This month may be the hottest on record, with the arrival of the "global boiling era" and global warming. | The hottest month on record | July of this year

Release time:Apr 14, 2024 11:26 AM

The World Meteorological Organization and the Copernicus Climate Change Service of the European Union stated on July 27th that given the significantly higher global average temperatures in the first three weeks of this month, it is almost certain that this month will become the hottest on record. Scientists also say that this month will be the hottest in approximately 120000 years. UN officials are calling on countries to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and curb global warming.

"The Boiling Age"

Since the beginning of summer in the northern hemisphere, North America, Europe, and Asia have all been hit by heatwaves, with temperatures breaking records one after another. Although this month has not yet ended, the World Meteorological Organization and the Copernicus Climate Change Service of the European Union have concluded that it is likely to be the hottest month on record, which is seen as a new key milestone in the climate change process.

According to the Copernican Climate Change Service, the average temperature for the first 23 days of this month was 16.95 degrees Celsius, higher than the record set in July 2019 of 16.63 degrees Celsius.

On the 6th of this month, it became the hottest day on record, with the average surface temperature rising to 17.08 degrees Celsius, breaking the record set in August 2016-16.8 degrees Celsius.

It is reported that the term "recorded" generally refers to the period since 1940, but many scientists have indicated that based on research on tree rings, coral reefs, and deep-sea sediments, the current global average temperature is likely to be the highest in 120000 years, with estimated sea levels at that time being about 8 meters higher than today.

"This is the highest temperature in human history," said Samantha Burgess, Deputy Director of the Copernican Climate Change Service.

The magnitude of global warming has also attracted the attention of scientists. It is reported that the global average temperature used to break records with a rise of only 0.01 degrees Celsius, at most 0.1 degrees Celsius, but now it has reached a rise of 0.3 degrees Celsius.

UN Secretary General Antonio Guterres warned that "the era of global warming has come to an end" and "the era of global boiling has arrived".

global warming

Scientists generally believe that the intensification of global warming is due to the extensive use of fossil fuels in human production and life since the industrial era, which has led to greenhouse gas emissions.

"Global temperature is directly proportional to the concentration of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere," Burgess said.

Karsten Haustein, a scientist at the University of Leipzig in Germany, concluded through research that the average surface temperature in July this year is likely to be about 1.5 degrees Celsius higher than before the widespread use of fossil fuels.

And 1.5 degrees Celsius is considered a critical threshold. In 2015, the Paris Agreement reached by more than 100 countries worldwide proposed to control the global temperature rise within 2 degrees Celsius compared to the pre industrial period within this century, and strive to control it within 1.5 degrees Celsius. Achieving this goal is seen as the key to curbing global warming.

Against the backdrop of global warming, it is not surprising that this month has become the hottest on record. According to the Copernican Climate Change Service, June this year was the hottest month on record, with "quite high heat.".

However, some argue that relying solely on one to two months of temperature conditions is not enough to conclude that the plan of 1.5 degrees Celsius in the Paris Agreement has failed.

The resurgence of the El Ni ñ o phenomenon is also seen as one of the drivers of this round of high temperatures. Last month, the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration of the United States announced the occurrence of an El Ni ñ o phenomenon and pointed out that it "may create new temperature records in certain regions.". However, some scientists have indicated that the current El Ni ñ o phenomenon is still in its developmental stage and its "power" has not yet been fully unleashed.

As the effects of climate warming and El Ni ñ o gradually become apparent, scientists are concerned that 2023 or 2024 will become the hottest year on record.

According to CNN, climate scientist Kim Cobb from Brown University said it is worrisome that if viewed from a decade later perspective, this year is likely to be seen as a relatively cooler year.

Scientists also suggest that more time is needed to conduct extensive research to clarify the specific reasons behind this summer's scorching heat and the development trend of global warming.

Cruel reality

In fact, extreme high temperatures are only a manifestation of climate change, and what is even more concerning is other extreme weather events. Even if the global average temperature only rises by 1 degree Celsius, it may still have an impact on human production and life.

Recently, due to the "most severe" wildfires in Canadian history, air pollution has been severe in many parts of Canada and the United States, and the heat index has skyrocketed simultaneously.

In Europe, France, Spain, Germany, and Poland are also suffering from heatwaves and wildfires are raging in multiple parts of Greece.

In Asia, countries such as South Korea, Japan, and India are experiencing record breaking rainfall and floods, which not only take lives but also threaten food security.

The survival status of coral reefs in hot tubs along the coasts of Australia and Florida in the United States is concerning.

Even Antarctica, one of the coldest places on Earth, cannot escape the impact of high temperatures, causing sea ice to drop to a new low.

Burgess said that this is "unprecedented".

"Unfortunately, the extreme weather that has affected millions of people this month is a harsh reality brought about by climate change and a precursor to the future," said Petri Taras, Secretary General of the World Meteorological Organization.

According to the Associated Press, climate scientist Andrea Dutton from the University of Wisconsin Madison said that people are facing a challenge - finding ways to survive in "unprecedented" high temperatures. "The soaring temperature not only puts increasing pressure on the power grid and infrastructure, but also puts greater pressure on human health, which some people can no longer bear."

UN officials such as Guterres are urging world leaders, especially wealthy countries, to take more measures to reduce greenhouse gas emissions.

Taras said that the need to reduce greenhouse gas emissions is more urgent than ever before. "Taking action to address climate change is not a luxury item, but a necessity."

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