Today’s data selection: The incidence of allergies in urban populations is higher than that in rural areas; my country’s population has entered a new normal

Release time:Apr 23, 2024 20:05 PM

Today, more and more people suffer from allergies around the world, including pollen allergies, dust mite allergies, mold allergies, and food allergies. Many people even have allergy symptoms since they were babies. Another phenomenon is that the incidence of allergies in urban areas is significantly higher than that in rural areas, and in economically developed areas it is higher than in backward areas. Children and individuals of people with high living standards and high levels of education are more likely to suffer from allergic diseases. Food allergies and severe allergic reactions are on the rise.

Yin Jia, director of the Department of Allergy at Peking Union Medical College Hospital, introduced an epithelial barrier hypothesis. Normal people have tight junctions between epithelial cells and tissues such as the skin, digestive tract, and respiratory tract. Microorganisms that are symbiotic with the human body play a role in these tight junctions. effect. However, detergents, surfactants, emulsifiers, etc. will destroy the microecological environment that coexists with the human body and cause loopholes in the epithelial mucosa. As a result, foreign toxic substances, harmful microorganisms, and allergens can easily invade the human body through these loopholes, causing inflammation and inducing allergies. .

The changes in lifestyle brought about by modernization have become an important reason for the substantial increase in the incidence of allergic diseases in our country. Yin Jia mentioned that especially some people with mysophobia use shampoo and shower gel very frequently. Even if they have no allergic symptoms, their offspring will be very susceptible to allergic diseases.

The entry threshold for the top 500 reached 27.578 billion yuan, and the quality and efficiency of the private economy steadily improved.

The "2023 China's Top 500 Private Enterprises" list and the "2023 China's Top 500 Private Enterprises Research and Analysis Report" recently released by the All-China Federation of Industry and Commerce show that the entry threshold for the top 500 private enterprises reached 27.578 billion yuan, an increase of 1.211 billion yuan over the previous year. In 2022, the total operating income of the top 500 private enterprises was 39.83 trillion yuan, an increase of 3.94%, maintaining annual growth; the total assets were 46.31 trillion yuan, stopping the downward trend of the previous year and ushering in a significant rebound; net profit after tax and net sales Although interest rates and other factors have declined, the decline has been narrower than the previous year.

The report shows that in 2022, 75.2% of the top 500 private enterprises will implement transformation and upgrading. Li Zhiqi believes that on the one hand, private enterprises have increased their voice in the industrial chain through transformation and upgrading, and proactively implemented transformation and upgrading under the support and guidance of policies; on the other hand, factors such as slowing economic growth, overcapacity in the industry, and the downturn in the international market have adversely affected the industry. Force enterprises to put pressure on themselves and reform their development models. According to the survey, the growth rate of overseas investment of the top 500 private enterprises has declined, which reflects the high number of top 500 companies with higher raw material costs, rising labor costs, and insufficient domestic market demand. "These problems are difficult for enterprises to resolve on their own, and some private enterprises still lack confidence." Li Zhiqi said.

Supreme People's Procuratorate: Strictly crack down on "Internet trolls" suspected of related crimes such as spreading rumors and deleting posts for a fee

On September 25, the Supreme People's Court, the Supreme People's Procuratorate, and the Ministry of Public Security jointly held a press conference to release the "Guiding Opinions on Punishing Internet Violence Violations and Crimes in accordance with the Law" and also released a number of typical cases of punishing Internet violence crimes in accordance with the law.

Li Wenfeng, deputy director of the Legal Policy Research Office of the Supreme People's Procuratorate, introduced at the meeting that in April 2023, the Supreme People's Procuratorate issued the "Opinions on Strengthening the Internet Legal Work of Procuratorates in the New Era", focusing on the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China on improving the comprehensive Internet governance system. Important deployments and specific work requirements are put forward. Among them, it is clearly required to severely punish "cyber violence" and other crimes related to infringement of citizens' personal rights in accordance with the law, dig deep into the industrial chain and benefit chain behind it, and severely crack down on "internet trolls" who spread rumors, blackmail public opinion, brush up the volume and control comments, and delete posts for a fee, etc. Alleged related crimes. Since 2019, procuratorial organs across the country have approved the arrest of 213 suspects suspected of insulting and defaming, prosecuted 415 defendants suspected of insulting and defaming, and approved the arrest of more than 15,000 suspects suspected of infringing on citizens’ personal information. , prosecuting more than 36,000 defendants suspected of infringing on citizens’ personal information.

The end of the world not only takes coding exams, but also transcodes. The employment signing rate of humanities graduates in 2022 is only 12.4%

After Osamu Dazai's famous quote - "I'm sorry for being born a human" became widely circulated among young people, "I'm sorry for being born a writer" has also become a self-deprecation exclusive for liberal arts students. It is really difficult for liberal arts students to find jobs this year. According to recruitment websites, the employment signing rate for humanities graduates in 2022 is only 12.4%, which is far lower than that of science and engineering graduates. The knowledge learned by many liberal arts students is difficult to apply in the workplace. Some even pessimistically lamented that "it may not be until aliens invade the earth that their knowledge will come in handy." Therefore, some liberal arts students began to "curve the curve" through transcoding. Save the country." In groups such as Douban's "WomenInTech" and "Regret Studying Law in College", many liberal arts students share their experiences of transcoding. Some have successfully found jobs as coders, and some are still on the road to switching to coding. As for why they need to transcode, the reason given by many people is very simple, that is, good employment.

With the negative population growth and aging rate increasing since last year, Cai Fang, chairman of the academic committee of the China Financial Forty Forum and chief expert of the national high-end think tank of the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, has repeatedly reminded in public speeches that we should pay attention to the "new normal" of my country's population. "Give new content to the "new normal" of economic development. On September 24, at the 2023 Bund Financial Summit, Cai Fang once again reminded, “We must pay attention to the new changes brought about by aging in international experience, so as to prepare in advance to respond.”

The population that Cai Fang refers to has entered the "new normal". On the one hand, my country's population growth will peak in 2021 and show negative growth for the first time in 2022. On the other hand, the proportion of my country's aging population will exceed 14% in 2021, and is showing New characteristics of aging.

Cai Fang pointed out by analyzing historical data that there are two important phenomena worthy of attention. On the one hand, from a horizontal perspective, after the elderly account for 14% of the population, the proportion of overall consumption in GDP will decline; on the other hand, In the case of aging, the savings rate will increase and the saving population will become the "savings class". This means that aging tends to bring about weaker consumption and increased deposits.

This trend will have a major impact on both the supply and demand sides of the economy. On the one hand, the supply side is reflected in the shortage of labor force population, declining productivity, and rising labor costs, which subsequently affects the space of urbanization rate and return on capital investment, thereby slowing down the potential economic growth rate. On the other hand, changes in demographic structure affect consumption and create new constraints on the demand side, which are currently more obvious in my country's economic constraints.

Regarding the factors directly influencing the decline in consumption in my country, Cai Fang mentioned three points: First, the "scarring effect" of the epidemic and the decline in employment rate, the income of many families has shrunk in the post-epidemic era; second, the issue of fair income distribution, resulting in high-income people and The consumption of low-income people has generally decreased, and the income imbalance will become more and more serious. The third is the aging of the population. On the one hand, the elderly are unwilling to consume because of worry and anxiety. On the other hand, part of the income of the working-age people goes into pensions. It is possible that in the future, consumption will be reduced due to consideration of future pensions. At the same time, more money will be saved for future pensions, and household expenses for children, the elderly, etc. will also increase.

Cai Fang pointed out that before the epidemic, consumption was still a very large driving force for my country's economic development, and the proportion of its contribution continued to increase. However, in recent years, while the driving force of exports has been greatly affected and the driving force of investment has declined, the driving force of consumption has been very weak. "In the future, the entire dependency ratio will get higher and higher. In other words, the proportion of expenditures that young people have to support the elderly may also be affected in the future. So from the perspective of the overall consumption situation, our tasks will become increasingly The more difficult it is," Cai Fang said, "We can learn from some international experience.

Today’s data selection: The incidence of allergies in urban populations is higher than that in rural areas; my country’s population has entered a new normal
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