Gentleman's Wind, Mountains and Rivers Long, Teacher's Day

Release time:Apr 15, 2024 18:48 PM

Throughout history, the role of teachers has been presented in a diverse manner. Master is the most down-to-earth teacher. "Master" was originally a collective term for official positions such as Grand Tutor, Grand Tutor, and Junior Tutor in ancient times, responsible for teaching the Crown Prince. After leaving the palace, this title was adopted by the common people to refer to teachers in various industries who were responsible for leading apprentices and teaching arts. In the past, apprentices often stayed at the master's house, and the master had to pass on the skills of settling down in the industry to the apprentices, while also serving as half a guardian. The discipline of the apprentices was particularly strict. The troupe leader Guan Laozi in the movie "Farewell My Concubine" and the suona troupe leader Jiao Sanye in "A Hundred Birds Facing the Phoenix" are typical master images in the traditional Quyi drama industry, which are both loved and feared. The disciples can only respect and obey them. After the establishment of the People's Republic of China, in places where skills were taught, such as factories and restaurants, there were masters leading apprentices. However, at this time, the teacher-student relationship was much more civilized and polite, and there was no longer a personal attachment relationship.

A further relationship is with the master. The ancient saying "One day is a teacher, one lifetime is a father" emphasizes respecting teachers and valuing the way. The Lv Family's Spring and Autumn Annals: Persuading Learning states: "To serve a teacher is like serving a father." In ancient times, there was a sense of ceremony in teaching, and once one entered the school, it became a lifelong tradition. Using the etiquette of serving a father to serve a teacher is in line with the ethical principles of "the ruler of heaven and earth being a personal teacher", and there are laws to follow in real life. When Confucius passed away, his disciples observed filial piety for three years by mourning their father. Zigong had a deep longing and affection, and he stayed at the tomb to guard it. He only left after six years of mourning.

The traditional teacher worship ceremony celebrates Teacher's Day. Xinhua News Agency

An event that occurred many years ago has left a deep impression on me to this day: at a campus symphony concert during the graduation season, the host introduced the guests and referred to all the teachers on campus as "teachers", which sparked special praise and passionate comments from a speaker. On this issue, Westerners seem to be more free spirited. It's not that they don't care about job titles and positions at all, but rather that they care more about other things, such as degrees. Chinese international students who first arrive in Europe and America are accustomed to calling themselves "Professor" according to domestic regulations, but little do they know that Western scholars are proud of their hard earned degrees that can prove their academic level. Teachers with doctoral degrees prefer to be called "Doctor". For teachers who do not have a professor's seat or a doctoral degree, calling them by name is more polite than using an unrealistic title.

Gentleman's Wind, Mountains and Rivers Long, Teacher's Day

As a teacher, clarifying one's identity, role, and social expectations, in fashionable terms, is to establish a sense of boundaries, and then grasp the rules and standards of leading by example. For example, as a graduate supervisor, one should not only cultivate students' ability to learn, but also guide them to apply what they have learned and serve the people, rather than becoming a hermit or "refined egoist" in the study. Those who teach their apprentices should not only be willing to show their skills in managing their families, but also support them to establish themselves in the industry and fulfill their obligation of "helping them up and sending them off".

In my opinion, the most ideal way to pursue one's educational career is to choose one from the many titles of a teacher, corresponding to different periods and students. This gentleman is not referred to as a gentleman in the social discourse system, not as an elder gentleman in the context of "having wine and food, and having dishes", nor as a "gentleman" in Western society, but rather as a gentleman like Xu Teli and Yang Jiang.

Mr. Xu Teli. Xinhua News Agency

The term "sir" has accumulated rich connotations in China's thousands of years of history and culture. In the Book of Songs, Da Ya, Sheng Min, it is written that Hou Ji was born: "On the day of the Mid Autumn Festival, Mr. Da was like Da." Here, "Mr." refers to the first child; The meaning of "sir" in "The Book of Rites: Meeting Officials" is the same as that of a civil servant: "Sir, the one who serves also"; The "sir" in Mencius is the "senior scholar"; The "National Policy - Wei Ce" added a moral standard to "Mr.": "Mr. is an elder and has the title of virtue." During the Qing Dynasty, teachers in private schools were also commonly referred to as "Mr.". All of the above, from age to education and even to moral character, highlight the uniqueness of the teacher, but it is not enough to define the image and status of the teacher in the field of education.

Gentleman's Wind, Mountains and Rivers Long, Teacher's Day

In literary essays, the most appropriate depiction of a gentleman is undoubtedly in Fan Zhongyan's "Record of Mr. Yan's Ancestral Hall": "The clouds and mountains are vast, the river is magnificent, and the gentleman's style is high and the water is long!" Throughout modern times, intellectuals who have been revered by the academic and educational circles as gentlemen are no exception. The excellence of his knowledge, the purity of his personality, and the profound influence he has had are like the towering and towering mountains, like the surging and mighty Yangtze River, nurturing all things without taking credit, enduring vicissitudes without shifting his aspirations.

Mr. Xu Teli is the teacher that Mao Zedong admires the most. He lived up to his ambition of saving the country through education. At the age of 28, he joined the Changsha Normal School crash course. At the age of 30, he wrote a bloody letter to protest against the betrayal of the Qing government. At the age of 42, he went to France to work and study hard. At the age of 50, he risked killing his head to join the CPC. At the age of 58, he followed the army on the Long March. In his rare years, he still wanted to be an old hero. He wrote the poem "You and I encourage the dying years, and devote all our efforts to this" to work with friends. Mr. Xu has been teaching in Hunan for 20 years, leaving behind many beautiful stories about loving students like children. When he was the president of Changsha Normal School, he received the same monthly salary as the school director and assistant, and occasionally assisted poor students. He even personally brought water to wash their feet and apply medicine.

Mr. Yang Jiang wrote in "A Centenary Sentiment": "The most beautiful scenery in life is actually the calmness and composure in the heart. Tranquility and composure are not indifferent to anything, nor are they lying flat. They are not fighting rabbits on the road, they are holding onto their beliefs and moving forward, and their broad mindedness has its own destiny.". If Mr. Xu's bloody book and joining the Party in the face of danger were the fearless calmness and composure of the brave, then Mr. Yang Jiang's peaceful and effortless weightlifting in turbulent times was the calm and composure of the wise. It is this determination that supports her to cross thorns, overcome darkness, and endure hardships and hardships into pearls.

Mr. Qian Zhongshu and Mr. Yang Jiang. Xinhua News Agency

Gentleman's Wind, Mountains and Rivers Long, Teacher's Day

Commentary on "Shuowen Jiezi": 2500 people were teachers. "Er Ya" states: "Teacher, everyone.". There must be a master among all, as noted in the "Zhou Li · Di Guan Si Tu · Shi Shi/Media Shi": A master is a teacher who teaches people the way. Han Yu's "The Teacher's Tale" also states, "There is no nobility, no lowliness, no growth, and no shortage. The existence of the Tao is the existence of the teacher." In short, the role of a teacher is to guide and preach to everyone. Sir, having prior knowledge and awareness is the teacher chosen by heaven.

Where the teacher is, where the teacher's path exists. There are countless respected and approachable gentlemen like Mr. Xu Teli and Mr. Yang Jiang. As long as future generations work hard and practice diligently, they can also learn and tame. Ren Er's wind blows from east, west, north, south, and north. The wind of the master is always high in the mountains and long in the water.

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