What important information is conveyed? , Current Affairs News丨The heads of state of China and Russia met again

Release time:May 17, 2024 12:05 PM

"President Putin is my closest foreign colleague and my best close friend." Five years ago, President Xi Jinping expressed this in an interview with reporters on the eve of his visit to Russia.

On May 16 this year, I met Russian President Putin again in Beijing. President Xi’s opening remarks were: “Dear President Putin, my old friend, welcome you to China for a state visit.”

The two leaders have met more than 40 times. What is special about this meeting, what results were achieved, and what information was conveyed? "Current Affairs News Eye" explains it for you.

At about 4 o'clock in the morning on May 16, President Putin's special plane arrived at Beijing Capital International Airport. The red carpet was rolled out and soldiers of honor lined up. The early summer breeze is warm and refreshing. This old friend's trip to China has officially begun.

On the first day of President Putin's visit to China, President Xi Jinping attended many events with him in succession, receiving high-level receptions and having long conversations with him.

In the morning, President Xi held a grand welcome ceremony for President Putin at the square outside the East Gate of the Great Hall of the People.

There are two special arrangements on site. One is the music played by the military band. The military band chose "Evening on the Suburbs of Moscow" as the welcome song. The other is a welcoming group for teenagers and children. In addition to Chinese children at the ceremony, Russian children in China also came to participate in the event. These thoughtful and meticulous arrangements convey the friendship from generation to generation.

△President Putin arrived at the welcome ceremony by car.

After the welcoming ceremony, the two heads of state held talks in two stages: small-scale and large-scale. After the talks, the two heads of state jointly met with reporters.

At noon that day, President Xi held a welcome banquet for President Putin in the Golden Hall of the Great Hall of the People.

△Chinese and Russian children at the welcome ceremony.

In the afternoon of the same day, the two heads of state came to the National Center for the Performing Arts, attended the opening ceremony of the "China-Russia Cultural Year" and the special concert celebrating the 75th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between China and Russia, and delivered speeches.

Speaking of the "China-Russia Cultural Year", this is a continuation of a friendly tradition. In recent years, the two heads of state have successively promoted the holding of the "Youth Friendly Exchange Year", "Media Exchange Year", "Local Cooperation and Exchange Year", "Scientific and Technological Innovation Year" and "Sports Exchange Year". Last year, President Xi and President Putin agreed to hold a "China-Russia Cultural Year" this year and next. On the same day, both parties officially launched this cultural event.

Meeting a close friend in high mountains and flowing water. At the concert that day, artists from the China National Traditional Orchestra and the Russian Osipov National Orchestra jointly performed. The repertoire includes famous Russian songs that are well-known in China, such as "Evening in the Suburbs of Moscow" and "Katyusha", as well as famous Chinese music with unique oriental charm, such as "Fishing Boats Sing Evening" and "Flowers and Full Moon".

△The honor guard of the Chinese People's Liberation Army at the welcome ceremony.

That evening, President Xi held a small-scale meeting with President Putin in Zhongnanhai.

In Zhongnanhai, the breeze is gentle and the water is shining. The two heads of state sat by the water, sipped tea together, and had in-depth exchanges on strategic issues of common concern in a relaxed atmosphere. They talked until the night went deep before shaking hands and saying goodbye.

President Xi said with emotion that we have met many times over the years, and every exchange has been candid, in-depth and fruitful. President Putin responded that I am very happy every time I meet and talk with President Xi Jinping. Our exchanges were deep and meaningful.

△The heads of state of China and Russia shook hands and took a group photo here.

This meeting between the heads of state of China and Russia has an important time point: this year marks the 75th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between China and Russia.

When he visited Russia five years ago, President Xi Jinping and Russian President Vladimir Putin jointly attended the 70th anniversary commemoration of the establishment of diplomatic relations between China and Russia at the Bolshoi Theater. In his speech, President Xi said, "Seventy years of historical experience have fully demonstrated that no matter in the past, present or future, China and Russia are good neighbors that cannot be moved away, and true partners that cannot be separated."

History always brings special revelations to people at special nodes.

In February this year, President Xi said during a phone call with President Putin, "This year marks the 75th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between China and Russia. Looking back on the road we have traveled, we have withstood many ups and downs. Looking forward to the future, China-Russia relations are facing new development opportunities. China is willing to work with Russia to continue to uphold the spirit of mutual assistance and friendship from generation to generation and work together to write a new chapter in China-Russia relations.”

△The heads of state of China and Russia first held small-scale talks. This is the scene before the talks started.

When I met President Putin in Beijing this time, President Xi talked about "three quarters of a century" more than once. This is the time scale of the 75th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between China and Russia. He said, "This year is an important year with milestone significance in the history of the development of China-Russia relations."

It is the first time for China and Russia to comprehensively summarize the successful experience in the development of bilateral relations since the establishment of diplomatic relations 75 years ago, exchange in-depth views on bilateral relations and major international and regional issues of common concern, and make plans and arrangements for the development of bilateral relations and cooperation in various fields in the next stage. The mission, purpose and focus of the heads of state meeting.

When summing up experience, President Xi talked about the "five persistences": mutual respect as the foundation, win-win cooperation as the driving force, generational friendship as the foundation, strategic collaboration as the support, and fairness and justice as the purpose.

When mapping out the future, President Xi said that the two sides should take the 75th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations as a new starting point to further strengthen the alignment of development strategies and continue to enrich the connotation of bilateral cooperation.

△The heads of state of China and Russia then presided over large-scale talks. This is the scene before the talks began.

On the same day, the two heads of state jointly signed and issued the "Joint Statement between the People's Republic of China and the Russian Federation on Deepening the Comprehensive Strategic Partnership of Coordination for a New Era on the occasion of the 75th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between the two countries."

In the statement, the two sides emphasized that the development of China-Russia comprehensive strategic partnership of coordination for a new era is in the fundamental interests of the two countries and their peoples. It is not a temporary measure, is not affected by temporary events, and has strong endogenous driving force and independent value.

During the day's talks, the two heads of state listened to reports from the chairmen of the two intergovernmental cooperation committees on cooperation in investment, energy, economy and trade, Northeast-Far East, humanities, international and other fields.

It is understood that the trade volume between China and Russia has increased from more than 110 billion US dollars in 2019 to more than 240 billion US dollars in 2023, exceeding the trade goals set by the two heads of state ahead of schedule.

△After the talks, the heads of state of China and Russia attended the signing ceremony and met with reporters. This is the scene before the start.

During this meeting, the two heads of state agreed that they should actively find the convergence of interests between the two countries, give full play to their respective advantages, deepen the integration of interests, and achieve mutual success. President Xi stressed that both sides should further optimize the cooperation structure between the two countries and consolidate the good momentum of cooperation in traditional fields such as economy and trade.

After the talks, the two heads of state jointly witnessed the signing of a number of bilateral cooperation documents in the fields of economy and trade, nature conservation, inspection and quarantine, and media.

△Chinese and foreign reporters who participated in on-site reporting that day.

When President Xi visited Russia last year, the two heads of state jointly signed and issued the "Joint Statement on the Development Plan for the Key Directions of China-Russia Economic Cooperation before 2030", making plans and arrangements for cooperation in various fields.

At this year's meeting between the heads of state of China and Russia, President Putin said that Russia is willing to work with China to implement the "Russia-China Economic Cooperation Plan until 2030."

The joint statement issued that day pointed out that pragmatic cooperation between China and Russia is an important factor in promoting the economic and social development and common prosperity of the two countries, ensuring technological progress and national economic sovereignty, realizing national modernization, improving people's well-being, and maintaining the stability and sustainability of the world economy. .

The joint statement revealed that Russian President Vladimir Putin will go to Harbin to attend the opening ceremony of the 8th China-Russia Expo. President Xi once said that we should make full use of the role of exhibition platforms such as the China-Russia Expo.

Accumulating soil becomes a mountain, accumulating water becomes a sea. All-round pragmatic cooperation will further consolidate the foundation of China-Russia strategic cooperation.

△The national flags of China and Russia are hung on both sides of Chang’an Street in Beijing.

Major concepts and strategic judgments have the power to travel through time and space.

In March 2013, President Xi Jinping paid his first visit to Russia. When he delivered a speech at the Moscow Institute of International Relations, he proposed the concept of building a community with a shared future for mankind.

In October last year, President Putin told President Xi during his last visit to China that "the evolution of the international situation has completely confirmed President Xi Jinping's strategic judgment of making major changes unseen in a century."

△The heads of state of China and Russia jointly attended the opening ceremony of the "China-Russia Cultural Year" and the special concert celebrating the 75th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between China and Russia and delivered speeches. This is the scene before the start.

Standing at the crossroads of history, where will mankind go? Faced with a century of changes, how will China and Russia act?

In more than 40 meetings, President Xi and President Putin have repeatedly discussed that the relationship between the two countries goes far beyond the bilateral scope and is of vital importance to the world pattern and the future and destiny of mankind.

During his visit to Russia five years ago, President Xi said that China was willing to work hand in hand with Russia to contribute more "China-Russia solutions" to international affairs.

Among the “five insistences” summarized by President Xi during this meeting in Beijing, they include “adhering to the support of strategic collaboration and leading the correct direction of global governance” and “adhering to fairness and justice as the purpose and committing to promoting political solutions to hot-spot issues.” ".

President Xi said that this year Russia will serve as the rotating chairman of the BRICS, and China will take over the rotating chairmanship of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization during the year. The two sides will support each other's chairmanship work, build a more comprehensive, closer, pragmatic and inclusive high-quality partnership, and unite Strengthening the “Global South”.

△Chinese and Russian artists who came to participate in the concert gathered together.

Regarding promoting political settlement of hot-spot issues, the two heads of state had an in-depth exchange of views focusing on the Ukrainian crisis.

President Xi pointed out that when dealing with any major problem, we must treat both the symptoms and the root cause; we must consider both the present and the long term. China supports the timely convening of an international peace conference recognized by both Russia and Ukraine, with equal participation by all parties, and fair discussion of all options, to promote an early political settlement of the Ukrainian issue, and is willing to continue to play a constructive role in this regard.

The two heads of state also talked about the Palestinian-Israeli conflict, which also affects people's hearts. The two heads of state agreed that it is urgent to resolve the Palestinian-Israeli conflict. We must earnestly implement United Nations resolutions and resolve the Palestinian issue on the basis of the "two-state solution."

When it comes to Sino-Russian relations, President Xi Jinping once said "three will not change": No matter how the international and regional situation changes, our policy of consolidating and deepening the Sino-Russian comprehensive strategic partnership of coordination will not change, and we are committed to achieving common goals between the two countries. The goal of development and revitalization will not change, and our determination to work together to safeguard international fairness and justice and world peace and stability will not change.

This meeting between the heads of state of China and Russia sent a clear message to the world: standing at a new historical starting point, China and Russia will always adhere to their original aspirations and work together to fulfill their responsibilities, bring more benefits to the two peoples, and make due contributions to world security and stability. contribute.

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