Drug addicted women have regained their lives in this way. Some have entered drug rehabilitation centers 7 times, while others have started drug rehabilitation at the age of 8 | drug users | freshmen

Release time:Apr 13, 2024 23:44 PM

"Some poets compare women to roses, and female drug addicts are like withered roses. Their lives are eroded by drugs, their petals gradually lose their luster, and their branches and leaves wither day by day. In order to help them out of the 'poison pool', we need to take care of, educate, and guide them with more patience, care, and love than we do with our families," said Shi Yufeng slowly.

Shi Yufeng is the instructor of the First Brigade of the Shanghai Women's Compulsory Isolation and Drug Rehabilitation Center. This is the only centralized place in Shanghai to receive, manage, and educate women who undergo compulsory isolation and drug rehabilitation. After 15 years as a police officer, she successfully educated and transformed hundreds of drug rehabilitation personnel.

Most female drug users are sensitive in their minds, and after enjoying the brief and vain pleasure brought by drugs, they will quickly fall into panic, irritability, anxiety, and unease. Shi Yufeng has seen a variety of female drug addicts, some of whom suffer from serious diseases such as sexually transmitted diseases, AIDS, tuberculosis, and are discouraged about the future; Some are willing to resist drug rehabilitation through extreme methods such as hunger strikes and self harm; Some people swear to quit, but when they return to society, they cannot resist the temptation and repeatedly relapse.

Today is the 36th International Anti Drug Day, and Shi Yufeng tells the story of "sowing the sun" in the lost hearts of drug users and reigniting their hope.

Lack of companionship and love, they embark on the path of drug addiction

"Officer Shi, don't look at me as young. My poison age is not shorter than theirs." Ruirui, who said this, was only 18 years old, but her poison age was as long as 10 years. The first time I saw her, Shi Yufeng was deeply impressed. This child's eyes were full of cynicism, and he was even proud of his drug use experience. Speaking of his drug use history, he was full of pride.

A 10-year drug age means she was exposed to drugs when she was only 8 years old and in third grade of elementary school. Shi Yufeng couldn't imagine that a child the same age as her own son was struggling with a huge addiction to drugs with her small body, while her peers were still getting angry because they couldn't get their favorite toys and complaining that they couldn't play to their heart's content due to too much homework.

Drug addicted women have regained their lives in this way. Some have entered drug rehabilitation centers 7 times, while others have started drug rehabilitation at the age of 8 | drug users | freshmen

Ruirui's first bite is at her own home. Her father and friends often smoke at home. Once, when adults left midway, Ruirui picked up the bottles and jars on the table and licked them like they did. She is too young to know what addiction is, nor does she know what crystal meth is, only knowing that she has been thinking about it all along. When Ruirui was in junior high school, her parents divorced and both of them left her. She quickly dropped out of school and became more deeply bound to the "toxic circle".

Shi Yufeng found that many drug addicts embarked on the path of drug addiction because they lacked companionship and love during their growth process. They have a similar emotional journey - when drug addiction did not come, they always felt ashamed in their hearts, and sometimes regretted it and hid to cry; But once addiction arises, one can no longer care about dignity. As long as there is a way to get money and turn it into drugs in the first place, anything can be done.

Over the years, there have been more young girls coming to drug rehabilitation centers for drug rehabilitation. "Curiosity is an important factor for many young people to use drugs," said Shi Yufeng. After the emergence of drugs such as methamphetamine and ecstasy, which mainly damage the central nervous system and have weak dependence, many people mistakenly believe that they are not drugs. When they see their friends "skating" or "taking pills," many young people want to keep up with this trend.

"Every time I finish smoking, my mind and thoughts become particularly excited, and I can stay up for days and nights." Ruirui said, "In the days spent with drugs, my only life goal is to earn enough drug money to satisfy my addiction, and I have no time to think about the harm drugs can bring.". It was not until she began to quit drugs that she gradually understood that drugs can damage a person's physiological functions, harm the digestive system, nervous system, respiratory system, cardiovascular system, and even harm offspring.

Since Ruirui entered the drug rehabilitation center, Shi Yufeng has insisted on having weekly conversations with her alone, carefully reviewing her weekly records, and observing her psychological changes. However, it is not easy to enter the girl's heart. She has already locked her secret of growth in the deepest part of her heart and does not allow anyone to peek. When Shi Yufeng tried to communicate with her, she always evaded and avoided responding.

But as a police officer in charge, Shi Yufeng never gave up. He learned that Ruirui had lost a lot of love during her growth due to her parents taking drugs, and had a deep relationship with her grandmother who relied on her. He encouraged her to keep in touch with her grandmother more. "I told her that Grandma is getting old and you are her pillar now. You can't spend time in the rehabilitation center. If Grandma has a minor illness and no one takes care of her, she will listen to all these words."

At the drug rehabilitation center, Shi Yufeng has seen many drug addicts experience sudden changes in their homes, such as their parents passing away, their children falling seriously ill or even dying young. No matter how regretful they are, they can only beat their chests and burst into tears. Ruirui was very receptive to Shi Yufeng's words and expressed that she would not waste her youth due to drugs. Therefore, she actively recovered and seriously considered life and planned for the future.

Drug addicted women have regained their lives in this way. Some have entered drug rehabilitation centers 7 times, while others have started drug rehabilitation at the age of 8 | drug users | freshmen

Most women have rich emotions and soft hearts. When forcibly isolating female drug users for drug rehabilitation treatment, in addition to conventional drug treatment and psychological counseling, using family affection to inspire and inspire their drug rehabilitation fighting spirit is an important means.

Suffering from emotional setbacks, women are prone to relapse

"But sometimes, emotional enrichment can also be a double-edged sword." Shi Yufeng said that among drug addicts who undergo mandatory isolation and rehabilitation, many of them "enter the palace more". When they leave the rehabilitation center, their addiction has already been eliminated, and they swear that they will never come back again. In the first few years of going out, they have indeed not relapsed. However, once something unexpected happens or there are family changes, especially emotional setbacks, they often return to their original circle and embark on the path of relapse.

Shi Yufeng said that most of the women who take drugs do not have high academic qualifications, some are paranoid and tired of life, some are addicted to hallucinations and mentally abnormal, and when they encounter setbacks and do not know how to solve them, they find drugs to escape.

There is a girl who is a car model, standing nearly 1.7 meters tall. When she first entered the station, she weighed only over 30 kilograms and couldn't walk steadily; There is also a foreign language graduate who was originally a respectable white-collar worker, but due to frequent injections, many parts of his arms have ulcerated

Fangfang was just in her twenties when she arrived at the drug rehabilitation center. She told Shi Yufeng that her boyfriend was infected while injecting drugs. After being taken to the hospital, the doctor said that if he were injected with drugs intravenously, he could still live for a while. However, his blood vessel conditions were too poor, and he couldn't even find the veins. There was no way to continue his life in the end. This incident dealt a great blow to Fangfang. It was the first time she saw someone close to her die in bed from drug abuse, which strengthened her determination to quit drugs.

After leaving the drug rehabilitation center, after five or six years of hard work, Fangfang opened a shop and got married. Later, she had a lovely child, and the family was happy and harmonious. But to her surprise, Shi Yufeng met Fangfang again at the drug rehabilitation center. Due to her husband's infidelity and departure, she lost her originally happy family life. The grievances and resentment in her heart were difficult to resolve, and she once again picked up drugs.

Drug addicted women have regained their lives in this way. Some have entered drug rehabilitation centers 7 times, while others have started drug rehabilitation at the age of 8 | drug users | freshmen

Shi Yufeng said that the most difficult thing to quit drug addiction is heart addiction, which is more terrifying than floods and beasts. People who have been on drug rehabilitation for many years are prone to relapse once they contact people in their original circle.

When Fangfang entered the drug rehabilitation center, her child was only 5 years old. After her husband left, her daughter was her only support. Thinking of being separated from her daughter for so long again, she felt a bit overwhelmed. When she first arrived at the drug rehabilitation center, her emotions were very negative. She could easily get angry, throw things, and argue with others. Shi Yufeng talked to her several times and said, "I know you miss your daughter very much, so you should actively quit drug abuse and strive to reunite with her as soon as possible. We are all mothers now and should be more mature than before."

After a painful experience, Fangfang began to seriously quit drugs and became an active member. Before returning home to reunite with his daughter, Shi Yufeng patted her shoulder and said, "I hope I never see you again in this place." She smiled and said, "Don't worry, it won't happen again."

And Ruirui finally succeeded in drug rehabilitation and returned to society two years later, starting a new life. Now, 5 years have passed and she has not relapsed. During the follow-up, she tearfully told the visiting police officer, "It was Officer Shi who gave me a second life!"

Ruirui's experience also reminded Shi Yufeng to participate more in youth drug prevention propaganda and promote drug prevention knowledge among students. As early as 2019, the Women's Office established the "Shi Yufeng Studio" to carry out volunteer services for society. It has organized police officers to carry out volunteer service activities such as introducing anti drug knowledge into schools and communities multiple times.

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