Anti-drug police have taken action. Teenagers are likely to become a high-risk group for drug abuse.

Release time:Apr 23, 2024 20:01 PM

"Can this test drug addiction?" The reporter took off his VR helmet and left the gorgeous villa he had just seen. In the VR picture, a man and a woman are sitting on the sofa in the living room. There is a transparent bottle on the coffee table with two straws inserted into it, and white smoke is emitting. The two take deep breaths from time to time, looking intoxicated.

Zhang Chaojing, the policeman next to him, smiled, "Don't think the picture is simple. This is called a VR internal addiction test. For drug addicts, just one look at it will make them uneasy." At the Qingdong Compulsory Isolation Drug Rehabilitation Center in Shanghai where he works, By collecting eye movement, heart rate and other data from detoxification personnel during the viewing process, we can conduct a comprehensive analysis of their drug addiction level and physiological and psychological conditions, generate a personalized assessment report, and tailor detoxification and rehabilitation training on this basis.

Many people feel that drugs are far away from them, but do you really understand drugs? In 2022, the Qingdong Institute conducted a survey on drug awareness among hundreds of college students in Shanghai. Regarding first- and second-generation drugs such as opium and heroin, 88.2% of the respondents said they knew it, but were not very clear, and 11.8% said they were not sure; for third-generation drugs, new psychoactive substances " "Fairy Water", "Tinghua Water", etc., 22.2% of the respondents said they had heard of them, and 77.8% of the respondents said they did not know.

"Young people lack social experience and are very curious, and they are prone to become a high-risk group for new drug abuse and participate in drug crimes. Therefore, it is extremely important to strengthen anti-drug prevention education and improve young people's awareness of drug awareness, prevention and rejection of drugs." Qingdong Institute Youth League Committee is in charge Wang Wenjin said that in the process of creating the national youth rights protection post, they have been thinking about how to better carry out anti-drug legal education into campus practice based on the characteristics of students at different stages; how to link up inside and outside the institute, integrate the forces of all parties, and further expand anti-drug Publicity effect.

From pipes, smokers, and opium knives to hookahs and roller skates, the Qingdong Anti-Drug Education Center displays drug-taking tools from various periods. They record the changes in drug types over the past century: Opium extracted from natural plants , morphine, etc. are traditional drugs; later, there were artificially synthesized chemical drugs, such as methamphetamine, etc.; now, the most harmful ones are the "third generation drugs" represented by "fairy water" and "obedient water", whose ingredients are New psychoactive substances that can induce euphoric, hallucinogenic and other effects.

According to statistics, in 2017, the number of new psychoactive substances seized worldwide increased 400 times compared with 2001. For tramadol alone, global seizures increased from less than 10 kilograms in 2010 to 125 tons. New psychoactive substances are more potent than traditional drugs.

Sun Qi, who was recovering from drug addiction at Qingdong Institute, grew up in a small northern town. "I was a not-so-smart kid. I worked hard and got into key high schools and universities step by step. After graduation, I successfully entered a Fortune 500 company through fierce competition. , and was promoted to the Asia-Pacific technical research and development manager in three years. "Sun Qi said that his studies and work were going smoothly, which allowed him to gradually expand.

After coming into contact with drugs for the first time and experiencing the "wonderful high" that he had never experienced before, Pandora's box was opened. Immediately afterwards, he had many "firsts": the first time he was handcuffed, the first time he was detained, the first time he entered a detention center, the first time he was forced to undergo two years of solitary drug rehabilitation...

There are countless such examples. Qingdong Institute has compiled these real stories into the "Anti-Drug Propaganda Case Collection" to explain the law with cases and let students intuitively feel the harm of drugs. At the same time, in accordance with the work philosophy of "teaching a man to fish, it is better to teach him to fish", a "professional volunteer" anti-drug law popularization system has been constructed, and professional course training has been carried out for the anti-drug volunteer team of college students, and the anti-drug volunteer team has been continuously developed and strengthened. Team.

Addiction during the physiological detoxification period will produce different protracted symptoms, such as diarrhea, insomnia, alternation of hot and cold in the body, etc. Sometimes one has to change seven or eight pairs of pants a day due to diarrhea; some people survive the physiological detoxification period but cannot Psychological detoxification, I started taking drugs again the same day I came out of rehab. After physical and psychological detoxification, drug addicts still need to undergo rehabilitation treatment in order to gradually regain their normal behavioral and thinking abilities. This is the so-called drug addiction for one day, drug addiction for life.

From the perspective of a bystander, drug addicts destroy their bodies, ruin their families, and they are all to blame. In drug rehabilitation centers, they are offenders, patients, and victims at the same time. They must be strictly controlled, but also supported and cared for.

"In our work, we will use some new methods and technologies to help drug addicts, so that they can realize the cognitive damage or brain defects caused by drug abuse, so as to correctly understand drugs and correct wrong views." Zhang Chaojing said, for example There are scenes in VR videos of teeth falling out and skin ulceration after taking drugs. Drug addicts can restrain their urge to take drugs to a certain extent by seeing these harms. Next to the VR room, there are also transcranial magnetic therapy rooms, brainwave recognition training rooms, exercise addiction training rooms, etc., which can help drug addicts carry out cognitive rehabilitation and improve concentration.

In order to broaden anti-drug publicity, Qingdong Institute used these new technologies and methods to carry out a series of interactive and experiential anti-drug publicity and education, and opened an anti-drug education exhibition hall to explore immersive publicity and education methods. Now it has received more than 20 batches of young people to visit and exchange, and through on-site teaching, students can feel the huge social harm caused by drugs.

Before this year's International Anti-Drug Day, the Office of the National Narcotics Control Commission of China released the "2022 China Drug Situation Report". my country's drug illegal and criminal activities have dropped to the lowest point in the past ten years. The scale of drug supply and drug consumption continues to decrease, and the number of existing drug addicts is higher than at the peak. down 56%. This is inseparable from the crackdown and rectification by relevant departments, and is also closely related to the in-depth development of anti-drug publicity and education.

"Anti-drug propaganda is not done once, but for a long time. We have formulated implementation details for carrying out anti-drug propaganda volunteer activities, and will carry out anti-drug propaganda throughout the year, and have successively visited more than 50 colleges and universities in Qingpu, Songjiang, Pudong, Jiading and other regions. The anti-drug propaganda has an audience of more than 4,000 people. "Wang Wenjin said that they have developed five major courseware for primary school students, middle school students, high school students, college students and other young people, with different content. For example, they will remind college students that some new psychoactive substances will be used. Criminals package them as "weight loss pills", "sleeping pills" and "smart pills", so you need to be extra careful; while for primary and secondary school students, they use physical models disguised as stickers, milk tea, popping candies, etc. to explain.

For drug addicts, there is still a long way to go between leaving the drug rehabilitation center and truly returning to society. In order to help them walk this journey successfully, Qingdong Institute signed a contract with Shanghai Ziqiang Social Service Corporation and hired anti-drug social workers as return counselors to carry out return psychological adjustment, family relapse prevention, and community care for drug addicts who are about to return to society. Rehabilitation guidance, community affairs management and other guidance.

"Xiao Tu, I'm so excited. I went to participate in the 6.26 anti-drug event and shook hands with the city leaders..." One afternoon, social worker Tu Jiaqiu received a call from his client, Xiao Zhang. They have kept in touch since Xiao Zhang left the drug rehabilitation center in 2012. When Xiao Zhang was released from the police station, he was hit hard by his repeated failures in finding a job. He repeatedly told Tu Jiaqiu that he was useless, a failure, and an outcast from society. He even said, "Eating at home every day and burdening my parents, why not return home?" Forced to be in a detention center and eat from the country."

Tu Jiaqiu knew that Xiao Zhang had strong hands-on skills and good academic performance when he was studying, so he encouraged him to explore his own shining points and not give up on himself because of the mistakes he had made. A month later, Xiao Zhang happily told Tu Jiaqiu that he had found a job, and there was an interesting episode. Xiao Zhang picked up a red wallet containing a large amount of cash when he went out. He waited there for more than an hour. The owner of the property, the old lady, found her and thanked her excitedly. She also posted a red list of thanks at the gate of the community. Later, after Xiao Zhang submitted his resume to a supermarket, the old man’s granddaughter called and said that she was an old employee of the supermarket and directly recommended Xiao Zhang to meet the manager. This job became the starting point of his rebirth.

In fact, Xiao Zhang's road to return was not easy. While in the drug rehab center, Xiao Zhang developed a deep friendship with two teammates in the group. They encouraged each other to quit drugs after leaving. Xiao Zhang was released from prison for the first time and signed a community rehabilitation agreement. Three months later, he learned that one of his friends had not even stepped foot into the house on the day he was released from the prison, and was arrested for relapse and forced to quit. Two months later, another friend of Xiao Zhang's had just been released from the prison. He died in the hotel the next day. The cause of death was an overdose of injection drugs. Although more than ten years have passed, Xiao Zhang still chokes up when talking about this incident during anti-drug propaganda.

"In addition to offline activities, we also make full use of online courses and new media platforms to carry out anti-drug publicity." Wang Wenjin said that next, they will integrate resources from all parties, continue to refine anti-drug publicity and legal knowledge, strengthen linkage with various units, and guide Educate young people to cherish life and stay away from drugs, so that the concept of "healthy life, green and non-toxic" can be deeply rooted in the hearts of the people.

Anti-drug police have taken action. Teenagers are likely to become a high-risk group for drug abuse.
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