Shen Guilong: Expanding domestic demand strategy and innovation driven strategy need to prevent "synthesis fallacy" in order to achieve doubling effect. Average level | Innovation | Strategy

Release time:Apr 13, 2024 22:23 PM

The organic combination of expanding domestic demand strategy and innovation driven development strategy deeply reflects the theoretical relationship between innovation and demand. In the new situation, efforts should be made to form a doubling effect of expanding domestic demand and innovation driven, and to promote high-quality development in high-level opening up to the outside world.

Marx believed that an insurmountable inherent problem of capitalism is the existence of relative surplus, that is, the contradiction between the infinite expansion trend of capitalist production and the relative reduction of the demand of the working people for payment ability, which leads to cyclical economic movements.

Keynes concluded based on his reflection on the economic crisis in capitalist countries around the 1930s that insufficient effective demand was the fundamental cause of the crisis, and therefore, at the macro level of the economy, total demand should be expanded.

Schumpeter attributes economic prosperity and recession to the discontinuity of innovation, and the smoothing of economic fluctuations requires entrepreneurs to use their entrepreneurial spirit to promote and achieve technological innovation.

As a result, the important characteristic of the healthy development of the market economy has gradually shifted from a relative balance of "demand supply" to a benign interaction of "innovation demand" in theory. The stable development of a healthy economy requires minimizing the discontinuity of innovation as much as possible and meeting the continuity needs of the market.

In contemporary China, the strategy of expanding domestic demand and the strategy of innovation driven development are a strategic combination of facing economic development pressure and promoting economic growth.

Data shows that domestic consumption has become an important component of Gross Domestic Product, but the proportion of final consumption has not exceeded 60%, not only lower than the global average of 72%, but also far below the level of over 82% in the United States. This indicates that there is still significant room for expanding domestic consumption.

High quality economic development requires the power of innovation and the large-scale industrialization of iconic technologies. The innovation driven strategy helps to mitigate the impact of supply shocks and has a very positive effect on alleviating marginal consumption decline and consumption elasticity decline.

In the new situation, in order to achieve a doubling effect of expanding domestic demand strategy and innovation driven strategy, it is necessary to prevent the occurrence of "synthesis fallacy".

On the one hand, the two major strategies are mutually conditional and mutually reinforcing, not only forming a mutually attractive "universal attraction", but also constructing an interactive "intermolecular force of chemical bonds". The large-scale domestic market provides conditions for related innovation iterations, and innovation upgrades bring opportunities for consumer upgrading.

On the other hand, the two major strategies should work together with other national strategies. For example, considering the correlation between the innovation driven strategy, the strategy of revitalizing the country through science and education, and the strategy of strengthening the country through talent has become an important component of the supply side structural reform; The strategy of expanding domestic demand should be linked to building a new development pattern and comprehensively deepening reforms, laying a more solid foundation for the circular linkage between domestic and foreign markets.

It should be pointed out that the strategy of expanding domestic demand should be combined with a high-level opening-up strategy. Expanding domestic demand is not about giving up on opening up to the outside world, but about providing strong support for expanding opening up through a more solid foundation of domestic demand.

Practice has fully proven that the larger the scale of domestic demand, the stronger the driving force for opening up, and the smoother the domestic and international dual circulation. High level opening up cannot be separated from the continuously expanding domestic market, which can provide reference and guidance for improving the standards of domestic consumer products and making the domestic consumer market more mature, thereby facilitating the effective implementation of the strategy of expanding domestic demand.

At the same time, the innovation driven strategy can only be better implemented in a higher level of opening up to the outside world. Innovation driven is not an internal measure confined to the national borders, but rather a commitment to facing the forefront of world technology and continuously expanding the internal and external boundaries of innovation activities.

On the one hand, in terms of innovation entities and talents, we should increase the attraction to multinational corporations and high-end talents, and gather global high-end innovation elements; On the other hand, innovative products should be continuously pushed globally to amplify the spillover effects of innovation dividends.

Only by adhering to open innovation can we allocate better resources for innovation, create a better ecological environment for innovation, and provide broader space.

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