Many of them went abroad to commit telecommunications fraud, and more than 80 people tried to sneak into Laos and were discovered on the spot at Pudong Airport.

Release time:Apr 23, 2024 20:01 PM

"One-stop immigration agency", "You can find a good job with just a phone call", "Easily earn tens of thousands a month"... These lies have led many "adventurers" to try to sneak out of the country, but what awaits them is legal sanctions. Recently, the People's Court of Jiading District, Shanghai heard a criminal case involving fraudulently obtaining visas and organizing more than 80 people to smuggle abroad. Three defendants were sentenced to fixed-term imprisonment ranging from 3 to 4 years.

Starting from 2021, in order to make illegal profits, Xiao and Li, under the arrangements of overseas personnel, searched for people who intended to go to Laos in Kunming and collected their passports. Then they obtained forged invitation letters from upstream personnel, which stated that they would go to Laos to engage in " business activities”. After the invitation letter was approved by the Lao Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the Ministry of Public Security and other state agencies, Wang was assigned by upstream personnel to assist Xiao in going to the Lao Consulate General in Kunming to submit passports and other materials for those who wanted to go to Laos. After investigation, Xiao, Li, and Wang applied for LA-B2 visas for two batches of more than 80 people that were inconsistent with their actual purpose and reason for leaving the country.

After obtaining the visas, the more than 80 people were notified and gathered at a resort hotel in Shanghai booked by upstream personnel. Wang assisted Xiao to check in the hotel for more than 40 of them, and distributed the passports and approval documents required for departure. etc. Documentary materials. However, when they left the country at Shanghai Pudong International Airport, staff at the entry-exit border inspection station discovered that the visas and approval documents they held were inconsistent with the purpose of going abroad, and the case was initiated.

The investigation showed that some of them went to Laos to engage in illegal and criminal activities such as gambling and telecommunications and network fraud. Currently, 19 people have been sentenced by courts to sentences ranging from eight months in prison to suspended sentences for illegally crossing the border.

Regarding the three organizers in this case, the Shanghai Jiading District People's Court held after hearing that Xiao and Wang organized others to cross the border illegally in large numbers, and their actions constituted the crime of organizing others to cross the border illegally. Li fraudulently obtained a visa in the name of labor export and provided it to others to use to sneak across the border. The circumstances were serious and his behavior constituted the crime of fraudulently obtaining exit documents. Although Xiao Moumou and Wang Moumou obeyed the instructions of upstream personnel, the criminal acts they actively committed were an indispensable and important link in the entire criminal chain. Their role in the joint crime was not secondary or auxiliary, and should not be regarded as Accessory.

Many of them went abroad to commit telecommunications fraud, and more than 80 people tried to sneak into Laos and were discovered on the spot at Pudong Airport.
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