Lei arrived at his work position early. After first checking the technical condition of the aircraft, Qiu Lei conducted a walk around inspection, lighting it with a flashlight and carefully examining the surface and structural conditions of key parts such as the wings, fuselage, landing gear, tail wing, engine, etc., to confirm that there were no abnormalities in various electronic devices and instruments. Not far from him, another maintenance technician is checking the tire pressure of the aircraft's wheels. After testing the tire pressure to be normal, Qiu Lei confirmed that the aircraft was in airworthiness and signed the release work order and technical record book for release. As the tractor slowly pushed the plane out, Qiu Lei waved goodbye to the flight, and MU9979 departed on time at 7:25.

As a senior maintenance engineer at China Eastern Airlines, Qiu Lei, born in 1988, joined China Eastern Airlines Technology Company in August 2010. Starting from service maintenance, he gradually grew into a maintenance engineer and a release engineer. The "release" work is in charge of the last "safety key" before the flight takes off, and the burden is heavy. Before each flight is executed, Qiu Lei must ensure that all the items on the task ticket in his hand have been verified and executed. During the peak summer transportation season, the release engineers need to ensure an average of 5 to 6 aircraft per day, with 60 to 70 flights per month.

Being meticulous in ensuring safety, the post-90s generation can do embroidery work

Starting from early July this year, Wu Junbin, the "post-90s" maintenance engineer at the Boeing Route Branch of China Eastern Airlines Technology Company's Hongqiao Maintenance Base, has been in the "busiest" state. As a maintenance engineer, his job responsibilities are complex and meticulous: counting tools; Oil discharge; Measure tire pressure; Install plugs, pins, and static pressure plates; Reset electronic devices; Around the aircraft inspection... On the work order, the items to be inspected/operated to ensure the aircraft can be densely packed on several sheets of paper, divided into about thirty or forty specific tasks. It usually takes 2 to 3 hours to complete all maintenance projects. During the summer when the highest temperature on the apron reaches 50 degrees Celsius, each task is a multiple test of physical, mental, and willpower.

China Eastern Airlines maintenance staff welcome the "peak" battle "summer", with over 3000 daily summer flights reaching a new high this year. Base | Passengers | Flights

Wu Junbin is inspecting the radiator compartment of a passenger plane

Wu Junbin said that the harder work in summer is "replacing the radiator". Similar to household air conditioners, the "air conditioning unit" and "radiator" are the core components of the aircraft air conditioning system. They can remove the heat generated during aircraft operation, allowing passengers to enjoy coolness during flight. When replacing the radiator, the maintenance personnel need to drill under the belly of the aircraft near the main landing gear, first use tools to dismantle dozens of parts, then open the cover plate, and three or four friends work together to lift the radiator weighing about 50 kilograms, and then install new equipment. If wear or dirt is found in the radiator compartment, the maintenance personnel should also drill into the compartment and carefully clean it. The height of the aircraft belly is limited and cannot accommodate an adult standing up, requiring maintenance personnel to either squat, sit, or kneel to complete tasks. As a young man who is 1.8 meters tall, completing this essential process requires strong perseverance. After completing a trip, Wu Junbin not only had his work clothes soaked in sweat, but also suffered from back pain and soreness.

At China Eastern Airlines, the proportion of "post-90s" aircraft maintenance among all age groups exceeds 40%, ranking first. Most of them have some work experience and are in the golden period of career development and the best period of physical condition. If the "80s" and above age group of maintenance personnel are "ballast stones", then the "90s" are gradually growing into the "backbone" of the maintenance team.

Sunlight and rain make the post-00s able to endure hardship

China Eastern Airlines maintenance staff welcome the "peak" battle "summer", with over 3000 daily summer flights reaching a new high this year. Base | Passengers | Flights

"150 to 200 degrees Celsius" is the real-time temperature of the aircraft's tires after landing in the summer. From a landing speed of 250 kilometers per hour to a taxiing speed on the apron, in just a few seconds, the aircraft's tires experience super heavy load, severe friction, and rapid heating. To ensure flight safety and prevent tire damage due to high temperatures, it is necessary to quickly dissipate the temperature of the tires after the aircraft arrives. At present, most of China Eastern Airlines' aircraft in service are equipped with automatic cooling fans, but many "old aircraft" still require manual ventilation and heat dissipation.

Pan Chen, the maintenance engineer of the post-2000 generation at the Hongqiao Maintenance Base of China Eastern Airlines Technology Company, is responsible for tire blowing. When the plane slowly taxied from the hot runway to the bridge, Pan Chen had already waited here in advance. After the plane came to a steady stop, he quickly pushed the cooling fan to the side of the wheels against the high temperature of the engine, tightly grasped the handle, pressed against the wheel hub, and turned on ventilation. The high-power fan swept up the waste heat from the tires, and a heat wave mixed with the smell of rubber and engine oil hit Pan Chen's face, making him unable to open his eyes. In less than half a minute, Pan Chen's forehead was covered in beads of sweat, and his work clothes were rustling with the wind.

China Eastern Airlines maintenance is providing ventilation and heat dissipation for the wheels of a newly landed passenger aircraft

"During the peak season of flights, every maintenance worker is very busy, and everyone has a lot of work to complete. As a newcomer, my technical level is not yet able to complete those difficult maintenance tasks, so I will take on more physical work. Although it is hard, there will definitely be rewards," said Pan Chen.

China Eastern Airlines maintenance staff welcome the "peak" battle "summer", with over 3000 daily summer flights reaching a new high this year. Base | Passengers | Flights

The weather is hot, and the maintenance personnel drink water to quench their thirst

In the base, there are not many "post-00s" maintenance personnel like Pan Chen. Most of them joined China Eastern Airlines after 2020, and due to the impact of low flight operations, they rarely had contact with flight operation support work for a period of time after joining, mainly focusing on maintaining parked aircraft and training and learning. Entering 2023, the number of flights has rapidly recovered, and this group of "00s" who have undergone sedimentation have stepped onto the stage to showcase their skills. In many maintenance positions, the post-00s have already begun to participate in flight support and assume important responsibilities. Their hard work and learning and growth speed are described by many experienced maintenance personnel as "much faster than us back then.".

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