Promote the connotative development of ideological and political course construction

Release time:May 23, 2024 07:00 AM

Keeping integrity and innovation promotes the connotative development of ideological and political course construction, which is of great significance to promoting the all-round development of young people, enhancing the innovation and creativity vitality of the whole nation, and ensuring that there are successors to the cause of the party and the people.

Entering the Palace Museum to appreciate cultural heritage, entering the Confucius Temple and the Imperial College Museum in Beijing to experience cultural changes, the "Ideological and Political Course on the Central Axis of Beijing" is deeply loved by students; in Shanghai, Fudan University's "Road to a Strong Country" Ideological and Political Course leads students Go deep into the front line, experience production and manufacturing, and grasp the pulse of the times in the great practice of Chinese modernization; at the Huaqiangbei Museum in Shenzhen, Guangdong, the "Walking Ideological and Political Course" allows students to understand the historical changes of Huaqiangbei and gain a sense of Shenzhen's city of science and innovation The unique charm and understanding of the essence of the SAR spirit... In recent years, various forms of ideological and political courses have continued to emerge to help young people set high aspirations and become strivers.

"In order to learn, you must first be determined." Ideological and political courses are key courses to implement the fundamental task of cultivating moral character and cultivating people. General Secretary Xi Jinping recently issued important instructions on the construction of ideological and political courses in schools: "We must always adhere to the guiding position of Marxism, support the world-renowned achievements of socialism with Chinese characteristics as content, and use China's excellent traditional culture, revolutionary culture and advanced socialist Culture is the foundation of strength, teaching principles deeply and thoroughly, adhering to integrity and innovation to promote the connotative development of ideological and political courses, and continuously improving the pertinence and attractiveness of ideological and political courses." To implement this important requirement, we must adhere to the new era. Guided by the party's innovative theory and based on the great practice of the new era, we continue to promote the reform and innovation of ideological and political courses.

The great achievements of the new era provide fresh materials for ideological and political courses to build souls and educate people. From teaching "the big picture of common prosperity" to discussing "how technological innovation with Chinese characteristics empowers common prosperity"; from explaining "Digital China and technological innovation" to discussing "how digital transformation can help traditional manufacturing improve quality and efficiency"... …Tsinghua University focuses on the main line of Chinese-style modernization and deeply promotes the reform and innovation of the "Situation and Policies" course. Large classes teach "knowing the overall situation" and small classes discuss "seeking a domain", which not only explains the "situation" clearly, but also explains the "policy" , strengthening the mission of Tsinghua students. Facts have proved that by constantly innovating teaching content and giving full play to the educational inspiration of great achievements in the new era, ideological and political education can achieve the unity of knowledge, emotion, intention and action, and guide students to become moral adults and determined to become talents.

Cultural self-confidence is the profound power of ideological and political courses to build souls and educate people. The staff of the Memorial Hall of the First Congress of the Communist Party of China in Shanghai were invited to visit primary and secondary schools to explain the historical stories behind the precious cultural relics in the collection to the children; students of Xi'an Jiaotong University were in the "Westward Spirit Virtual Experience Center" area and experienced how their predecessors "packed their backpacks and set off" "The fiery youth of Ningxia Guyuan City No. 2 Middle School and Hongwen Middle School walked back and forth on a 108-mile mountain road just to express their memory and respect for the revolutionary martyrs... The extensive and profound excellent traditional culture formed by the Chinese nation over thousands of years, led by the Communist Party of China The revolutionary culture and advanced socialist culture forged by the people in the process of revolution, construction, and reform have provided Chengfenghua people with rich spiritual nutrients. Taking China's excellent traditional culture, revolutionary culture and advanced socialist culture as the foundation of strength, and deeply exploring the values ​​and ideological connotations of the times, it will help students create a high-spirited outlook and establish a responsible character.

Keeping integrity and innovation promotes the connotative development of ideological and political course construction, which is of great significance to promoting the all-round development of young people, enhancing the innovation and creativity vitality of the whole nation, and ensuring that there are successors to the cause of the party and the people. To continue to create new situations in ideological and political education in the new era and improve course content and teaching methods, teachers of ideological and political courses have a heavy responsibility. Strengthen the team of teachers who "must be politically strong, have deep feelings, have new thinking, have a broad vision, have strict self-discipline, and have a positive personality" to create more ideological and political courses that students truly love and benefit for life, so that the Party can rest assured, be patriotic and dedicated, and New people of the era will continue to emerge to shoulder the important task of national rejuvenation.

Promote the connotative development of ideological and political course construction
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