Increase your room availability rate! Will the "Kobe style" come back? New regulations in many places: reduce public stalls

Release time:May 23, 2024 05:50 AM

If the recent new policies in the real estate market, such as lowering the down payment ratio, lowering the provident fund interest rate, and canceling the lower limit of mortgage interest rates, have lowered the threshold for home purchase and reduced interest expenses, then the introduction of new rules on housing area and sharing in many cities has greatly improved Based on the housing acquisition rate, buyers can save at least hundreds of thousands of yuan on the total price if they purchase the same usable area.

Before 2017, Hangzhou was also full of "Kobe-type" properties, and there were even real estate projects whose usable area far exceeded the built-up area, and the housing availability rate exceeded 100%. Can such an era return?

On May 17, the Shenzhen Municipal Planning and Natural Resources Bureau issued the "Shenzhen Architectural Design Rules". The revisions include reducing the residential shared area, which has attracted much public attention, and effectively increasing the housing availability rate.

The changes in the new regulations are mainly as follows: 1. Relax the balcony size regulations and add the content that "the depth of half of the balcony shall not exceed 2.4m, and the horizontal projected area of ​​the excess part shall be fully included in the prescribed building area." Previously, the balcony The depth cannot exceed 2.4m. After the revision, the balcony can be made wider; 2. Increase the size of the bay window. The depth of the bay window increases from 0.6m to 0.8m, which means that the area of ​​the bay window will also increase; 3. Reduce the size of the bay window. Area, some public spaces such as computer rooms and refuge floors are listed as "area not counted"; 4. The building height of residences and dormitories should not be greater than 150m, and super-high-rise residences are controlled.

Foshan, Huizhou, Zhaoqing, Fuzhou, Changsha and other cities have recently introduced similar new regulations to encourage real estate companies to improve the practicality of houses.

Among them, Foshan mentioned the newly transferred residential land. The upper limit of the "halved" area of ​​the balcony in the residential suite was increased from 18% to 20% of the building area of ​​the suite; the depth and area restrictions on a single balcony were cancelled. In Huizhou, large balconies with high ceilings and staggered levels can be used to create household sky gardens; the part of the household sky garden that is not less than two natural floors is not included in the floor area ratio and the property area.

Regarding the intensive introduction of new regulations in many cities to "reduce the area of ​​shared pools and increase the housing acquisition rate," Song Ding, a researcher at the national high-end think tank CDI, believes: "It is equivalent to striving for as much as possible for home buyers under the condition of legal compliance. The size of the housing reduces the price pressure on home buyers, which is also a way to promote housing sales.”

Li Yujia, chief researcher of the Guangdong Provincial Housing Policy Research Center, told reporters that Guangzhou has also been optimizing policies on housing rates, such as increasing the proportion of semi-open areas, balconies and bay windows to the entire building area, and only half of the calculated area is counted. , the housing acquisition rate will naturally increase. In addition, there are some auxiliary rooms that are not included in the pool, including overhead floors, fire escapes, elevator shafts, etc.

He also pointed out that this may become a new national trend. "The country has proposed a combination of overall planning and digestion of stock and optimization of increment. This is actually a manifestation of 'optimization of increment'."

“Kobe style” was popular in Hangzhou before 2017

Speaking of the increase in housing availability, people can't help but think of the era of "Kobe-style" housing all over Hangzhou.

This originated from the "70/90" period in Hangzhou's real estate history. Many real estate projects required more than 70% to be small units, so competition was fierce. Developers racked their brains to increase the usable area in order to win the favor of home buyers.

For example, in Zhonghai Qiantang Shanshui, the 89㎡ unit can have an astonishing five bedrooms and two living rooms, with a bonus area of ​​up to 30㎡; another example is Ludu Yujing Lanwan, the 89㎡ unit has a bonus area of ​​up to 43㎡; Shunfa and Meijia are even more " "Buy one floor and get one free", the owner can expand the property independently up to 170㎡, which was once called the strongest 90㎡ unit in the history of Hangzhou.

In 2015, an 80-square-meter flat-floor apartment in Shunfa Meizai Meicheng managed to create an indoor space of more than 120 square meters, while the 96-square-meter split-level apartment also added an equipment platform, a full-height balcony, a bay window, and a high-ceiling living room. After waiting for various expandable space elements, the actual usable area is as high as 148 square meters.

In the same year, Xiaoshan Wenyan's Binjiang Oriental Coast had an 89.5-square-meter unit that could be converted into a 121-square-meter four-bedroom apartment. It even had a walk-in cloakroom, and the actual usable area of ​​137 square meters was as high as 160.6 square meters.

Also in 2015, Xinhu Film in Yuhang District held a "90㎡" event for its "Kobe-type" that can accommodate the most people in the world. At that time, it accommodated 714 people and successfully applied for the world record.

In that era, including the free area, it was not uncommon in Hangzhou for the housing acquisition rate to exceed 100%.

A senior real estate engineering person in Hangzhou told reporters that Hangzhou has not yet followed up, but it is still worth looking forward to.

On July 1, 2014, the Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development approved the release of the "Code for Calculation of Building Area of ​​Construction Projects", which clarified that the area that can be used for gifts such as bay windows and double-height terraces will all be included in the calculation of the building area. .

However, it was not until 2017 that this "Specification" was implemented in Hangzhou. In April of that year, when a residential land in the main urban area of ​​Hangzhou was listed, it stipulated: "The equipment platform shall calculate the floor area ratio based on the entire horizontal projected area." It also required: no double-height functional buildings shall be set up; no beams shall be set up or reserved. , walls, columns, etc.; decorative spaces such as flower ponds and balconies are not allowed; patios, lighting wells, ventilation wells, exhaust wells, bay windows, etc. that are not in compliance with the logic of construction and use are not allowed.

Since then, small new houses of less than 90 square meters in Hangzhou have gradually disappeared. In order to reach the practical area of ​​90 square meters in the past, the construction area is basically around 100 square meters, which means that home buyers have to pay at least 300,000 to 400,000 yuan more. In addition, Hangzhou's floor area ratio has increased, and the number of high-rise housing has increased. Compared with the past bungalows, the housing acquisition rate has dropped significantly.

“Before the “Specifications” came into effect, developers in Hangzhou used methods such as double-layer hollows and odd-even staggered floors to show off their unique skills in unit layout. As a result, there were many classic properties. On the contrary, in recent years, the unit types of new developments in Hangzhou have gradually become homogeneous. "The senior real estate engineering person told reporters.

However, in the five or six years since 2017, new houses in Hangzhou "have no worries about selling". Both developers and home buyers did not care so much about the housing acquisition rate during that period.

By March 2023, Zhejiang Province's "Notice on Adjusting the Technical Standards of the "Technical Regulations for Calculation of Construction Project Building Area and Comprehensive Measurement of Completion" was officially implemented, and the calculation of residential building area has become more stringent.

The biggest change is reflected in the balcony area. According to the adjusted regulations, the building area of ​​the balcony should be calculated based on 1/2 of the horizontal projected area of ​​the space enclosed by the outer surface of the enclosure; when the balcony is closed, it should be calculated based on the horizontal projected area of ​​the space enclosed by the outer surface of the enclosure. . In short, if the balcony is not enclosed, it will be counted as half the area. As long as the balcony is enclosed, it will be counted as the full area. Originally, the balcony envelope was counted as half the area.

The senior real estate engineering person said: "Hangzhou's residential building area calculation rules are strict. The current practice in Hangzhou is to only look at whether the balcony is fully enclosed or semi-enclosed. Many projects in Binjiang District and Yuhang District require public facades. That is to say, the balcony must be fully enclosed, so the room acquisition rate will be even lower.”

Nowadays, the direction of determining the calculation of residential building area across the country is changing, and it has become a trend to increase the housing acquisition rate from the policy level. So will Hangzhou follow suit? Relevant departments in Hangzhou told reporters that under the background of the country's determination to boost confidence in the property market, home buyers can still look forward to the return of Hangzhou's "Kobe style".

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